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CLJ Bulletin, Issue 2016, Vol 11
17 March 2016

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  2. CLJ 2016 Volume 2 (Part 6)

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  5. Legislation Alert


Legal Network Series

[2015] 1 LNS 202


UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - S. 39B(1)(a) - Pengedaran dadah berbahaya - Dadah jenis cannabis seberat 13,882g - Dadah dijumpai di dalam kereta - Sama ada inti pati s. 39B(1)(a) telah dibuktikan - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai milikan dan pengetahuan keatas dadah berbahaya - Sama ada dadah yang dirampas adalah untuk tujuan pengedaran - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai jagaan dan kawalan terhadap kereta dan dadah yang berada di dalam kereta - Sama ada anggapan statutori dibawah s. 37(da) terpakai

UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - S. 12(2) - Pemilikan dadah berbahaya - Dadah jenis methamphetamine seberat 18.22g - Dadah dirampas dari poket seluar tertuduh - Sama ada inti pati s. 12(2) telah dibuktikan - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai milikan dan pengetahuan keatas dadah berbahaya - Sama ada anggapan statutori dibawah s. 37(d) terpakai

PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Ekshibit - Pemutusan rantaian keterangan - Perbezaan dalam berat kasar dadah - Pengurangan seberat 179.82g daripada jumlah berat lebih kurang 15kg - Sama ada perbezaan dalam pengurangan berat kasar dadah adalah besar - Sama ada terdapat pemutusan rantaian keterangan barang kes

UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Niat bersama - Pengedaran - Dadah berbahaya - Pembuktian melalui fakta dan keadaan keseluruhan kes - Sama ada tertuduh-tertuduh mempunyai niat bersama dalam memiliki dadah secara bersama dan untuk mengedar dadah tersebut secara bersama

[2015] 1 LNS 214


PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Hukuman - Kesalahan pertama - Kesalahan penyeludupan migran - Sama ada faktor kesalahan pertama wajar diambil kira sebelum hukuman dijatuhkan - Sama ada hukuman yang panjang menguntungkan tertuduh dan masyarakat

PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Rayuan - Rayuan terhadap hukuman dan sabitan - Kesalahan penyeludupan migran - Hukuman penjara 7 tahun - Sama ada tempoh pemenjaraan selama 7 tahun adalah terlampau panjang

[2015] 1 LNS 222


PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Rayuan - Rayuan terhadap hukuman - Rayuan oleh pihak pendakwaan - Rayuan terhadap hukuman penjara 3 tahun keatas kesalahan merompak - Kepentingan awam - Pengadu pengsan setelah dijerut oleh tertuduh dengan tali - Penggunaan kekerasan ketika rompakan - Sama ada hukuman penjara 3 tahun adalah memadai

PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Penghukuman - Prinsip-prinsip - Kesalahan merompak dan penggunaan kekerasan ketika rompakan - Kepentingan awam - Sama ada kesusahan peribadi atau keluarga merupakan faktor mitigasi yang perlu diambil kira dalam prinsip penghukuman

PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Hukuman - Rompakan - Denda - Kewujudan keuntungan kewangan kepada penyerang daripada hasil rompakan - Sama ada hukuman denda wajar dijatuhkan

[2015] 1 LNS 417


CIVIL PROCEDURE: Injunction - Injunction to restrain presentation of winding up petition - Abuse of process - Disputed debt - Presentation of winding up petition based on costs of action awarded by court - Costs of certain amount to be paid to several defendants without specifying apportionment - Payment made by plaintiff on equal apportionment - Whether there was balance costs unpaid to be a basis for a winding up petition - Whether presentation of winding up petition would constitute an abuse of process - Whether injunction ought to be granted

CIVIL PROCEDURE: Costs - Apportionment - Court ordered costs of certain amount to be paid to several defendants without specifying exact apportionment payable to each defendant - Intention of court - Whether costs to be apportioned equally

[2015] 1 LNS 429


ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: Judicial review - Certiorari - Application to quash award of Industrial Court - Declaration that dismissal was for just cause and excuse - Reliance on unpleaded allegation - Whether Industrial Court erred on application of law relating to dismissal - Whether Industrial Court exercised its twofold function properly - Whether Industrial Court's findings based on unpleaded findings ought to be quashed

LABOUR LAW: Employment - Dismissal - Failure of officer to deposit revenue collected into company's account - Breach of company practice - Immunity from dismissal - Whether long years of unblemished service entitled an employee to immunity from dismissal - Whether there was serious breach of accepted practice which warranted dismissal - Whether dismissal was a proportionate punishment

CLJ 2016 Volume 2 (Part 6)


Inas Faiqah Mohd Helmi (A Child Suing Through Her Father And Next Friend; Mohd Helmi Abdul Aziz) v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
Arifin Zakaria CJ, Md Raus Sharif Pca, Abdull Hamid Embong, Hasan Lah, Abu Samah Nordin FCJJ
(Tort - Medical negligence - Infant suffered from quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy from child birth and treatment at hospital - Claim for general, special and future damages) [2016] 2 CLJ 885 [FC]


Sarah Sayeed Majangah & Anor v. Lembaga Getah Malaysia & Anor
Lim Yee Lan, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, Nallini Pathmanathan JJCA
(Contract - Formation - Subject to contract - Specific performance) [2016] 2 CLJ 905 [CA]


Cheah Wei Ping lwn. Warta Kekal Sdn Bhd
Mariana Yahya H
(Kontrak - Tanah Rizab Melayu - Pembelian tanah oleh orang bukan Melayu - Prasyarat perjanjian jual beli - Pembatalan Tanah Rizab Melayu) [2016] 2 CLJ 918 [HC]

Dato' Ting Ching Lee & Ors v. Ting Siu Hua
Alwi Wahab JC
(Civil Procedure - Striking out - Counterclaim for recovery of gambling debt) [2016] 2 CLJ 933 [HC]

Desiree Couture Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Anne F Co Ltd & Ors
Azizul Azmi Adnan JC
(Contract; Tort - Joint venture agreement - Termination - Defamation - Appointment of debt collector - Whether independent contractor - Vicarious liability) [2016] 2 CLJ 942 [HC]

Kiu Su Sieng & Ors v. Registrar Of Lands And Surveys, Kuching Division
Rhodzariah Bujang J
(Land Law - Registrar's caveat - Application for removal of caveats) [2016] 2 CLJ 959 [HC]

Kovalan Rajoo v. Hanif Muhamad Pauzi
Choo Kah Sing JC
(Damages - Appeal against quantum - Fracture of pubic tubercle) [2016] 2 CLJ 965 [HC]

Ranjeet Singh Sidhu & Anor v. Zavarco Plc & Ors
Wong Kian Kheong JC
(Civil Procedure; Company Law; Evidence - Setting aside earlier judgment or order in fresh suit - Striking out - Double derivative action - Fraud on minority - Commencement of common law derivative action in Malaysia against company incorporated in England - Judicial notice - Opinions on English law) [2016] 2 CLJ 975 [HC]



Judgments and orders - Setting aside - Setting aside earlier judgment or order in fresh suit - Fraud or collusion - Whether judgment or order obtained by fraud or collusion could be invalidated - Evidence Act 1950, s. 44
Ranjeet Singh Sidhu & Anor v. Zavarco Plc & Ors
(Wong Kian Kheong JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 975 [HC]

Striking out - Action - Action against solicitors - Defence of legal privilege - Whether suit could be struck out by reason of legal privilege - Evidence Act 1950, s. 126(1)
Ranjeet Singh Sidhu & Anor v. Zavarco Plc & Ors
(Wong Kian Kheong JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 975 [HC]

Striking out - Action - Double derivative action - Existence of several cause of action - Non-disclosure of any reasonable cause of action after plaintiff filed application for discovery and interrogatories - Whether claim could be struck out
Ranjeet Singh Sidhu & Anor v. Zavarco Plc & Ors
(Wong Kian Kheong JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 975 [HC]

Striking out - Action - Examination on restitutionary remedy at interlocutory stage - Allegation of illegality - Whether trial needed to determine availability of restitutionary remedy - Whether suit ought to be struck out
Ranjeet Singh Sidhu & Anor v. Zavarco Plc & Ors
(Wong Kian Kheong JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 975 [HC]

Striking out - Counterclaim - Application for - Counterclaim for recovery of gambling debt - Whether against public policy and illegal - Whether counterclaim maintainable - Civil Law Act 1956, s. 26(2), (4) - Contracts Act 1950, ss. 24, 31
Dato' Ting Ching Lee & Ors v. Ting Siu Hua
(Alwi Wahab JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 933 [HC]

Striking out - Counterclaim - Counterclaim made against first plaintiff alone - Whether application to strike out counterclaim could be made against second and third plaintiffs jointly - Whether all plaintiffs entitled to be heard in course of justice - Failure to invoke O. 18 r. 19(1)(a) Rules of Court 2012 - Whether fatal
Dato' Ting Ching Lee & Ors v. Ting Siu Hua
(Alwi Wahab JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 933 [HC]


Derivative action - Double derivative actions - Commencement of common law derivative action in Malaysia against company incorporated in England - Whether permission of English High Court required before filing suit in Malaysia
Ranjeet Singh Sidhu & Anor v. Zavarco Plc & Ors
(Wong Kian Kheong JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 975 [HC]

Derivative action - Fraud on minority - Double derivative action and multiple derivative actions - Interest of justice - Safeguarding interest of company and shareholders - Whether double derivative actions and multiple derivative actions could be filed in Malaysia - Whether necessary in interest of justice to safeguard interest of company and shareholders
Ranjeet Singh Sidhu & Anor v. Zavarco Plc & Ors
(Wong Kian Kheong JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 975 [HC]

Derivative action - Leave - Leave to commence common law derivative action - Whether leave of Malaysian court required before commencement of a common law derivative suit against Malaysian company
Ranjeet Singh Sidhu & Anor v. Zavarco Plc & Ors
(Wong Kian Kheong JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 975 [HC]


Formation - Subject to contract - Draft lease agreement - Whether an offer simpliciter could be revoked by a counter offer - Whether terms of agreement negotiated fit for execution - Whether parties reached consensus ad idem - Whether contract prima facie concluded - Unilateral act of one party seeking to withdraw from agreement - Whether amounted to breach of obligations
Sarah Sayeed Majangah & Anor v. Lembaga Getah Malaysia & Anor
(Lim Yee Lan, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, Nallini Pathmanathan JJCA) [2016] 2 CLJ 905 [CA]

Joint venture - Joint venture agreement (`JVA') - Termination - Shipment of goods delivered prior to termination of JVA - Price of goods sold not determined in JVA - Whether price of goods sold should be wholesale price, agreed price under joint venture or ex-factory price - Whether plaintiffs returned unsold goods within reasonable time - Whether plaintiffs deemed to have appropriated goods - Whether plaintiffs liable for diminution in value of returned goods
Desiree Couture Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Anne F Co Ltd & Ors
(Azizul Azmi Adnan JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 942 [HC]

Specific performance - Refusal to grant - Appeal against - Draft lease agreement - Whether an offer simpliciter could be revoked by a counter offer - Whether terms of agreement negotiated fit for execution - Whether parties reached consensus ad idem - Whether contract prima facie concluded - Whether specific performance of lease agreement should be granted
Sarah Sayeed Majangah & Anor v. Lembaga Getah Malaysia & Anor
(Lim Yee Lan, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, Nallini Pathmanathan JJCA) [2016] 2 CLJ 905 [CA]


Quantum - Appeal against quantum - Fracture of pubic tubercle - Award of damages based on itemised injuries in each segment of bones surrounding pelvis - Whether damages awarded excessive - Whether pelvic injuries ought to be considered as one - Whether global sum should be awarded
Kovalan Rajoo v. Hanif Muhamad Pauzi
(Choo Kah Sing JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 965 [HC]


Judicial notice - Foreign law - Opinions on English law - Judicial notice of opinions on English law - Evidence Act 1950, s. 57(1)(b)
Ranjeet Singh Sidhu & Anor v. Zavarco Plc & Ors
(Wong Kian Kheong JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 975 [HC]


Caveat - Registrar's caveat - Application for removal of caveats - Registrar lodged caveats against lands upon official request by police - Whether land owners charged with criminal offence - Whether under any police investigation - Failure to disclose police report justifying lodgement of caveats - Whether fatal - Whether caveats maintainable in law
Kiu Su Sieng & Ors v. Registrar Of Lands And Surveys, Kuching Division
(Rhodzariah Bujang J) [2016] 2 CLJ 959 [HC]


Damages - Negligence - Medical negligence - Infant suffered from quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy from child birth and treatment at hospital - Claim for general, special and future damages - Whether quantum of damages awarded appropriate and justified
Inas Faiqah Mohd Helmi (A Child Suing Through Her Father And Next Friend; Mohd Helmi Abdul Aziz) v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
(Arifin Zakaria CJ, Md Raus Sharif PCA, Abdull Hamid Embong, Hasan Lah, Abu Samah Nordin FCJJ) [2016] 2 CLJ 885 [FC]

Defamation - Defamatory statements - Appointment of debt collector by defendant to collect amount owed by plaintiff - Debt collector issued flyers referring plaintiff as cheat - Relationship between defendant and debt collector - Whether debt collector an independent contractor - Whether defendant vicariously liable for defamation - Whether defendants participated in defamation
Desiree Couture Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Anne F Co Ltd & Ors
(Azizul Azmi Adnan JC) [2016] 2 CLJ 942 [HC]

Negligence - Medical negligence - Claim for damages - Infant suffered from quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy from child birth and treatment at hospital - Assessment of future loss and damage - Standard of proof - Whether on a balance of probabilities - Whether trial judge placed strict proof or specific proof as basis for claim for future damage - Whether resulted in huge reduction in compensation - Whether sum awarded appropriate and justified
Inas Faiqah Mohd Helmi (A Child Suing Through Her Father And Next Friend; Mohd Helmi Abdul Aziz) v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
(Arifin Zakaria CJ, Md Raus Sharif PCA, Abdull Hamid Embong, Hasan Lah, Abu Samah Nordin FCJJ) [2016] 2 CLJ 885 [FC]



Perjanjian jual beli tanah - Tanah Rizab Melayu - Pembelian tanah oleh orang bukan Melayu - Prasyarat perjanjian jual beli - Pembatalan Tanah Rizab Melayu - Penyerahan hak milik daftar asal tanpa endorsmen Tanah Rizab Melayu - Sama ada prasyarat dipenuhi oleh plaintif - Sama ada defendan harus menyerahkan hak milik baru kepada plaintif - Sama ada perjanjian sah menurut undang-undang - Sama ada plaintif berhak ke atas ganti rugi - Akta Kontrak 1950, s. 24
Cheah Wei Ping lwn. Warta Kekal Sdn Bhd
(Mariana Yahya H) [2016] 2 CLJ 918 [HC]


Rizab Melayu - Pembelian Tanah Rizab Melayu - Prasyarat perjanjian jual beli - Pembatalan Tanah Rizab Melayu - Penyerahan hak milik daftar asal tanpa endorsmen Tanah Rizab Melayu - Sama ada prasyarat dipenuhi oleh plaintif - Sama ada defendan harus menyerahkan hak milik baru kepada plaintif - Sama ada perjanjian sah menurut undang-undang
Cheah Wei Ping lwn. Warta Kekal Sdn Bhd
(Mariana Yahya H) [2016] 2 CLJ 918 [HC]


LNS Article(s)

    MADAN MOHAN** [2016] 1 LNS(A) xxiv

  2. [2016] 1 LNS(A) xxiv




    The Court of Appeal, in the case of Asia Pacific Publishing Pte Ltd v. Pioneers & Leaders (Publishers) Pte Ltd [2011] SGCA 37 (“Asia Pacific Publishing”) recently adjudicated upon the issue of a body corporate as the author of a copyright work.

    Factual Matrix

    The appellant, Asia Pacific Publishing Pte Ltd and the respondent, Pioneers & Leaders(Publishers) Pte Ltd (both incorporated as a private limited company under Singapore law) were in the business of publishing horse racing magazines, Racing Guide (“RG”) and Punter’s Way (“PW”), respectively.

    The respondent alleged that between the period of 30 June 2007 and 5 June 2008, the appellant had infringed their copyright by copying and reproducing the compilation of tables which were materially similar to their proprietary compilation. The compilation of tables in dispute was a set of four tables that adopted the horse-racing information in the following sequence: (i) Race Card (which included information on participating horses, their recent physical status, their equipment, jockeys and their recent performances and strike rates of their trainers); (ii)Results Panel (which consisted of forecast on potential winners and blank spaces for readers to fill in the actual result); (iii) Track Work (which consisted of the performance of the horses before the race day for up to 21 days); and (iv) Records of Past Performances (which consisted of detailed history of each horse, including its pedigree, owner and stable, stake money it has won and past performances in the last six runs).

    . . .

    * This article was originally published in the (August/2012) issue of the Singapore Law Gazette (, the official publication of the Law Society of Singapore, published by LexisNexis. Reproduced with permission.

    ** Yeo-Leong & Peh LLC. E-mail:


Principal Acts

Number Title In force from Repealing
ACT 775 Traditional and Complementary Medicine Act 2016 Not Yet In Force -
ACT 774 Allied Health Professions Act 2016 Not Yet In Force -
ACT 773 Finance Act 2015 The Income Tax Act 1967 [Act 53] see s 3; The Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967 [Act 543] see s 33; The Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976 [Act 169] see s 39; The Labuan Business Activity Tax Act 1990 [Act 445] see s 44; The Goods and Services Tax Act 2014 [Act 762] see s 47; The Promotion of Investments Act 1986 [Act 327] see s 57 -
ACT 772 Animal Welfare Act 2015 Not Yet In Force -
ACT 771 Malaysian Aviation Commission Act 2015 1 March 2016 [PU(B) 88/2016] -

Amending Acts

Number Title In force from Principal/Amending Act No
ACT A1506 Tabung Angkatan Tentera (Amendment) Act 2016 8 March 2016 except s 2, para 4(c), ss 5 and 6, para 7(a) and ss 9 and 11; 1 January 2016 - s 2, para 4(c), ss 5 and 6, para 7(a) and ss 9 and 11 ACT 101
ACT A1505 Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation (Amendment) Act 2016 8 March 2016 ACT 720
ACT A1504 Employees Provident Fund (Amendment) Act 2016 Not Yet In Force ACT 452
ACT A1503 Supply Act 2016 24 December 2015  
ACT A1502 Development Financial Institutions (Amendment) Act 2015 31 January 2016 [PU(B) 46/2016] ACT 618


Number Title Date of Publication In force from Principal/ Amending Act No
PU(A) 62/2016 Prisons (Amendment) Regulations 2016 14 March 2016 15 March 2016 PU(A) 325/2000
PU(A) 61/2016 Prison (Parole) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 14 March 2016 15 March 2016 PU(A) 430/2010
PU(A) 60/2016 Personal Data Protection (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 2016 14 March 2016 15 March 2016 ACT 709
PU(A) 59/2016 Judges' Remuneration (Amendment of First and Fifth Schedules) Regulations 2016 11 March 2016 1 July 2015 ACT 45
PU(A) 58/2016 Federal Roads (Kajang Utama Interchange) Order 2016 9 March 2016 10 March 2016 ACT 376


Number Title Date of Publication In force from Principal/ Amending Act No
PU(B) 108/2016 Appointment of Deputy Public Prosecutor 15 March 2016 Specified in column (2) of the Schedule ACT 593
PU(B) 107/2016 Reservation of Land For Public Purpose For Lot 20048 Section 41 Town of Kuala Lumpur 15 March 2016 16 March 2016 ACT 56/1965
PU(B) 106/2016 Reservation of Land For Public Purpose For Lot 20003 Section 72 Town of Kuala Lumpur 15 March 2016 16 March 2016 ACT 56/1965
PU(B) 105/2016 Reservation of Land For Public Purpose For Lot 30 Section 3 Village of Kepong 15 March 2016 16 March 2016 ACT 56/1965
PU(B) 104/2016 Notice To Third Parties 14 March 2016 18 March 2016 ACT 613

Legislation Alert


Act/Principal No. Title Amended by In force from Section amended
ACT 720 Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation Act 2011 ACT A1505 8 March 2016 Chapter 4, Chapter 2 of Part V, Chapter 2A of Part VII, Section 2, 10, 14, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 78A, 80, 83, 84, 85, 90, 94, 95, 96, 99, 104, 106, 109,115, 120, 121, 127, 128E, 129, 130, 131A, 131B, 132, 133, 134, 134A, 134B, 135, 140, 141, 142, 142A, 142B, 142C, 144, 145, 146, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 161, 165, 178, 180, 196, 202, 203A, 204, 207A, 209 and First Schedule
PU(A) 430/2010 Prison (Parole) Regulations 2010 PU(A) 61/2016 15 March 2016 Regulations 1A and 6
PU(A) 272/2014 Goods and Services Tax (Zero-Rated Supply) Order 2014 PU(A) 56/2016 14 March 2016 First Schedule, Second Schedule and Appendix
PU(A) 462/2012 Limited Liability Partnerships Regulations 2012 PU(A) 55/2016 15 March 2016 Schedule
ACT 45 Judges' Remuneration Act 1971 PU(A) 59/2016 1 July 2015 First Schedule and Fifth Schedule




Act/Principal No. Title Revoked by In force from
PU(B) 40/2008 Constitution of Medical Boards PU(A) 52/2016 8 March 2016
PU(B) 143/2006 Constitution of Medical Boards PU(A) 52/2016 8 March 2016
PU(A) 221/2015 Passport (Visa to Tourist From the People's Republic of China) (Exemption) Order 2015 PU(A) 46/2016 1 March 2016 until 31 December 2016
PU(A) 325/1996 Companies (Exemption) Order 1996 PU(A) 42/2016 15 March 2016
PU(B) 165/2013 Polling Districts, Polling Centres and Polling Hours (Amendment) (No. 12) PU(B) 57/2016 17 February 2016 up to and including 1 March 2016