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Issue #31/2017
03 August 2017

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New This Week

  1. Case(s) of the Week

    1. PP v. MOHAMAD SABU  [2017] 7 CLJ 214

  2. Latest Cases

    1. Legal Network Series

    2. CLJ 2017 Volume 7 (Part 2)

  3. Articles

    1. LNS Article(s)

  4. Legislation Highlights

    1. Principal Acts

    2. Amending Acts

    3. PU(A)

    4. PU(B)

    5. Legislation Alert


PP v. MOHAMAD SABU  [2017] 7 CLJ 214
[CRIMINAL APPEAL NO: 42LB-34-07-2015]
31 MARCH 2017

CRIMINAL LAW: Defamation – Criminal defamation – Ingredients – Mens rea – Whether proved – Political speech imputing communists who attacked police station at Bukit Kepong in 1950 as freedom fighters – Whether defamatory of deceased policemen who defended station and families – Context in which speech was made – Whether in context of struggle for independence – Whether not putting policemen or families to ridicule or odium – Penal Code ss. 499, 500

CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Charge – Criminal defamation – Uttering words with intention to injure feelings of deceased person and family – Whether allegation not stated with particular precision – Whether charge did not disclose any offence – Mens rea – Whether mens rea as required by law not disclosed – Whether charge defective in substance – Whether bad in law – Penal Code ss. 499, 500


Legal Network Series

[2016] 1 LNS 202


PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Rayuan - Rayuan atas sabitan dan hukuman - Pertuduhan dibawah s. 17(a) & 28(1)(c) Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah 2009 ('ASPRM') - Kesalahan secara rasuah menyetu terima wang suapan dan memperoleh wang suapan - Kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh anggota badan awam - Penerimaan rasuah bertujuan untuk melepaskan pengadu daripada ditahan polis - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai pengetahuan berkenaan wang suapan - Sama ada anggapan dibawah s. 50(1) ASPRM terpakai - Sama ada anggapan dibawah s. 50(1) ASPRM telah dipatahkan

KETERANGAN: Saksi - Saksi memperingatkan semula dengan pernyataan saksi terdahulu sebelum bicara - Sama ada tindakan saksi menjejaskan kes pendakwaan - Sama ada melemahkan pemakaian ss. 159 & 161 Akta Keterangan 1950

[2016] 1 LNS 210


PERSATUAN TAK DIPERBADAN: Persatuan - Pembatalan - Cabaran terhadap keputusan pendaftar syarikat yang membatalkan pendaftaran syarikat - Persatuan dibatalkan atas kegagalan menghantar penyata akaun tahunan - Kegagalan ahli jawatankuasa persatuan untuk merayu kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri terhadap keputusan pembatalan yang dibuat oleh pendaftar syarikat - Sama ada perintah pembatalan persatuan adalah muktamad - Sama ada keputusan pendaftar syarikat boleh dicabar melalui saman pemula - Sama ada relif atau remedi yang telah disediakan di bawah s. 18 Akta Pertubuhan 1966 telah diikuti sepenuhnya

PERSATUAN TAK DIPERBADAN: Persatuan - Pendaftaran - Cabaran terhadap keputusan pendaftar syarikat yang menolak permohonan penubuhan syarikat baru - Kewujudan pertelingkahan di kalangan anggota persatuan lama - Kewujudan dua jawatankuasa baru yang cuba mendaftarkan persatuan baru bagi menggantikan persatuan lama - Sama ada cabaran terhadap keputusan pendaftar syarikat yang menolak permohonan penubuhan syarikat boleh dibuat melalui saman pemula

PROSEDUR SIVIL: Kaedah pemulaan - Ketidakpatuhan prosedur - Cabaran terhadap keputusan pendaftar syarikat melalui saman pemula - Keputusan pihak berkuasa awam - Sama ada cabaran terhadap keputusan pendaftar syarikat boleh dibuat melalui saman pemula - Sama ada pemfailan semakan kehakiman terhadap keputusan pendaftar syarikat adalah prosedur yang betul

[2017] 1 LNS 28


UTILITIES: Electricity supply - Usage - Claim for arrears of unpaid electricity bill - Tampering of meter - Shortage of charges - Amount due on running account - Whether plaintiff produced accurate record of total arrears - Whether plaintiff proved case based on running account - Whether plaintiff's claim was time barred

[2017] 1 LNS 31


CRIMINAL LAW: Dangerous drugs - Trafficking - Drugs were found at accused's house in his room - Possession - Drugs found based on information provided by accused - Accused showed location of drugs to raid officers - Whether presumption under s. 37(d) Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 applicable - Whether accused had custody and control over drugs

CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Defence - Denial - Offence of trafficking dangerous drugs - Drugs found based on information provided by accused - Allegation that premise accessible by other occupants - Accused had knowledge of whereabouts of drugs - Whether defence succeeded in rebutting presumption under s. 37(d) and 37(da) of Dangerous Drugs Act 1952

EVIDENCE: Expert - Admissibility - Evidence of chemist - Chemist did not state specifically amount of samples taken for analysis - Whether evidence of chemist was inherently incredible - Whether evidence of chemist admissible - Whether evidence of chemist ought to be accepted as prima facie evidence

[2017] 1 LNS 39


ROAD TRAFFIC: Negligence - Road accident - Collision between motorcycle and lorry - Collision in front of T-junction - Rider claimed unable to remember accident - Lorry driver claimed did not see motorcycle - Investigation officer failed to attend court to give evidence - Reliance on silent evidence - Existence of curve at short distance - Lorry already entered its right of way and was about to turn - Debris found scattered on other side of lorry - Front portion of motorcycle was badly damaged - Whether rider would be able to see lorry ahead him - Whether motorcycle was traveling at high speed - Whether rider should be blamed for accident

CLJ 2017 Volume 7 (Part 2)


Maybank Islamic Bhd v. M-IO Builders Sdn Bhd & Anor
Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Rohana Yusuf, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JJCA
(Banking - Whether purchase and resale of same assets prohibited under Syariah principal of financing - Whether claim for ta'widh justified) [2017] 7 CLJ 127 [CA]

Ng Beng Kok v. PP
Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Ahmadi Asnawi, Zabariah Mohd Yusof JJCA
(Road Traffic; Words & Phrases - Causing death by reckless or dangerous driving - Road Transport Act 1987, s. 41(1), third limb - Whether 'speeding' or 'recklessness' constitute elements or form an offence of dangerous driving) [2017] 7 CLJ 157 [CA]

Public Bank Bhd v. T Sivam Tharamalingam
Alizatul Khair Osman, Nallini Pathmanathan, Zabariah Mohd Yusof JJCA
(Land Law - Indefeasibility of title and interest - Fraudulent or void instrument of transfer - Whether charge defeasible) [2017] 7 CLJ 176 [CA]

Tan Kim Hock Product Centre Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Tan Kimhock Tong Seng Food Industry Sdn Bhd
Alizatul Khair Osman, Varghese George Varughese, Nallini Pathmanathan JJCA
(Intellectual Property - Trade mark - Similar and confusing marks - Whether there was abandonment or non-use of registered trade mark) [2017] 7 CLJ 191 [CA]


Pathmanathan Kumarasamy v. PP
Mohamed Zaini Mazlan JC
(Criminal Procedure - Trial - Continuation of trial before new judge - Non-compliance with s. 261 of Criminal Procedure Code) [2017] 7 CLJ 208 [HC]

PP v. Mohamad Sabu
Lim Chong Fong J
(Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure - Criminal defamation - Mens rea - Defective charge) [2017] 7 CLJ 214 [HC]

Suresh Emmanuel Abishegam & Anor v. Nautilus Perak Marine Services Sdn Bhd
Noorin Badaruddin J
(Civil Procedure - Contempt of court - Proceedings against directors of company - Whether company must first be charged and convicted of contempt) [2017] 7 CLJ 250 [HC]



Banks and banking business - Islamic banking - Murabahah overdraft facility ('MOD facility') - Purchase and resale of same assets - Whether agreement complied with murabahah concept of financing - Whether purchase and resale of same assets prohibited under Shariah principal of financing - Whether facility null and void - Whether claim for ta'widh justified
Maybank Islamic Bhd v. M-IO Builders Sdn Bhd & Anor
(Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Rohana Yusuf, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JJCA) [2017] 7 CLJ 127 [CA]


Contempt of court - Committal proceedings - Application for leave - Proceedings against directors of company - Whether company must first be charged and convicted of contempt - Company not named in committal proceedings - Whether company could be guilty of contempt when no proceedings against it - Whether application flawed - Rules of Court 2012, O. 52 rr. 3(2), 6A
Suresh Emmanuel Abishegam & Anor v. Nautilus Perak Marine Services Sdn Bhd
(Noorin Badaruddin J) [2017] 7 CLJ 250 [HC]

Contempt of court - Committal proceedings - Service of order - Proceedings against directors of company - Plaintiffs sought to enforce ex parte leave order to commence committal proceedings - Whether copy of order must be served personally on proposed contemnors - Whether fundamental requirement warranting strict compliance - Whether service on solicitors could be regarded as service on proposed contemnors - Whether personal service could be waived - Rules of Court 2012, O. 45 r. 5(1)(a)(B)
Suresh Emmanuel Abishegam & Anor v. Nautilus Perak Marine Services Sdn Bhd
(Noorin Badaruddin J) [2017] 7 CLJ 250 [HC]

Contempt of court - Committal proceedings - Standard of proof - Whether contempt must be proven beyond reasonable doubt - Whether alleged act of contempt adequately described and particularised in statement - Deficiency in statement - Whether could be cured by subsequent filing of further affidavits - Whether proposed contemnors made genuine efforts to obey order of court - Whether contempt proven beyond reasonable doubt
Suresh Emmanuel Abishegam & Anor v. Nautilus Perak Marine Services Sdn Bhd
(Noorin Badaruddin J) [2017] 7 CLJ 250 [HC]


Defamation - Criminal defamation - Ingredients - Mens rea - Whether proved - Political speech imputing communists who attacked police station at Bukit Kepong in 1950 as freedom fighters - Whether defamatory of deceased policemen who defended station and families - Context in which speech was made - Whether in context of struggle for independence - Whether not putting policemen or families to ridicule or odium - Penal Code ss. 499, 500
PP v. Mohamad Sabu
(Lim Chong Fong J) [2017] 7 CLJ 214 [HC]


Charge - Criminal defamation - Uttering words with intention to injure feelings of deceased person and family - Whether allegation not stated with particular precision - Whether charge did not disclose any offence - Mens rea - Whether mens rea as required by law not disclosed - Whether charge defective in substance - Whether bad in law - Penal Code ss. 499, 500
PP v. Mohamad Sabu
(Lim Chong Fong J) [2017] 7 CLJ 214 [HC]

Trial - Conduct of trial - Continuation of trial before new judge - Non-compliance with s. 261 of Criminal Procedure Code - Whether appellant prejudiced - Whether reason given as to why previous judge could not continue presiding over case - Whether non-compliance curable
Pathmanathan Kumarasamy v. PP
(Mohamed Zaini Mazlan JC) [2017] 7 CLJ 208 [HC]


Trade mark - Trade description - Ex parte orders - Similar and confusing marks - Whether there was abandonment or non-use of registered trade mark - Whether there was disclosure of exclusive ownership to unregistered mark - Whether there was abuse of process - Whether there were concurrent users of various marks - Trade Descriptions Act 2011, s. 9
Tan Kim Hock Product Centre Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Tan Kimhock Tong Seng Food Industry Sdn Bhd
(Alizatul Khair Osman, Varghese George Varughese, Nallini Pathmanathan JJCA) [2017] 7 CLJ 191 [CA]


Charge - Validity of - Fraudulent or void instrument of transfer - Son fraudulently transferred father's land to himself and charged it to bank - Whether bank bona fide registered chargee for value without notice - Whether charge defeasible - Whether charge arose from void instrument and liable to be set aside - Whether bank had knowledge of purported fraudulent or improper acquisition of land - Whether bank acquired subsequent interest in land - National Land Code, s. 340(2)(a) & (3)
Public Bank Bhd v. T Sivam Tharamalingam
(Alizatul Khair Osman, Nallini Pathmanathan, Zabariah Mohd Yusof JJCA) [2017] 7 CLJ 176 [CA]

Indefeasibility of title and interest - Void instrument - Son fraudulently transferred father's land to himself and charged it to bank - Whether bank had knowledge of purported fraudulent or improper acquisition of land - Whether bank acquired subsequent interest in land as registered chargee in good faith and for valuable consideration - Whether charge arose from void instrument - Whether charge defeasible and liable to be set aside - National Land Code, s. 340(2)(a) & (3)
Public Bank Bhd v. T Sivam Tharamalingam
(Alizatul Khair Osman, Nallini Pathmanathan, Zabariah Mohd Yusof JJCA) [2017] 7 CLJ 176 [CA]


Dangerous driving - Causing death by reckless or dangerous driving - Road Transport Act 1987, s. 41(1), third limb - Whether 'speeding' or 'recklessness' constitute elements or form an offence of dangerous driving - Whether 'speed' or 'recklessness' ought to be considered as circumstances in determining offence of dangerous driving - Whether manner of driving encompasses all matters connected with management of vehicle by driver - Whether 'speed' or 'recklessness' constitutes manner of driving which may cause serious risk of physical injury to other road users - Whether accused created situation which posed risks to public - Whether there were three distinct limbs for offence under s. 41(1) of Road Transport Act 1987 - Whether there was failure to distinguish different ingredients in the three limbs - Whether accused unfairly burdened with disproving three separate elements of offence - Whether accused prejudiced by investigation conducted
Ng Beng Kok v. PP
(Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Ahmadi Asnawi, Zabariah Mohd Yusof JJCA) [2017] 7 CLJ 157 [CA]


'including' - Section 41(1) of Road Transport Act 1987, third limb - Introducing the word 'including' immediately after words 'in a manner which, having regard to all the circumstances' - Whether Legislature expanded meaning of expression 'circumstances' - Whether 'include/including' used to enlarge meaning of phrases in body of statute - Whether 'speed' or 'reckless' considered as elements in determining offence of dangerous driving
Ng Beng Kok v. PP
(Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Ahmadi Asnawi, Zabariah Mohd Yusof JJCA) [2017] 7 CLJ 157 [CA]


LNS Article(s)

    KHO FENG MING** [2017] 1 LNS(A) lxiv

  2. [2017] 1 LNS(A) lxiv



    1. Introduction

    We have witnessed drastic changes happened in the global economy over the past decades. With the post 9/11 era that traumatised the world, innumerable desperate efforts from all parties were implemented to strive against money laundering and terrorism financing. These endeavours were escalated in response to brand-new realities in the world of politics, in addition to "progressively complicated" money laundering techniques and fraudulent activities encircling the banking sector. Financial professionals obliged to be responsible in each of the investment, financing operations with their customers' money, although they are dealing with great-unpredictability and great-returns type of clients. While clients experience hardship of immeasurable losses due to perilous investments, these financial executives still obtain reimbursement with additional bonuses in millions of dollars. Despite the fact that in reality, the profession of banking traditionally engendered vast amounts of wealth for its executives, nonetheless such superabundant benefit have turned out to be a serious ethical concern to be pondered on, especially in circumstances when their clients' wealth has been shattered due to these forms of speculative investment engaged by the financial institutions.

    . . .

    * The author is grateful for the helpful comments of Hizri Hasshan (Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), for his precious guidance and inspiration, without which this work would not have been possible. The views expressed herein are the author's own.

    ** Faculty of Law, National University of Malaysia (

    JOHN WILSON** KIERAN PENDER*** [2017] 1 LNS(A) lxv

  4. [2017] 1 LNS(A) lxv

    A NEW ERA?*


    "Nobody in Australia much likes whistleblowers..." (attributed to former NSW Police Commissioner Tony Lauer)[1]

    2017 could prove to be a landmark year for a previously neglected aspect of Australian workplace law. Where those who blew the whistle on corporate or public sector wrongdoing once faced retribution without legal protections, recent developments have underscored the need to comprehensively safeguard whistleblowers in this country. While the sentiment expressed by former NSW Police Commissioner Tony Lauer in the 1990s may still reflect the prevailing attitude in Australian workplaces, change is afoot.

    Late last year, in a political deal between the Coalition and crossbenchers to pass the double dissolution trigger legislation, strong protections for union whistleblowers were introduced. As part of the pact, the government also agreed to review public and private sector whistleblower protections with a view to enacting reform by 2018.

    . . .

    * Published with kind permission of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory. See Ethos No. 243 March 2017.

    ** Managing Legal Director, Bradley Allen Love.

    *** Law Clerk, Bradley Allen Love.


Principal Acts

Number Title In force from Repealing
ACT 792 Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 10 July 2017 [PU(B) 340/2017] -
ACT 791 Tourism Tax Act 2017 1 August 2017 [PU(B) 398/2017] - Parts I, II, IV and X, and sections 8 and 9; 1 September 2017 [PU(B) 398/2017] - Parts V, VI, VII, VIII and IX, and sections 6 and 7 -
ACT 790 Courts (Modes of Commencement of Civil Actions) Act 2017 15 July 2017 [PU(B) 341/2017] -
ACT 789 Self-Employment Social Security Act 2017 13 June 2017 [PU(B) 299/2017] -
ACT 788 Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia Act 2017 Not Yet In Force -

Amending Acts

Number Title In force from Principal/Amending Act No
ACT A1537 Strategic Trade (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ACT 708
ACT A1536 Penal Code (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ACT 574
ACT A1535 Private Higher Educational Institutions (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ACT 555
ACT A1534 Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ACT 360
ACT A1533 Consumer Protection (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ACT 599


Number Title Date of Publication In force from Principal/ Amending Act No
PU(A) 226/2017 Weight Restrictions (Federal Roads) (Amendment) Order 2017 28 July 2017 31 July 2017 PU(A) 478/1989
PU(A) 225/2017 Customs (Prohibition of Imports) (Amendment) Order 2017 28 July 2017 1 August 2017 PU(A) 103/2017
PU(A) 224/2017 Traditional and Complementary Medicine (Designation of Practitioner Body) Order 2017 28 July 2017 1 August 2017 to 31 July 2019 ACT 775
PU(A) 223/2017 Traditional and Complementary Medicine (Recognized Practice Areas) Order 2017 28 July 2017 1 August 2017 ACT 775
PU(A) 222/2017 Renewable Energy (Amendment of Schedule) Order 2017 28 July 2017 1 August 2017 ACT 725


Number Title Date of Publication In force from Principal/ Amending Act No
PU(B) 398/2017 Appointment of Date of Coming Into Operation 1 August 2017 2 August 2017 ACT 791
PU(B) 383/2017 Appointment of Date of Coming Into Operation 26 July 2017 27 July 2017 ACT A1530
PU(B) 382/2017 Declaration of Heritage Object 2017 24 July 2017 25 July 2017 ACT 645
PU(B) 381/2017 Notice of Intention To Designate Site As Heritage Site 24 July 2017 25 July 2017 ACT 645
PU(B) 380/2017 Notice of Designation of Site As Heritage Site 24 July 2017 25 July 2017 ACT 645

Legislation Alert


Act/Principal No. Title Amended by In force from Section amended
ACT 725 Renewable Energy Act 2011 PU(A) 222/2017 1 August 2017 Schedule
ACT 71 Weights and Measures Act 1972 ACT A1530 19 May 2017 - paragraphs 2(a) and 11(b) and sections 12 and 13; 1 August 2017 [PU(B) 383/2017] - paragraph 2(b), sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, and paragraph 11(a) Sections 12, 14, 14B, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 20A & 28
ACT 400 Moneylenders Act 1951 (Revised 1989) PU(A) 204/2017 1 August 2017 First Schedule
PU(A) 437/1985 Food Regulations 1985 PU(A) 200/2017 15 June 2018 Regulations 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 48A and 48B
ACT 56/1965 National Land Code PU(A) 201/2017 21 July 2017 First Schedule


Act/Principal No. Title Revoked by In force from
PU(A) 189/1994 Legal Profession (Disciplinary Proceedings) (Investigating Tribunal and Disciplinary Committee) Rules 1994 PU(A) 197/2017 15 July 2017
PU(A) 68/1974 Medical Regulations 1974 PU(A) 188/2017 1 July 2017 except paragraphs 28(2)(a) and (b); 1 January 2019 - paragraphs 28(2)(a) and (b)
PU(A) 168/2017 Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Determination of Maximum Retail Price For Petrol and Diesel) (No. 11) Order 2017 PU(A) 171/2017 15 June 2017
PU(A) 140/2017 Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Determination of Maximum Retail Price For Petrol and Diesel) (No. 8) Order 2017 PU(A) 152/2017 25 May 2017
PU(A) 134/2017 Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Determination of Maximum Retail Price For Petrol and Diesel) (No. 6) Order 2017 PU(A) 135/2017 11 May 2017