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Issue #8/2018
22 February 2018

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  3. Latest Cases

    1. Legal Network Series

    2. CLJ 2018 Volume 2 (Part 4)

  4. Articles

    1. LNS Article(s)

  5. Legislation Highlights

    1. Principal Acts

    2. Amending Acts

    3. PU(A)

    4. PU(B)

    5. Legislation Alert


[WRIT NO: 22-334-2006]
31 AUGUST 2017

STATUTORY INTERPRETATION: Construction of statute - Intention of Parliament - Federal Roads (Private Management) Act 1984 - Whether Act intended to make only users of highway liable to pay tolls - Whether owners of vehicles vicariously liable for failure of employees/drivers to pay toll - Whether common law principle of vicarious liability could be imported into Act to make owners of vehicles liable

  1. Antara Vista Sdn Bhd v. Rumaya Properties Sdn Bhd [2017] 1 LNS 1876 (CA) affirming in part the High Court case of Rumaya Properties Sdn Bhd v. Seacera Development Sdn Bhd & Anor [2014] 1 LNS 1744.

  2. Md Zubir Hamid & Ors v. Zahari Salleh & Ors [2017] 1 LNS 525 (CA) overruling in part the High Court case of Md Zubir Hamid & Ors v. Zahari Salleh & Ors [2016] 1 LNS 790.


Legal Network Series

[2016] 1 LNS 973


UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Dadah berbahaya - Pengedaran - Milikan - Kawalan dan jagaan - Dadah dijumpai di dalam salah sebuah bilik rumah - Tertuduh merupakan penyewa bilik lain - Kewujudan 5 profil DNA individu lain pada barang-barang kes selain tertuduh - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai kawalan dan jagaan eksklusif ke atas rumah tersebut dan bilik dimana dadah dijumpai - Sama ada kemungkinan orang lain mempunyai akses sebelum serbuan ke atas tempat dimana dadah dijumpai telah dikecualikan - Sama ada anggapan pengedaran dibawah seksyen 37(da) ADB boleh diguna pakai

UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Akta Senjata 1960 - Seksyen 8(a) - Butir amunisi peluru hidup - Milikan - Butir peluru dijumpai di dalam salah sebuah bilik rumah - Tertuduh merupakan penyewa bilik lain - Kewujudan 5 profil DNA individu lain pada barang-barang kes selain tertuduh - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai kawalan dan jagaan eksklusif ke atas rumah tersebut dan bilik dimana peluru dijumpai - Sama ada kemungkinan orang lain mempunyai akses sebelum serbuan ke atas tempat dimana peluru dijumpai telah dikecualikan

[2016] 1 LNS 992


KETERANGAN: Pernyataan - Kebolehterimaan - Kata-kata amaran di bawah s. 37A(1)(b) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 telah dibacakan kepada tertuduh - Pemberian kata-kata amaran tidak dipertikaikan oleh pihak pembelaan - Sama ada kenyataan dan perbuatan tertuduh setelah kata-kata amaran dibacakan adalah diterima sebagai keterangan

PROSEDUR JENAYAH: Pembelaan - Penafian - Pertuduhan pengedaran dadah berbahaya - Dadah dijumpai di dalam rumah - Tertuduh menafikan memiliki dadah - Tertuduh mendakwa wujud orang lain di dalam rumah - Tertuduh sendiri tidak langsung menyatakan bahawa dadah adalah milik orang lain - Sama ada pembelaan tertuduh adalah penafian semata-mata - Sama ada dakwaan kewujudan orang lain di rumah adalah watak yang direka oleh tertuduh - Sama ada anggapan di bawah s. 37(da) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 telah dibuktikan

UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Dadah berbahaya - Pengedaran - Dadah jenis cannabis seberat 8818g dan 720g - Milikan - Dadah dijumpai di dalam rumah atas panduan tertuduh - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai jagaan, kawalan dan pengetahuan terhadap dadah berbahaya - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai milikan terhadap dadah-dadah yang ditemui - Sama ada anggapan di bawah s. 37(da) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 adalah terpakai

[2017] 1 LNS 1155


CONTRACT: Joint venture - Termination - Damages - Assessment of damages - Claim for damages following termination of joint venture agreement ('JVA') - Assessment of damages suffered by defendant - Claim for all money paid by defendant in respect of JVA - Whether all monies paid to other parties and all costs and expenses in relation to development was claimable - Whether defendant's claim falls within meaning of development

[2017] 1 LNS 1157


DAMAGES: Fatal accident - Dependency claim - Assessment - Deceased was 45 years old at time of death - Whether there should be deduction for personal living expenses at work

ROAD TRAFFIC: Negligence - Road accident - Determining liability of party - Reliance of doctrine of res ipsa loquitor - Collision between car and motorcycle - Car was parked at road shoulder due to punctured tyre - Driver sat inside car with double signal lights on instead of driving to emergency parking bay - Driver failed to place a warning triangle behind car - Whether driver was able to slow drive car to emergency lane - Whether driver was liable for negligence - Whether motorcyclist was contributorily negligent by riding motorcycle at high speed - Whether liability of driver and motorcyclist at 80:20% was justified

[2017] 1 LNS 1260


ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: Judicial review - Certiorari - Application to quash decision of Minister of Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government - Minister granted extension of time for developer to surrender vacant possession - Whether decision of Minister was valid - Whether there were special circumstances warranting grant of extension of time

LAND LAW: Delivery of vacant possession - Late delivery - Rights of purchasers to claim for liquidated agreed damages ('LAD') - Power of controller - Whether controller could take away rights of purchasers to claim LAD - Whether reg 11(3) of Housing Development (Control) and Licensing), Regulations 1989 could be construed to take away rights of purchasers to claim for LAD

CLJ 2018 Volume 2 (Part 4)


Ganda Setia Cemerlang Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Maika Holdings Bhd
David Wong Dak Wah, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, Mary Lim JJCA
(Company Law - Winding up - Voluntary winding up - Claim for specific performance of agreement - Whether winding up court could decide on order of specific performance) [2018] 2 CLJ 401 [CA]

Pragalathan Balakrishnan v. PP
Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Kamardin Hashim, Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal JJCA
(Criminal Procedure - Appeal against conviction and sentence - Trafficking in dangerous drugs - Whether conviction and sentence safe) [2018] 2 CLJ 420 [CA]


Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Bhd v. Best Re (L) Ltd
Khadijah Idris JC
(Civil Procedure - Pre-trial case management - Non-compliance with court's directions - Whether appropriate for court to invoke O. 34 r. 2(3) of Rules of Court 2012) [2018] 2 CLJ 431 [HC]

Kerajaan Negeri Selangor v. Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia & Ors
Azizul Azmi Adnan J
(Civil Procedure; Election - Injunction - Application for - Whether relief prayed for premature - Whether in contravention of O. 53 of Rules of Court 2012) [2018] 2 CLJ 455 [HC]

Mathivanan Mahathevan v. PP
Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera J
(Criminal Procedure - Revision of conviction and sentence - Plea of guilty to amended charge - Whether charge defective - Whether plea of guilty ought to have been rejected) [2018] 2 CLJ 469 [HC]

Petronas Gas Bhd v. Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam
Azimah Omar H
(Kerajaan Tempatan - Penilaian tahunan - Bantahan terhadap nilai tahunan tanah-tanah dan cukai taksiran oleh pihak berkuasa tempatan - Sama ada bantahan berasas) [2018] 2 CLJ 480 [HC]

Projek Lebuhraya Usahasama Bhd v. Sin-Kung Logistics (KL) Sdn Bhd
Akhtar Tahir J
(Statutory Interpretation - Construction of statute - Intention of Parliament - Federal Roads (Private Management) Act 1984 - Whether common law principle of vicarious liability could be imported into Act) [2018] 2 CLJ 501 [HC]



Injunction - Application for - Injunction to restrain Election Commission from conducting local enquiry pending final disposal of judicial review and from submitting report to Prime Minister - Whether relief prayed for premature since there was no report yet - Whether abuse of court process since applicant obtained stay order for Selangor - Whether in contravention of O. 53 of Rules of Court 2012 - Whether injunction ought to be granted
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor v. Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia & Ors
(Azizul Azmi Adnan J) [2018] 2 CLJ 455 [HC]

Pre-trial - Case management - Non-compliance with court's directions to file witness statements - Delay in filing witness statement - Allegation of being deprived of further and better particulars - Whether non-availability of detailed information caused defendant difficulty to prepare and finalise witness statement - Whether reasons provided for delay reasonable - Whether appropriate for court to invoke O. 34 r. 2(3) of Rules of Court 2012
Allianz General Insurance Company (Malaysia) Bhd v. Best Re (L) Ltd
(Khadijah Idris JC) [2018] 2 CLJ 431 [HC]


Winding up - Voluntary winding up - Application to commence proceedings against company - Leave of court - Allegation of breaches of agreement - Whether baseless or without substance - Claim for specific performance of agreement - Whether winding up court could decide on order of specific performance - Role of civil court - Whether only to decide on order of specific performance in event leave to commence litigation allowed - Whether there was serious dispute between parties warranting trial - Prima facie case - Whether established - Whether appellate intervention warranted - Whether leave to commence action against company granted - Companies Act 1965, ss. 226(3), 263(2)
Ganda Setia Cemerlang Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Maika Holdings Bhd
(David Wong Dak Wah, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, Mary Lim JJCA) [2018] 2 CLJ 401 [CA]

Winding up - Voluntary winding up - Application to commence proceedings against company - Leave of court - Allegation of breaches of agreement - Whether baseless or without substance - Whether there was serious dispute between parties warranting trial - Whether there was a prima facie case - Whether appellate intervention warranted - Whether leave to commence action against company granted - Companies Act 1965, s. 263(2)
Ganda Setia Cemerlang Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Maika Holdings Bhd
(David Wong Dak Wah, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, Mary Lim JJCA) [2018] 2 CLJ 401 [CA]


Appeal - Appeal against conviction and sentence - Trafficking in dangerous drugs - Accused convicted and sentenced to death - Police carried out surveillance and ambush after receiving information that accused would sell drugs on motorcycle - Whether motorcycle formed integral part of prosecution's case - Whether non-production of motorcycle and its owner detrimental to prosecution's case - Whether prosecution proved charge beyond reasonable doubt - Whether conviction and sentence safe - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, ss. 37(d), 37(da) & 39B
Pragalathan Balakrishnan v. PP
(Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Kamardin Hashim, Harmindar Singh Dhaliwal JJCA) [2018] 2 CLJ 420 [CA]

Charge - Defective charge - Applicant charged under s. 6 of Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act 1958 - Charge amended from s. 6 to s. 4 - Amended charge did not disclose offence under s. 4 - Applicant pleaded guilty to amended charge - Whether plea of guilty ought to have been rejected - Whether charge defective - Whether plea of guilty ought to have been rejected - Whether there was failure of justice
Mathivanan Mahathevan v. PP
(Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera J) [2018] 2 CLJ 469 [HC]

Revision - Revision of conviction and sentence - Applicant charged under s. 6 of Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act 1958 - Charge amended from s. 6 to s. 4 - Amended charge did not disclose offence under s. 4 - Facts of case and evidence tendered did not support amended charge - Applicant pleaded guilty to amended charge and sentenced to four years imprisonment and two strokes of whip - Whether charge defective - Whether plea of guilty ought to have been rejected - Whether there was failure of justice - Criminal Procedure Code, s. 323
Mathivanan Mahathevan v. PP
(Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera J) [2018] 2 CLJ 469 [HC]


Election Commission - Review of constituencies - Election Commission published second notice but did not include proposed recommendations on Selangor - Application for injunction to restrain Election Commission from conducting local enquiry and from submitting report to Prime Minister - Whether relief prayed for premature since there was no report yet - Whether abuse of court process since applicant obtained stay order for Selangor - Whether in contravention of O. 53 of Rules of Court 2012 - Whether injunction ought to be granted
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor v. Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia & Ors
(Azizul Azmi Adnan J) [2018] 2 CLJ 455 [HC]


Construction of statute - Intention of Parliament - Federal Roads (Private Management) Act 1984 - Whether Act intended to make only users of highway liable to pay tolls - Whether owners of vehicles vicariously liable for failure of employees/drivers to pay toll - Whether common law principle of vicarious liability could be imported into Act to make owners of vehicles liable
Projek Lebuhraya Usahasama Bhd v. Sin-Kung Logistics (KL) Sdn Bhd
(Akhtar Tahir J) [2018] 2 CLJ 501 [HC]



Pihak berkuasa tempatan - Penilaian tahunan - Bantahan syarikat terhadap nilai tahunan tanah-tanah dan cukai taksiran yang dibuat pihak berkuasa tempatan - Kaedah yang diguna pakai dalam menilai dan mengira nilai pasaran terbuka tanah-tanah - Sama ada terdapat perbezaan ketara antara nilai tahunan oleh penilai syarikat dan penilai pihak berkuasa tempatan - Sama ada pihak berkuasa tempatan mengemukakan butir-butir tanah yang terlibat dalam penetapan nilai tahunan - Sama ada transaksi-transaksi perbandingan pihak berkuasa tempatan melibatkan lokasi dan bentuk tanah-tanah yang sama dengan tanah syarikat - Sama ada bantahan berasas - Akta Kerajaan Tempatan 1976, ss. 2, 138 & 145
Petronas Gas Bhd v. Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam
(Azimah Omar H) [2018] 2 CLJ 480 [HC]


LNS Article(s)

    STEVEN S Y TEE** [2018] 1 LNS(A) xii

  2. [2018] 1 LNS(A) xii



    This is a story about a bank and two customers.[1] It lent money to the customers, a British couple, to buy a property. The property was being constructed by the developer at the time of the loan. The bank agreed to pay the loan amount in instalments directly to the developer based on construction progress. These payments would fulfil the couple's obligations to pay the purchase price to the developer under the sale and purchase agreement for the property. This is usual practice.

    However, the bank failed to make payment of the instalment amount due under an invoice issued by the developer. The developer then terminated the sale and purchase agreement, after more than a year had passed from the time the invoice was issued. The couple sued the bank for their losses resulting from the termination of the sale and purchase agreement.

    . . .

    * This article is reproduced, with permission, from the Legal Herald (November 2017), a publication by Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill, Advocates & Solicitors, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    ** Steven S Y Tee (


  4. [2018] 1 LNS(A) xvi



    Sustainable development (SD) gained traction in the 1960s due to heighted apprehensions over crucial issues of human survival. The key question asked was: Are we moving towards a sustainable future considering the poverty trap, human dignity deficit, HIV/lethal diseases and ecological degradation?

    In the 1970s, sustainability was used to describe an economy in equilibrium with basic ecological support systems. The three key components of SD included environmental, economic and social dimensions. The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development released the report Our Common Future (1987), which defined SD as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." This subsumed in turn intra-generational equity (between rich and poor now) and inter-generational equity (between present and future generations) for a sustainable future. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) added a new dimension to SD by emphasizing the quality of life as an overall concept, in addition to the carrying capacity of its supporting ecosystems.

    . . .

    * Published with kind permission of the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia. Also published in New Straits Times on (35 Nov-Dec 2016). ( or


Principal Acts

Number Title In force from Repealing
ACT 801 Finance (No. 2) Act 2017 As provided in the Act except s 20 - 23; 1 January 2018 [PU(B) 610/2017] - s 20, 21 and 23; 1 October 2018 [PU(B) 610/2017] - s 22 -
ACT 800 Employment Insurance System Act 2017 1 January 2018 [PU(B) 606/2017] -
ACT 799 Malaysian Border Security Agency Act 2017 29 December 2017 [PU(B) 595/2017] -
ACT 798 Local Authorities (Conditions of Service) Act 1964 (Revised 2017) 15 November 2017 pursuant to paragraph 6(1)(xxiii) of the Revision of Laws Act 1968 [Act 1]; Revised up to 1 November 2017; First enacted in 1968 as Act of Parliament No 9 of 1964 -
ACT 797 Sabah Ports Authority (Consequential Provisions) Act 1968 (Revised 2017) 15 November 2017 pursuant to paragraph 6(1)(xxiii) of the Revision of Laws Act 1968 [Act 1]; Revised up to 1 November 2017; First enacted in 1968 as Act No 25 of 1968 -

Amending Acts

Number Title In force from Principal/Amending Act No
ACT A1563 Arbitration (Amendment) Act 2018 Not Yet In Force ACT 646
ACT A1562 Tourism Industry (Amendment) Act 2018 Not Yet In Force ACT 482
ACT A1561 Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (Amendment) Act 2018 11 January 2018 ACT 633
ACT A1560 Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (Amendment) Act 2018 11 January 2018 ACT 617
ACT A1559 Malaysian Aviation Commission (Amendment) Act 2018 9 February 2018 [PU(B) 66/2018] ACT 771


Number Title Date of Publication In force from Principal/ Amending Act No
PU(A) 29/2018 Local Speed Limit (Federal Roads) (Specified Time Prohibition) Order 2018 8 February 2018 9 February 2018 to 23 February 2018 ACT 333
PU(A) 28/2018 National Speed Limit (Temporary Cessation) Order 2018 8 February 2018 9 February 2018 to 23 February 2018 ACT 333
PU(A) 27/2018 Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Determination of Maximum Retail Price For Petrol and Diesel) (No. 6) Order 2018 7 February 2018 8 February 2018 ACT 723
PU(A) 26/2018 Rules of The Court of Appeal (Amendment) 2018 7 February 2018 1 March 2018 PU(A) 524/1994
PU(A) 25/2018 Rules of The Federal Court (Amendment) 2018 7 February 2018 1 March 2018 PU(A) 376/1995


Number Title Date of Publication In force from Principal/ Amending Act No
PU(B) 89/2018 Appointment of Date of Coming Into Operation 15 February 2018 16 February 2018 ACT A1526
PU(B) 88/2018 Appointment of Date of Coming Into Operation 15 February 2018 16 February 2018 ACT 788
PU(B) 87/2018 Notice To Third Parties 14 February 2018 15 February 2018 ACT 613
PU(B) 86/2018 Notification of Values of Crude Petroleum Oil Under Section 12 14 February 2018 15 February 2018 to 28 February 2018 ACT 235
PU(B) 85/2018 Notice Regarding The Supplementary Electoral Roll For The Third Quarter of The Year 2017 (No. 9) That Has Been Certified 14 February 2018 15 February 2018 PU(A) 293/2002

Legislation Alert


Act/Principal No. Title Amended by In force from Section amended
ACT 3 Civil Aviation Act 1969 ACT A1526 19 February 2018 [PU(B) 89/2018] Section 2, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3, 4, 6, 6A - 6O, 7, 16, 24A, 24E, 24H, 24J, 24K, 24LA, 24LD, 24LE, 24LG, 24LI, 24M, 24MA, 24N, 24O, 24P and 24Q
PU(A) 376/1995 Rules of the Federal Court 1995 PU(A) 25/2018 1 March 2018 Rules 3, 12, 20, 21A, 21B, 31, 33, 34, 36, 39, 47, 49, 56, 57, 66, 75, 76, 79, 80, 90, 91, 96, 99, 107; Second Schedule
PU(A) 524/1994 Rules of the Court of Appeal 1994 PU(A) 26/2018 1 March 2018 Rules 12, 17, 18, 26, 28A, 28B, 32, 36, Part V; First and Second Schedule
PU(A) 205/2012 Rules of Court 2012 PU(A) 24/2018 1 March 2018 Orders 15, 31A, 55, 69A and Appendix C
ACT 671 Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 PU(A) 22/2018 1 April 2018 Schedule 5


Act/Principal No. Title Revoked by In force from
PU(A) 214/1981 Private Employment Agencies Regulations 1981 PU(A) 16/2018 1 February 2018
PU(A) 79/2015 Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Marking of Service Charge For Hotel and Restaurant) Order 2015 PU(A) 9/2018 25 January 2018
PU(B) 174/2017 Appointment of Date of Coming Into Operation of Rent of Parcel Or Provisional Block PU(B) 611/2017 30 December 2017
PU(B) 133/2015 Appointment of Member of the Competition Commission PU(B) 585/2017 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2020
PU(A) 161/2017 Co-operative Societies (Assumption of Control) (Appointment) Order 2017 PU(A) 331/2017 19 June 2017