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Issue #52/2017
28 December 2017

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[CIVIL APPEAL NO: W-02(NCVC)(W)-1820-10-2015]
13 JUNE 2017

CONTRACT: Agreement – Void – Sale and purchase agreement of land – Impostor company sold land to subsequent purchaser – Agreement entered into by parties had effect of depriving state of revenue – Whether transfer of title to subsequent purchaser predicated on void contract – Whether contract ab initio – Contracts Act 1950, s. 24(b)

LAND LAW: Indefeasibility of title and interests – Registration – Sale and purchase of land – Impostor company sold land to subsequent purchaser – Whether subsequent purchaser a purchaser in good faith and for valuable consideration – Meaning of 'good faith' – Whether impostor company bare trustee for subsequent purchaser until registration of title – Whether subsequent purchaser entitled to indefeasible title to land – Whether transfer of title to subsequent purchaser predicated on void contract – National Land Code, s. 340 

  1. Ibe Godwin Uzochukwu v. PP [2017] 1 LNS 73 (CA) affirming the High Court case of PP v. Ibe Godwin Uzochukwu: High Court Criminal Trial No. 45A-119-06/2012.

  2. Mohamad Zul Shahril Suhaimi v. PP & Other Appeals [2017] 1 LNS 283 (CA) affirming the High Court case of PP v. Mohamad Zul Shahril Suhaimi & Ors: High Court Criminal Trial No 45B-221 and 222-10/2012.


Legal Network Series

[2017] 1 LNS 216


PROSEDUR SIVIL: Injunksi - Injunksi interim - Perintah injunksi dalam kes fitnah - Injunksi untuk melarang defendan dari menerbitkan pernyataan fitnah sementara pelupusan perbicaraan kes - Sama ada kenyataan defendan adalah berunsur fitnah - Sama ada keperluan di dalam kes The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd v. AirAsia Bhd [1986] 1 LNS 80 telah dipenuhi - Sama ada plaintif telah memberi akujanji untuk memberi ganti rugi - Sama ada perintah injunksi interim wajar dikeluarkan - Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012, A. 29 k. 1

[2017] 1 LNS 327


CONTRACT: Tenancy agreement - Termination - Validity of - Unilateral termination by landlord - Landlord terminated tenancy agreement on basis that tenant failed to pay monthly rental - Tenancy agreement was silent on method of payment of rental - Landlord failed to give account number to tenant despite request made by tenant - Tenant refused to accede to request of landlord's representative to pay rental into his personal account - Whether tenant's refusal to accede to request of landlord's representative was justifiable - Whether tenant owes obligation under tenancy agreement to landlord or landlord's representative - Whether tenant was ready to pay rental - Whether unilateral termination was in accordance with s. 40 of Contracts Act 1950

CIVIL PROCEDURE: Pleadings - Rules of - Defendant raised a fact which was not pleaded in defence and counterclaim - Whether parties are bound by their own pleading - Whether evidence to be adduced in trial must necessarily relate to pleaded facts - Whether evidence revolving around facts which had not been pleaded ought to be rejected

[2017] 1 LNS 333


AGENCY: Authority of agent - Estate agent - Acting in excess - Carrying out estate agency practice without being registered under Valuers, Appraisers & Estate Agents Act 1981 and without being issued with an authority to practice - Whether there was violation of law in carrying out estate agency practice - Whether business of unregistered estate agent tainted with illegality

TORT: Defamation - Libel - Action against management corporation and its committee members concerning publication of two letters - Absence of specific reference to plaintiff's name in letters - Letters only mentioned words 'third party' - Innuendo - Whether letters in their natural and ordinary meaning and/or by way of innuendo was defamatory of plaintiff - Whether defendant was actuated by malice when publishing letters - Whether words 'third party' complained of in letter referred to plaintiff by way of innuendo

TORT: Defamation - Defences - Justification - Imputation that plaintiff was a dishonest and untruthful person and trouble maker - Whether defendant was required to prove truth of each and every imputation - Whether defendant's allegations were true in substance - Whether defendant was entitled to invoke justification as a complete defence to claim for damages for libel - Defamation Act 1957, s. 8

TORT: Defamation - Defences - Qualified privilege - Letters issued by management corporation in response to request by Commissioner of Building ('COB') to answer to complaint by plaintiff which was lodged with COB - Whether COB has a duty or interest to find out whether plaintiff's complaint was valid or otherwise - Whether MC and its members were obliged and have a moral, social and legal duty to explain to COB - Whether malice or ill intention proven - Whether defence of qualified privilege was applicable and accorded protection to defendants

TORT: Defamation - Damages - Public policy - Claim for damages arising from business activities which were tainted with illegality - Whether damages ought to be allowed

TORT: Defamation - Defences - Fair comment - Public interest - Whether words complained of in letters were fair comment on a matter of public interest - Whether letters issued with legitimate public interest

[2017] 1 LNS 336


PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Pembelaan - Penafian - Kesalahan rogol berkanun - Tertuduh mengaku hubungan intim tetapi menafikan kemasukan zakar - Tertuduh mendakwa hanya menggunakan jari ke dalam kemaluan mangsa - Sama ada pembelaan tertuduh telah menimbulkan keraguan munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan - Sama ada pembelaan tertuduh merupakan penafian semata-mata

PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Rayuan - Rayuan terhadap hukuman - Hukuman penjara selama 13 tahun bagi setiap pertuduhan dan berjalan secara serentak - Kesalahan rogol berkanun - Kepentingan awam - Sama ada kepentingan awam wajar diberi keutamaan melebihi kepentingan tertuduh - Sama ada hukuman penjara wajar dikekalkan

PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Rayuan - Rayuan terhadap hukuman - Rayuan oleh pendakwa raya - Sebatan sebagai hukuman tambahan kepada hukuman penjara - Kesalahan rogol berkanun - Sama ada hukuman sebatan walaupun nominal wajar dikenakan untuk melambangkan keseriusan jenayah

UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Rogol - Rogol berkanun - Keterangan mangsa disokong dengan keterangan pegawai perubatan dan ahli keluarga yang pertama kali diberitahu berkenaan kejadian rogol - Mangsa tidak nampak kemasukan zakar tetapi sedar dan mengetahui kemasukan zakar melalui rasa sakit - Keterangan mangsa berkenaan persetubuhan tidak dicabar - Sama ada keterangan mangsa adalah kredibel - Sama ada inti pati pertuduhan telah dibuktikan - Sama ada kes prima facie telah dibuktikan

[2017] 1 LNS 357


KETERANGAN: Kerelevenan - Perlakuan tertuduh - Kebolehterimaan - Pertuduhan pemalsuan cek-cek yang dilakukan oleh ketua eksekutif akaun syarikat - Tertuduh menghilangkan diri daripada memberikan penjelasan berkenaan isu cek - Sama ada perlakuan tertuduh adalah relevan menunjukkan kecurangan tertuduh dalam penggunaan cek palsu - Akta Keterangan 1950, s. 8

PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Pembelaan - Pemikiran terkemudian - Saksi pendakwaan tidak disoal balas mengenai pembelaan tertuduh - Sama ada pembelaan tertuduh telah menjadi satu pemikiran terkemudian

UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Kanun Keseksaan - Seksyen 471 - Pemalsuan cek-cek yang dilakukan oleh ketua eksekutif akaun syarikat - Pemalsuan tandatangan pada cek - Sama ada cek-cek adalah dalam kawalan tertuduh - Sama ada tertuduh ada pengetahuan dan sebab untuk mempercayai kesemua cek yang digunakan olehnya adalah palsu - Sama ada tertuduh telah menggunakan cek secara curang - Sama ada perlakuan tertuduh telah membawa kepada kehilangan secara salah kepada syarikat dan penikmatan secara salah kepada penerima

UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram dan Pencegahan Pembiayaan Keganasan 2001 ('Akta 2001') - Seksyen 4(1)(a) - Pertuduhan pemalsuan cek-cek yang dilakukan oleh ketua eksekutif akaun syarikat - Sama ada kesalahan dibawah s. 4(1)(a) Akta 2001 boleh dikenakan terhadap tertuduh secara berasingan dan bersendirian - Sama ada wang dari akaun syarikat telah masuk ke dalam akaun peribadi tertuduh - Sama ada akaun dan harta tertuduh wajar disita - Sama ada harta yang disita wajar dilucuthak kepada Kerajaan Malaysia di bawah s. 55 Akta 2001

CLJ 2018 Volume 1 (Part 1)


State Government Of Sarawak v. Masa Nangkai & Ors And Other Appeals
Raus Sharif CJ, Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Balia Yusof Wahi, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ
(Native Law and Custom; Constitutional Law - Right to property - Native customary rights - Whether compulsory acquisition of land in breach of art. 13 of Federal Constitution) [2018] 1 CLJ 1 [FC]

TH Pelita Sadong Sdn Bhd & Anor v. TR Nyutan Jami & Ors And Other Appeals
Md Raus Sharif CJ, Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Balia Yusof Wahi, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ
(Native Law and Custom; Land Law - Claim of native customary rights over land - Whether indefeasibility of title over land prevailed over native customary rights) [2018] 1 CLJ 19 [FC]


Abou Sylla v. PP & Another Appeal
Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Ahmadi Asnawi, Kamardin Hashim JJCA
(Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Section 39B(1)(a) - Appeal against sentence by accused and appeal against acquittal by prosecution) [2018] 1 CLJ 46 [CA]

Liputan Simfoni Sdn Bhd v. Pembangunan Orkid Desa Sdn Bhd
Alizatul Khair Osman, Nallini Pathmanathan, Zabariah Mohd Yusof JJCA
(Contract; Land Law - Agreement entered into by parties had effect of depriving state of revenue - Whether contract ab initio - Contracts Act 1950, s. 24(b)) [2018] 1 CLJ 61 [CA]


Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja v. Arulananda K Manickam
Mohd Nazlan Ghazali J
(Civil Procedure - Judgments and orders - Amendment - Whether order may be corrected by amendment - Rules of Court 2012, O. 20 r. 11) [2018] 1 CLJ 88 [HC]

Musim Yakin lwn. Koperasi Pekebun Kecil Wilayah Johor Selatan Bhd
Tun Abd Majid Tun Hamzah PK
(Undang-undang Tanah - Rizab Melayu - Urus niaga dengan syarikat bukan Melayu - Sama ada kepentingan dalam tanah berpindah tangan - Akta Kontrak 1950 ss. 24 & 25) [2018] 1 CLJ 97 [HC]

Ruslan & Yang Lain lwn. PP
Mat Ghani Abdullah PK
(Prosedur Jenayah; Undang-undang Jenayah - Rayuan terhadap hukuman - Rompakan berkumpulan menggunakan senjata - Sama ada hukuman mengikut peruntukan undang-undang - Kanun Keseksaan, ss. 395 & 397) [2018] 1 CLJ 110 [HC]

Sengodan Muthu & Ors v. Blue Valley Plantations Bhd & Ors
Anselm Charles Fernandis JC
(Company Law - Winding-up - Petition - Whether official receiver as liquidator agent of company) [2018] 1 CLJ 125 [HC]



Judgments and orders - Amendment - Application of - Payment of dividend or interest not stipulated in order - Whether order may be corrected by amendment - Rules of Court 2012, O. 20 r. 11 - 'Slip rule' - Whether applies to errors in expressing intention of court - Whether judge had directed mind to issue payment of dividend or interest - Whether respondent would suffer prejudice if order amended
Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja v. Arulananda K Manickam
(Mohd Nazlan Ghazali J) [2018] 1 CLJ 88 [HC]


Winding-up - Petition - Consent order - Monies paid into court - Minority shareholders' refusal to accept monies paid into court - Company wound up by another creditor - Application to set aside previous consent order - Subsequent consent order agreeing that monies paid into court to be held in trust by official receiver as liquidator of company and released forthwith to minority shareholders - Alleged delay by official receiver in releasing monies - Post-judgment interest - Whether company liable to pay - Whether official receiver as liquidator agent of company - Whether minority shareholders entitled to interest
Sengodan Muthu & Ors v. Blue Valley Plantations Bhd & Ors
(Anselm Charles Fernandis JC) [2018] 1 CLJ 125 [HC]


Right to property - Native customary rights - Land earmarked and gazetted for development - Development order pursuant to s. 11(1) Land Custody and Development Authority Ordinance (No 4 of 1981) - Whether NCR lands located within development area - Whether claimants original NCR owners of lands - Whether compulsory acquisition of land in breach of art. 13 of Federal Constitution - Whether claimants ought to be compensated
State Government Of Sarawak v. Masa Nangkai & Ors And Other Appeals
(Raus Sharif CJ, Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Balia Yusof Wahi, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ) [2018] 1 CLJ 1 [FC]


Agreement - Void - Sale and purchase agreement of land - Impostor company sold land to subsequent purchaser - Agreement entered into by parties had effect of depriving state of revenue - Whether transfer of title to subsequent purchaser predicated on void contract - Whether contract ab initio - Contracts Act 1950, s. 24(b)
Liputan Simfoni Sdn Bhd v. Pembangunan Orkid Desa Sdn Bhd
(Alizatul Khair Osman, Nallini Pathmanathan, Zabariah Mohd Yusof JJCA) [2018] 1 CLJ 61 [CA]


Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Section 39B(1)(a) - Accused charged with two offences of trafficking in dangerous drugs - Drugs found in hotel room of accused and inside accused's stomach - Accused acquitted for first charge and sentenced to death for second charge - Appeal against sentence by accused and appeal against acquittal by prosecution - Failure of trial judge to state whether direct trafficking or presumed trafficking - Whether serious misdirection in law and miscarriage of justice to accused - Whether there was overwhelming evidence against accused to prove trafficking - Whether s. 60(1) of Courts of Judicature Act 1964 ought to be invoked
Abou Sylla v. PP & Another Appeal
(Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Ahmadi Asnawi, Kamardin Hashim JJCA) [2018] 1 CLJ 46 [CA]


Appeal - Appeal against conviction and sentence - Appeal against acquittal by prosecution - Accused charged with two offences of trafficking in dangerous drugs - Accused acquitted for first charge and sentenced to death for second charge - Failure of trial judge to state whether direct trafficking or presumed trafficking - Whether serious misdirection in law and miscarriage of justice to accused - Whether there was overwhelming evidence against accused to show offence of trafficking
Abou Sylla v. PP & Another Appeal
(Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Ahmadi Asnawi, Kamardin Hashim JJCA) [2018] 1 CLJ 46 [CA]


Customary land - Alienation - Whether alienation of lands has effect of extinguishing or infringing native customary rights - Whether payment of compensation has to be made to affected natives - Proper remedy for infringement of native customary rights - Whether award of compensation ought to be ordered in favour of claimants pursuant to ss. 15 and 197 of Sarawak Land Code
TH Pelita Sadong Sdn Bhd & Anor v. TR Nyutan Jami & Ors And Other Appeals
(Md Raus Sharif CJ, Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Balia Yusof Wahi, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ) [2018] 1 CLJ 19 [FC]

Customary land - Claim of native customary rights over land - Whether statutory provisions under s. 132 of Sarawak Land Code pertaining to indefeasibility of title remain applicable - Whether indefeasibility of title over land prevailed over native customary rights - Whether rights of leaseholders, proprietors and chargee over land could be defeated by claim of native customary rights
TH Pelita Sadong Sdn Bhd & Anor v. TR Nyutan Jami & Ors And Other Appeals
(Md Raus Sharif CJ, Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Balia Yusof Wahi, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ) [2018] 1 CLJ 19 [FC]

Indefeasibility of title and interests - Land dispute - Claim of native customary rights over land - Whether statutory provisions under s. 132 of Sarawak Land Code pertaining to indefeasibility of title remain applicable - Whether indefeasibility of title prevailed over claim of native customary rights - Whether rights of leaseholders, proprietors and chargee over land could be defeated by claim of native customary rights
TH Pelita Sadong Sdn Bhd & Anor v. TR Nyutan Jami & Ors And Other Appeals
(Md Raus Sharif CJ, Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Balia Yusof Wahi, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ) [2018] 1 CLJ 19 [FC]

Indefeasibility of title and interests - Registration - Sale and purchase of land - Impostor company sold land to subsequent purchaser - Whether subsequent purchaser a purchaser in good faith and for valuable consideration - Meaning of 'good faith' - Whether impostor company bare trustee for subsequent purchaser until registration of title - Whether subsequent purchaser entitled to indefeasible title to land - Whether transfer of title to subsequent purchaser predicated on void contract - National Land Code, s. 340
Liputan Simfoni Sdn Bhd v. Pembangunan Orkid Desa Sdn Bhd
(Alizatul Khair Osman, Nallini Pathmanathan, Zabariah Mohd Yusof JJCA) [2018] 1 CLJ 61 [CA]


Land dispute - Claim of customary rights over land - Land earmarked and gazetted for development - Development order pursuant to s. 11(1) Land Custody and Development Authority Ordinance (No 4 of 1981) - Whether valid - Whether NCR lands located within development area - Whether claimants were original NCR owners of lands - Whether claimants ought to be compensated - Whether compensation circumvented breach of art. 13 of Federal Constitution - Land Custody and Development Authority Ordinance (No 4 of 1981), ss. 11 & 15
State Government Of Sarawak v. Masa Nangkai & Ors And Other Appeals
(Raus Sharif CJ, Md Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Balia Yusof Wahi, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ) [2018] 1 CLJ 1 [FC]

Land dispute - Claim of native customary rights over land - Whether statutory provisions under s. 132 of Sarawak Land Code pertaining to indefeasibility of title remain applicable - Whether indefeasibility of title prevailed over claim of native customary rights - Whether rights of leaseholders, proprietors and chargee over land could be defeated by claim of native customary rights
TH Pelita Sadong Sdn Bhd & Anor v. TR Nyutan Jami & Ors And Other Appeals
(Md Raus Sharif CJ, Md Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Balia Yusof Wahi, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ) [2018] 1 CLJ 19 [FC]



Hukuman - Rayuan terhadap hukuman - Rompakan berkumpulan menggunakan senjata - Sama ada hukuman mengikut peruntukan undang-undang - Sama ada pengakuan bersalah dan kesalahan pertama melayakkan peringanan hukuman - Sama ada kepentingan awam perlu diberi pertimbangan utama berbanding kepentingan tertuduh - Sama ada pengakuan bersalah tanpa diwakili peguam melanggar per. 5(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan - Sama ada 'youthful offender' wajar dikenakan hukuman sama dengan tertuduh-tertuduh lain - Kanun Keseksaan, ss. 395 & 397
Ruslan & Yang Lain lwn. PP
(Mat Ghani Abdullah PK) [2018] 1 CLJ 110 [HC]


Kanun Keseksaan - Seksyen 395 & 397 - Rompakan berkumpulan menggunakan senjata - Rayuan terhadap hukuman - Sama ada hukuman mengikut peruntukan undang-undang - Sama ada pengakuan bersalah dan kesalahan pertama melayakkan peringanan hukuman - Sama ada kepentingan awam perlu diberi pertimbangan utama berbanding kepentingan tertuduh - Sama ada pengakuan bersalah tanpa diwakili peguam melanggar per. 5(3) Perlembagaan Persekutuan
Ruslan & Yang Lain lwn. PP
(Mat Ghani Abdullah PK) [2018] 1 CLJ 110 [HC]


Rizab Melayu - Kepentingan dalam tanah - Sama ada hanya merangkumi kepentingan yang boleh didaftar - Urus niaga dengan syarikat bukan Melayu - Sama ada kepentingan dalam tanah berpindah tangan - Sama ada melanggari peruntukan statut - Sama ada transaksi urus niaga sah - Enakmen Rizab Melayu 1936 [Johor] s. 20 - Akta Kontrak 1950 ss. 24 & 25
Musim Yakin lwn. Koperasi Pekebun Kecil Wilayah Johor Selatan Bhd
(Tun Abd Majid Tun Hamzah PK) [2018] 1 CLJ 97 [HC]


LNS Article(s)

    MOHAMMAD MAHBUBI ALI [2017] 1 LNS(A) cvi

  2. [2017] 1 LNS(A) cvi



    The concept of the banking system as a financial intermediary is not something new in Islam. The simplest form of banking in the early Muslim state was manifested in the form of the money changer (sharrafah) who also offered deposit taking and short-term financing services. However, a more sophisticated form of banking structure was provided by the trade vendor (jahabidhah/sing. jahbadh) who undertook modern funding and financing activities under Muslim state supervision. The famous Persian historian, Nasir-i Khusraw recorded that almost 200 banking institutions were established in Isfahan at that time which called for prudent regulation and supervision.

    . . .

    * Published with kind permission of the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia. (

    TENGKU AHMAD HAZRI [2017] 1 LNS(A) cviii

  4. [2017] 1 LNS(A) cviii



    The distinction between law, ethics and morality in the West arises in the context of positivism. Classical Latin had no equivalent of the Greek word ethikos, and thus the philosopher Cicero coined the term morales as the Latin equivalent. Thus, the Latin word morales and the Greek word ethikos were meant to have the same meaning. How ironic then, that when these words find their way into English, as "morality" and "ethics" respectively, attempts are made to "distinguish" and "separate" them! For instance, it has been argued that "morality is universal and applicable to all, while ethics denotes the particular values relating to the individual or the collective life of the community".

    . . .

    * Published with kind permission of the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia. (


Principal Acts

Number Title In force from Repealing
ACT 799 Malaysian Border Security Agency Act 2017 29 December 2017 [PU(B) 595/2017] -
ACT 798 Local Authorities (Conditions of Service) Act 1964 (Revised 2017) 15 November 2017 pursuant to paragraph 6(1)(xxiii) of the Revision of Laws Act 1968 [Act 1]; Revised up to 1 November 2017; First enacted in 1968 as Act of Parliament No 9 of 1964 -
ACT 797 Sabah Ports Authority (Consequential Provisions) Act 1968 (Revised 2017) 15 November 2017 pursuant to paragraph 6(1)(xxiii) of the Revision of Laws Act 1968 [Act 1]; Revised up to 1 November 2017; First enacted in 1968 as Act No 25 of 1968 -
ACT 796 Employment (Restriction) Act 1968 (Revised 2017) 15 November 2017 pursuant to paragraph 6(1)(xxiii) of the Revision of Laws Act 1968 [Act 1]; Revised up to 1 November 2017; First enacted in 1968 as Act of Parliament No 36 of 1968; First Revision - 1988 (Act 353 wef 3 November 1988) -
ACT 795 Access To Biological Resources and Benefit Sharing Act 2017 Not Yet In Force -

Amending Acts

Number Title In force from Principal/Amending Act No
ACT A1554 Private Employment Agencies (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ACT 246
ACT A1553 Commercial Vehicles Licensing Board (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ACT 334
ACT A1552 Land Public Transport (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ACT 715
ACT A1551 Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ORD 70/1952
ACT A1550 Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents (Amendment) Act 2017 Not Yet In Force ACT 242


Number Title Date of Publication In force from Principal/ Amending Act No
PU(A) 407/2017 Control of Supplies (Controlled Articles) (No. 6) Order 2017 22 December 2017 23 December 2017 ACT 122
PU(A) 406/2017 Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Price Marking of Price-Controlled Goods) (No. 7) Order 2017 22 December 2017 23 December 2017 to 27 December 2017 ACT 723
PU(A) 405/2017 Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Determination of Maximum Price) (No. 8) Order 2017 22 December 2017 23 December 2017 to 27 December 2017 ACT 723
PU(A) 404/2017 Customs (Anti-Dumping Duties) (Administrative Review) (Amendment) Order 2017 22 December 2017 1 August 2017 PU(A) 239/2016
PU(A) 403/2017 Income Tax (Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information) (Amendment) Rules 2017 22 December 2017 23 December 2017 PU(A) 355/2016


Number Title Date of Publication In force from Principal/ Amending Act No
PU(B) 595/2017 Appointment of Date of Coming Into Operation 21 December 2017 22 December 2017 ACT 799
PU(B) 587/2017 Appointment of Date of Coming Into Operation 18 December 2017 19 December 2017 ACT A1545
PU(B) 586/2017 Appointment of Date of Coming Into Operation 18 December 2017 19 December 2017 ACT A1544
PU(B) 585/2017 Appointment and Revocation of Appointment of The Members of The Competition Commission 18 December 2017 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2020 ACT 713
PU(B) 584/2017 Amendment To The List of Licensees 18 December 2017 19 December 2017 PU(B) 213/2017

Legislation Alert


Act/Principal No. Title Amended by In force from Section amended
PU(A) 239/2016 Customs (Anti-Dumping Duties) (Administrative Review) Order 2016 PU(A) 404/2017 1 August 2017 Schedule
PU(A) 355/2016 Income Tax (Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information) Rules 2016 PU(A) 403/2017 23 December 2017 Rules 3, 3A, 4, 7 and 13; Schedule 1 and 2
PU(A) 126/2016 Capital Markets and Services (Prescription of Securities and Islamic Securities) (Investment Note and Islamic Investment Note) Order 2016 PU(A) 390/2017 22 December 2017 Paragraph 2
PU(B) 213/2017 List of Licensees PU(B) 584/2017 19 December 2017 Schedule
ACT 730 Trade Descriptions Act 2011 ACT A1545 1 January 2018 [PU(B) 587/2017] except section 3; 1 November 2011 - section 3 Section 2 and 15


Act/Principal No. Title Revoked by In force from
PU(B) 133/2015 Appointment of Member of the Competition Commission PU(B) 585/2017 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2020
PU(A) 161/2017 Co-operative Societies (Assumption of Control) (Appointment) Order 2017 PU(A) 331/2017 19 June 2017
PU(A) 408/2001 Electricity Supply (Compounding of Offences) Regulations 2001 PU(A) 327/2017 25 October 2017
PU(A) 89/2012 Consumer Protection (Credit Sale) Regulations 2012 PU(A) 322/2017 1 January 2018
PU(A) 199/1969 Bankruptcy Rules 1969 PU(A) 305/2017 6 October 2017