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  CLJ Bulletin, Issue 2015, Vol 01
02 January 2015

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2. Latest Cases

a) Legal Network Series

b) CLJ 2014 Volume 9 (Part 8)

3. Articles

a) Legal Network Series Article(s)

4. Legislation Highlights

a) Principal Acts

b) Amending Acts

c) PU(A)

d) PU(B)


[CIVIL APPEALS NO: 01(F)-14-07-2012(Q) & 01(F)-15-07-2012(Q)]
18 NOVEMBER 2014

CIVIL PROCEDURE: Mode of commencement of proceedings - Writ action - Whether claim should have been made by way of judicial review proceedings - Native customary rights-related claims - Whether strict compliance with statutory time limit would cause injustice - Whether procedural efficacy to give way to constitutional rights of natives - Rules of the High Court 1980, O. 53

LAND LAW: Customary land - Claim for - Native customary rights - Whether a public law or private law claim - Whether claim to be made by way of writ action or judicial review proceedings

NATIVE LAW AND CUSTOM: Customary land - Claim for - Native customary rights - Whether a public law or private law claim - Whether claim to be made by way of writ action or judicial review proceedings

[SAMAN NO: 52-3753-2011]
15 JUN 2012

INSURAN: Tuntutan - Perlindungan di bawah insuran - Barangan kemas dibeli menggunakan kad kredit - Kecurian barangan kemas - Perlindungan insuran bagi setiap barang yang dibayar menggunakan kad kredit - Sama ada plaintif dilindungi di bawah polisi insuran - Terma dan syarat - Sama ada pihak bank dikecualikan dari sebarang tuntutan oleh ahli kad - Percanggahan material - Sama ada wujud di antara keterangan plaintif di mahkamah dan laporan polisnya - Kecuaian plaintif - Sama ada pihak defendan bertanggungjawab bersama-sama untuk menanggung kerugian yang dialami oleh plaintif

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Legal Network Series

[2013] 1 LNS 1159 TEO YEW CHUAN v. HAJI AMINOLHUDDA HASSAN ELECTION: Petition - Defective petition - Petitioner chose to state his right to petition by being a person who had a right to vote at said elections - Petitioner not registered to vote in DUN N.21 Parit Yaani - Whether petition void for non-compliance with s. 34 of the Election Offences Act (EO) 1954 and rule 4(1)(a) of the Election Petition (EP) Rules 1954 - Whether petition should be struck out on this ground alone
ELECTION: Petition - Allegation of corrupt or illegal practice - Display or fixation of any election campaign material within a distance of fifty metres from the limits of any polling station - Petitioner pleaded that s. 24B(7) of the EO Act 1954 fell under the offence of illegal practice under s. 32(c) - Whether punishment for conviction for illegal practice under s. 27 had to be pleaded to link the offence under s. 24B(7) to avoid the election under s. 32(c) - Whether failure to do so rendered charge or complaint defective
ELECTION: Petition - Complaint of undue influence and intimidation - Whether charge defective as petitioner did not plead s. 11(1)(b) with the offence under s. 9 to avoid the election under s. 32(a) and (c) of the EO Act 1954 for the third charge - Whether there was also non-compliance of rules 4(1) and 4(4)(3) of the EP Rules on the first, second and third charges - Whether charges clearly unsustainable since they failed to disclose any cause of action - Whether petition fundamentally defective and must be struck out
[2013] 1 LNS 1426 NORSECHEM (SABAH) SDN BHD v. VEISHENG TIMBER SDN BHD SALE OF GOODS: Goods sold and delivered - Claim for price of goods supplied to defendant - Credit terms and rate of interest spelt out in plaintiff's invoices - Whether defendants could deny imposition of the 1.5% per month interest
SALE OF GOODS: Goods sold and delivered - Merchantable quality - Proof of - Whether goods supplied were of merchantable quality - Whether use of plaintiff's glue supplied to defendants caused the blistering and delamination of the plywood - Failure by defendants to address plaintiff's allegation as to the poor quality of the veneers - Whether burden on defendants to prove plaintiff's products were unmerchantable - Whether plaintiffs liable for the loss and damage as claimed by defendant and in particular to their Japanese Market
[2014] 1 LNS 19 AZIMAH BASRIN & SATU LAGI lwn. AZIZ ABDUL RAHMAN LALULINTAS JALAN: Kecuaian - Kemalangan jalan raya - Liabiliti - Sama ada pihak-pihak yang mengakibatkan kemalangan jalan raya memikul tanggungan 100% atas kegagalan memberi keterangan di mahkamah
LALULINTAS JALAN: Kecuaian - Mengenal pasti kecuaian - Tindakan saman oleh pihak polis - Sama ada tindakan saman oleh pihak polis boleh diambilkira untuk menentukan tanggungan dalam kemalangan yang berlaku - Sama ada tindakan saman pihak polis merupakan fakta konklusif dalam mengenal pasti kecuaian pihak-pihak dalam kemalangan
KETERANGAN: Inferen bertentangan - Kegagalan memberi keterangan di mahkamah - Sama ada mahkamah boleh menggunapakai anggapan di bawah s. 114(g) Akta Keterangan 1950 terhadap perayu-perayu atas kegagalan salah seorang perayu memberi keterangan di mahkamah
KETERANGAN: Beban pembuktian - Kecuaian - Kemalangan jalan raya - Sama ada pihak menuntut ganti rugi memikul tanggungjawab untuk membuktikan kecuaian dipihak yang telah mengakibatkan kemalangan berlaku
KETERANGAN: Keterangan yang bertentangan - Kemalangan jalan raya - Keterangan senyap - Sama ada mahkamah boleh merujuk kepada keterangan senyap apabila keterangan yang diberikan oleh pihak-pihak adalah bertentangan antara satu sama lain - Sama ada kesan pecahan kaca merupakan keterangan senyap yang boleh diambil kira bagi menentukan tempat perlanggaran berlaku - Sama ada kesan kerosakan kenderaan adalah merupakan keterangan senyap untuk menentukan bagaimana kemalangan berlaku
[2014] 1 LNS 21 ANG SOON TAT lwn. JUPITER CAPITAL SDN BHD KEBANKRAPAN: Pengenepian - Permohonan untuk - Pengenepian notis kebankrapan - Isu res judicata - Sama ada notis kebankrapan yang telah difailkan semula boleh diketepikan atas alasan res judicata
KEBANKRAPAN: Pengenepian - Permohonan untuk - Pengenepian notis kebankrapan - Pengiraan faedah yang berlebihan - Sama ada perbezaan pengiraan faedah adalah substansial - Sama ada mahkamah boleh mengekalkan notis kebankrapan jika perbezaan pengiraan kadar faedah adalah tidak substantial
KEBANKRAPAN: Notis - Pemfailan - Pemfailan semula notis kebankrapan - Sama ada kebenaran mahkamah diperlukan untuk memfailkan semula notis kebankrapan setelah notis kebankrapan pertama telah diketepikan - Sama ada terdapat perintah mahkamah yang menghalang kebebasan pemiutang penghakiman daripada memfailkan semula notis kebankrapan
[2014] 1 LNS 93 KHATHERESEN DORAISAMY v. LEE HOCK KIM & ANOR CIVIL PROCEDURE: Appeal - Appeal against decision of sessions court - Dismissal of an interpleader's summons - Whether the goods attached at said premises belonged to the judgment debtor - Whether the judgment creditor had attached goods of judgment debtor - Whether execution of the writ of seizure and sale was correctly carried out on judgment debtor's goods by the Sheriff - Whether finding of the Sessions Court on this issue correct
CIVIL PROCEDURE: Appeal - Appeal against decision of sessions court - Dismissal of an interpleader's summons - Purported Deed of Sale whereby all the goods including the lorry in the Judgment Debtor's premises were sold to claimant - Whether claimant had proven by its Deed of Sale that said goods attached were claimant's property as against the execution creditor at the time of the execution - Whether Sessions Judge's finding that the Deed of Sale and claimant's claim was not bona fide and an afterthought, correct - Whether claimant's claim that said property belonged to them was proven on a balance of probabilities - Whether Session Court decision in dismissing claimant's claim was correct in law and in fact
EVIDENCE: Documentary evidence - Stamping - Stamping on Deed of Sale done by Commissioner of Oath - Whether Commissioner of Oath had legal authority to stamp the revenue stamp on the Deed of Sale - Whether proper authority to do so was the Inland Revenue Department

CLJ 2015 Volume 1 (Part 1)



Pengarah Jabatan Pengangkutan Negeri Selangor & Ors v. Sin Yoong Ming
(Road Transport - Registration of vehicles - Duty of RTD) [2015] 1 CLJ 1 [FC]

Superintendent Of Lands And Surveys, Samarahan Division & Anor v. Abas Naun & Ors And Another Appeal
(Civil Procedure; Land Law; Native customary rights - Claim to - Mode of commencement - Whether claim genus by itself - Whether not bound by judicial review procedure) [2015] 1 CLJ 18 [FC]


Batu Malay Thandy v. Saulinardi & Anor
(Legal Profession - Diciplinary Board - Whether must provide reasons for decision) [2015] 1 CLJ 33 [CA]

Damai Motor Kredit Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Kementerian Kerja Raya Malaysia
(Land Law; Civil Procedure - Acquisition of land - Compensation - Leave to intervene - Whether proper parties) [2015] 1 CLJ 44 [CA]

Ho Ken Seng v. Progressive Insurance Sdn Bhd
(Bankruptcy - Creditor's petition - Validity of) [2015] 1 CLJ 59 [CA]

Mohd Yusri Ab Hamid v. PP
(Criminal Procedure; Evidence - Appeal - Adverse inference - Role of informer) [2015] 1 CLJ 72 [CA]

Tan Tek Sin & Anor v. Tetuan Nora Hayati & Associates
(Legal Profession - Bill of costs - Whether overly exorbitant - Whether to be taxed) [2015] 1 CLJ 89 [CA]


1 Rise (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v. Inspektor, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia & Anor
(Tort - Trespass to land - Entry and sealing of premises without warrant) [2015] 1 CLJ 100 [HC]

Cheah Ewe Yeow lwn. PP
(Prosedur Jenayah - Inkues - Semakan) [2015] 1 CLJ 110 [HC]

Gopal Nagaiah v. AM General Insurance Bhd
(Road Traffic - Words And Phrases - 'Road' - Meaning and scope) [2015] 1 CLJ 118 [HC]

Utas Hasil Sdn Bhd lwn. Pengarah Tanah Dan Galian Negeri Perak & Satu Lagi
(Prosedur Sivil - Prosiding terhadap Kerajaan - Sama ada mematuhi A. 73 k. 2(1) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012) [2015] 1 CLJ 136 [HC]

Zubir Mustapha lwn. Tenaga Nasional Bhd & Satu Lagi
(Undang-Undang Tanah; Had Masa; Prosedur Sivil - Gadaian - Penguatkuasaan - Res judicata) [2015] 1 CLJ 145 [HC]



Creditor's petition - Presentation of - Creditor's petition filed in 1996 - Failure to extract - Re-filing of creditor's petition in 2004 - Granting of receiving and adjudication orders - Validity of - Whether act of bankruptcy occurred within six months before presentation of petition - Affidavit of truth of statement in petition - Whether reference made to creditor's petition filed in 1996 - Whether s. 131 Bankruptcy Act 1967 invoked - Whether petition defective
Ho Ken Seng v. Progressive Insurance Sdn Bhd
(Alizatul Khair Osman, Abdul Aziz Rahim, Varghese George JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 59 [CA]


Intervener - Legal interest - Leave to intervene - Application for - Appellants' land acquired by respondent - Appellants sought to intervene in action between respondent and Land Administrator - Whether appellants proper parties to intervene in action to challenge award of compensation - Whether appellants' interests affected by order or judgment made in court - Whether appellants 'person interested' defined by s. 2 of Land Acquisition Act 1960 - Whether respondent's conduct prejudiced appellants
Damai Motor Kredit Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Kementerian Kerja Raya Malaysia
(Mohamed Apandi Ali, Abdul Aziz Rahim, Mohamad Ariff Yusof JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 44 [CA]

Mode of commencement of proceedings - Writ action - Whether claim should have been made by way of judicial review proceedings - Native customary rights-related claims - Whether strict compliance with statutory time limit would cause injustice - Whether procedural efficacy to give way to constitutional rights of natives - Rules of the High Court 1980, O. 53
Superintendent Of Lands And Surveys, Samarahan Division & Anor v. Abas Naun & Ors And Another Appeal
(Zulkefli Makinudin CJ (Malaya), Suriyadi Halim Omar, Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 18 [FC]


Appeal - Finding of fact by trial judge - Appeal against conviction - Whether correct finding of fact made - Whether there was misdirection - Whether appellate intervention warranted - Whether safe to uphold conviction
Mohd Yusri Ab Hamid v. PP
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Rohana Yusuf, Zakaria Sam JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 72 [CA]


Adverse inference - Failure of prosecution to call witness - Whether prosecution bound to call everyone involved to testify - Whether failure to call merited invocation of adverse inference - Whether persons named necessary to unfolding of narratives of prosecution's case - Evidence Act 1950, s. 114(g)
Mohd Yusri Ab Hamid v. PP
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Rohana Yusuf, Zakaria Sam JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 72 [CA]

Agent provocateur - Admissibility of evidence - Roles of - Whether to be determined by court - Whether failure to call superior officer to testify on roles of agent provocateur would attract adverse inference - Whether evidence of agent provocateur admissible
Mohd Yusri Ab Hamid v. PP
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Rohana Yusuf, Zakaria Sam JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 72 [CA]

Agent provocateur - Informer - Role of informer - Whether assumed mantle of agent provocateur - Whether lost protection from disclosure of identity - Whether failure to call would attract adverse presumption - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, s. 40 - Evidence Act 1950, s. 114(g)
Mohd Yusri Ab Hamid v. PP
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Rohana Yusuf, Zakaria Sam JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 72 [CA]


Acquisition of land - Compensation - Appellants' land acquired by respondents - Objection to amount of compensation - Application for extension of time to file objection - Whether regular - Appellants sought to intervene in action between respondent and Land Administrator - Whether appellants proper parties to intervene - Whether appellants 'person interested' as defined by s. 2 of Land Acquisition Act 1960 - Whether there were special circumstances to merit extension of time - Delay in application for extension of time - Whether prejudiced appellants - Land Acquisition Act 1960, s. 38(4)
Damai Motor Kredit Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Kementerian Kerja Raya Malaysia
(Mohamed Apandi Ali, Abdul Aziz Rahim, Mohamad Ariff Yusof JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 44 [CA]

Customary land - Claim for - Native customary rights - Whether a public law or private law claim - Whether claim to be made by way of writ action or judicial review proceedings
Superintendent Of Lands And Surveys, Samarahan Division & Anor v. Abas Naun & Ors And Another Appeal
(Zulkefli Makinudin CJ (Malaya), Suriyadi Halim Omar, Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 18 [FC]


Disciplinary proceedings - Disciplinary Committee - Whether Disciplinary Board bound to adhere to findings and recommendations made by Disciplinary Committee - Whether Disciplinary Board bound to provide reasons for its decision - Whether decision of Disciplinary Board valid - Legal Profession Act 1976, s. 103D(3)
Batu Malay Thandy v. Saulinardi & Anor
(Zaharah Ibrahim, Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Umi Kalthum Abdul Majid JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 33 [CA]

Disciplinary proceedings - Show cause proceedings - Failure of complainant to attend hearings before Disciplinary Committee - Whether serious procedural flaw - Whether complainant failed to prove complaint beyond reasonable doubt
Batu Malay Thandy v. Saulinardi & Anor
(Zaharah Ibrahim, Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Umi Kalthum Abdul Majid JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 33 [CA]

Misconduct - Acting in a manner unbefitting as an advocate and solicitor - Advancement of loans - Whether advocate and solicitor advanced loan to complainant - Whether advocate and solicitor guilty of misconduct
Batu Malay Thandy v. Saulinardi & Anor
(Zaharah Ibrahim, Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Umi Kalthum Abdul Majid JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 33 [CA]

Remuneration - Bill of costs - Taxation of costs - Whether professional fee of RM600,000 for obtaining letters of administration exorbitant - Extension of time - Whether special circumstances existed to grant extension of time after expiry of one year after service of bill on client
Tan Tek Sin & Anor v. Tetuan Nora Hayati & Associates
(Raus Sharif PCA, Azahar Mohamed, Lim Yee Lan JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 89 [FC]

Remuneration - Taxation of costs - Application by client for taxation of costs - Whether application made within one year after delivery of bill of costs - Whether bill of costs properly served on client - Whether sum reflected in bill immediately crystallises upon expiry of one year period - Whether court has inherent jurisdiction to grant extension of time and hear application made after one year - Whether special circumstances shown - Legal Profession Act 1976, ss. 126 & 128
Tan Tek Sin & Anor v. Tetuan Nora Hayati & Associates
(Raus Sharif PCA, Azahar Mohamed, Lim Yee Lan JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 89 [FC]


Customary land - Claim for - Native customary rights - Whether a public law or private law claim - Whether claim to be made by way of writ action or judicial review proceedings
Superintendent Of Lands And Surveys, Samarahan Division & Anor v. Abas Naun & Ors And Another Appeal
(Zulkefli Makinudin CJ (Malaya), Suriyadi Halim Omar, Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Jeffrey Tan FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 18 [FC]


Insurance - Duty of insurers - Duty to satisfy third party claims - Motor accident in oil palm estate road - Lorry covered under insurance policy - Judgment obtained against insured - Recovery of judgment debt from insurer - Whether injuries sustained by third party arose out of use of a motor vehicle on a 'road' within meaning of Road Transport Act 1987 - Whether insurer need only to pay under insurance policy if accident happened on a 'road' - Whether insurer could disclaim liability in recovery action - Road Transport Act 1987, ss. 90, 91(1)(b), 95(e), 96(2) & (3)
Gopal Nagaiah v. AM General Insurance Bhd
(Lee Swee Seng J) [2015] 1 CLJ 118 [HC]

Road - Definition of - Whether road in palm oil estate a 'road' within meaning of Road Transport Act 1987 - Whether there was distinction between public road and private roads - Whether meaning of 'road' should be given restricted meaning or its ordinary basic meaning - Whether public should have access to 'road' - Road Transport Act 1987, s. 2
Gopal Nagaiah v. AM General Insurance Bhd
(Lee Swee Seng J) [2015] 1 CLJ 118 [HC]


Transfer of vehicles - Registration of transfer - Stolen vehicle transferred to plaintiff - Whether Road Transport Department (RTD) has duty to ensure that particulars in registration certificate of motor vehicles were accurate - Whether RTD has duty to inspect engine and chassis number of vehicle being transferred to new owner - Road Transport Act 1987, ss. 8, 10, 12, 13 & 59
Pengarah Jabatan Pengangkutan Negeri Selangor & Ors v. Sin Yoong Ming
(Raus Sharif PCA, Abdull Hamid Embong, Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Ramly Ali FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 1 [FC]


Trespass to land - Wrongful entry and search - Entry, search and sealing of premises without warrant - Whether complied with s. 90 of Private Healthcare Facilities and Services Act 1998 - Whether there was "reasonable cause to believe" delay in obtaining warrant will cause evidence to be destroyed or tampered with
1 Rise (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd v. Inspektor, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia & Anor
(SM Komathy Suppiah JC) [2015] 1 CLJ 100 [HC]


'Road' - Section 2, Road Transport Act 1987 - Meaning and scope - Whether means all roads to which public had access
Gopal Nagaiah v. AM General Insurance Bhd
(Lee Swee Seng J) [2015] 1 CLJ 118 [HC]



Tanah - Perintah jualan - Penguatkuasaan - Sama ada melebihi tempoh 12 tahun - Sama ada peruntukan s. 264A Kanun Tanah Negara terpakai - Sama ada perintah jualan suatu penghakiman - Sama ada mematuhi peruntukan Kanun Tanah Negara - Penangguhan lelongan awam - Sama ada budi bicara Pentadbir Tanah
Zubir Mustapha lwn. Tenaga Nasional Bhd & Satu Lagi
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 1 CLJ 145 [HC]


Semakan - Inkues - Permohonan oleh peguam pemerhati untuk mendapatkan nota keterangan prosiding inkues - Sama ada peguam pemerhati berhak mendapat nota keterangan sementara siasatan masih berjalan - Sama ada peguam pemerhati berhak berhujah dalam prosiding inkues - Sama ada hujahan dalam prosiding inkues suatu hak atau kelebihan - Kanun Tatacara Jenayah, s. 338(1)
Cheah Ewe Yeow lwn. PP
(Nordin Hassan PK) [2015] 1 CLJ 110 [HC]


Pliding _ Membatalkan writ dan pernyataan tuntutan - Prosiding terhadap Kerajaan - Pengendorsan atas writ atau pernyataan tuntutan - Butir-butir tuntutan - Sama ada dinyatakan - Sama ada tuntutan plaintif mematuhi kehendak A. 73 k. 2(1) Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 - Kecacatan dalam pliding - Sama ada memudaratkan tuntutan plaintif - Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012, A. 6 k. 2 & A. 18 k. 19(1)(a), (b) & (d)
Utas Hasil Sdn Bhd lwn. Pengarah Tanah Dan Galian Negeri Perak & Satu Lagi
(Che Mohd Ruzima Ghazali PK) [2015] 1 CLJ 136 [HC]

Tindakan - Res judicata - Sama ada isu sama pernah dibangkitkan - Sama ada prinsip res judicata terpakai
Zubir Mustapha lwn. Tenaga Nasional Bhd & Satu Lagi
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 1 CLJ 145 [HC]


Gadaian - Perintah jualan - Pembatalan perintah jualan pertama - Sama ada Pentadbir Tanah functus officio - Sama ada perintah jualan kedua boleh dikeluarkan - Sama ada perintah jualan pertama masih sah dan berkuatkuasa - Sama ada dihalang oleh had masa - Kanun Tanah Negara, ss. 254, 261 & 263 - Akta Had Masa 1953, s. 21(1)
Zubir Mustapha lwn. Tenaga Nasional Bhd & Satu Lagi
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 1 CLJ 145 [HC]


Legal Network Series Article(s)

[Read excerpt]
    by: LORD NEUBERGER OF ABBOTSBURY [2014] 1 LNS(A) cxxxviii


Principal Acts

Number Title Date coming into force Repealing
ACT 763 Yayasan Guru Tun Hussein Onn Act 2014 Not Yet In Force -Nil-
ACT 762 Goods And Services Tax Act 2014 1 July 2014 - Parts I, II, IV, VI and XVI, ss 10, 11, 17, 18, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 44, 50, 56, 59, 61, 64, 65, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 160, 163, 183, 184 and 197, the First Schedule and Second Schedule to the Act; 1 April 2015 - Parts IX, XIII, XVII and XVIII, ss 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 70, 84, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 98, 106, 108, 109, 110, 122, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195 and 196, the Third Schedule and Fourth Schedule to the Act [PU(B) 319/2014] -Nil-
ACT 761 Finance Act 2014 See s 3 for the Income Tax Act; s 33 for the Stamp Act; s 36 for the Petroleum (Income Tax) Act; s 44 for the Real Property Gains Tax Act and s 50 for the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act -Nil-
ACT 760 Fees (Department Of Museums Malaysia) (Validation) Act 2014 1 January 1991 to 11 June 2012 -Nil-
ACT 759 Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 30 June 2013 [PU(B) 277/2013] - except para(s) 1 to 10 of Schedule 9 and para(s) 13 to 19 of Schedule 9 -Nil-

Amending Acts

Number Title Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No
ACT A1468 Promotion Of Investments (Amendment) Act 2014 See section 1(1) to 1(33) of the Act ACT 327
ACT A1467 Anti-Money Laundering And Anti-Terrorism Financing (Amendment) Act 2014 8 August 2014 - s 78 only; 1 September 2014 except ss 22 and 26 - 1 October 2014 [PU(B) 400/2014] ACT 613
ACT A1466 Supplementary Supply (2014) Act 2014 25 July 2014 -Nil-
ACT A1465 Private Higher Educational Institutions (Amendment) Act 2014 25 July 2014 ACT 555
ACT A1464 Price Control And Anti-Profiteering (Amendment) Act 2014 1 September 2014 [PU(B) 399/2014] ACT 723


Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No
PU(A) 342/2014 Price Control And Anti-Profiteering (Determination Of Maximum Price) (No. 6) Order 2014 22 December 2014 23 December 2014 to 27 December 2014 ACT 723
PU(A) 341/2014 Control Of Supplies (Controlled Articles) (No. 6) Order 2014 22 December 2014 23 December 2014 to 27 December 2014 ACT 122
PU(A) 340/2014 Federal Roads (Private Management) (Collection Of Tolls) (New North Klang Straits Bypass Expressway) Order 2014 22 December 2014 23 December 2014 ACT 306
PU(A) 339/2014 Federal Roads (New North Klang Straits Bypass Expressway) Order 2014 22 December 2014 23 December 2014 ACT 376
PU(A) 338/2014 Motor Vehicles (Construction And Use) (Amendment) Rules 2014 22 December 2014 23 December 2014 LN 170/1959


Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No
PU(B) 553/2014 Appointment Of Date Of Coming Into Operation 26 December 2014 27 December 2014 ACT 759
PU(B) 552/2014 Appointment Of Date Of Coming Into Operation 26 December 2014 27 December 2014 ACT 758
PU(B) 551/2014 Appointment Of Members Of The National Education Advisory Council 24 December 2014 1 August 2014 to 31 July 2016 ACT 550
PU(B) 550/2014 Notification Of Values Of Crude Petroleum Oil Under Section 12 24 December 2014 25 December 2014 to 7 January 2015 ACT 235
PU(B) 549/2014 Appointment Under Subsection 5(1) 22 December 2014 Specified in column (3) of the Schedule ACT 700
[2014] 1 LNS(A) cxxxvii MALAYSIA





The Shariah Advisory Council ("SAC") of Bank Negara Malaysia was established in May 1997 and, pursuant to sections 51 and 52 of the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 2009 ("CBMA 2009"), is the apex authority in the ascertainment of Islamic law for the purposes of Islamic banking business, takaful business, Islamic financial business, Islamic development financial business, or any other business, which is based on Shariah principles.

Evolution of the Shariah Advisory Council

It is recognised that the SAC has evolved since it was established on 1 May 1997 to achieve uniformity as Islamic finance began expanding. The role of the SAC at this first period (1 May 1997 - 1 January 2004) was to approve Islamic banking and takaful products before its introduction into the market. During the second period (1 January 2004 - 24 November 2009), an amendment to the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 ("CBMA 1958") introduced section 16B which provided that a court and/or arbitrator may in any proceedings relating to Islamic banking business or any business based on Shariah principles, refer a Shariah question to the SAC. Under the provision, such SAC rulings would be binding on the arbitrator but not on the court. Post 24 November 2009, the role and powers of the SAC were further expanded vide the enactment of the CBMA 2009 suggesting that the SAC is the authority to determine Islamic law principles in the context of Islamic financial business.

The much debated provisions in CBMA 2009, namely sections 56 and 57, provide that it is mandatory for courts and arbitrators to refer Shariah related questions to the SAC for the latter's determination and that such rulings are binding on the court and arbitrator. Rulings of the SAC also override rulings made by the respective Shariah committees of Islamic financial institutions. It is clear, therefore, that in Malaysia, the SAC is the authoritative body in determining Shariah principles in Islamic banking and financial disputes.

. . .

* Published with kind permission of M/s Shearn Delamore & Co

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[2014] 1 LNS(A) cxxxviii UNITED KINGDOM





1. Some four weeks ago, the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) received Royal Assent[1]. The LASPO provisions which are intended to implement the reforms proposed by Sir Rupert Jackson are expected to come into force in April 2013. The Jackson reforms which require implementation via rules of court, rather than through statute, will be brought into force at the same time. Many of them have already been considered by the Civil Procedure Rule Committee and approved pending the implementation date. Many others have been, and are, subject to ongoing pilot studies to test their efficacy, to bring to light practical problems, and to provide the opportunity for improvements before full implementation.

2. Sir Rupert's vision for the reform of litigation cost is therefore to become a reality in about ten months time, and four and a half years after he embarked on his project. This is a testament to his unstinting hard work and dedication. As you all may know he has had to stop work in order to undergo a serious operation, but he will be back at work by October 2012, well in time to see the final stages of implementation. It is more than fitting then that I pay tribute to him for the truly remarkable achievement of conceiving and progressing the reform process from a standing start in November 2008, through the production of clear, detailed and forcefully argued preliminary and final reports by December 2010, to legislative implementation in April 2013.

3. The focus of this evening's seminar is costs management, which will form a central component of the litigation landscape after April 2013. Proportionality underpins both costs management, and the court's approach to litigation cost generally. In the present context, it is the concept of proportionate costs which I wish to discuss, a concept which represents one of the most important changes, and on which a clear and consistent message is needed.

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* Lord Neuberger Of Abbotsbury, Master Of The Rolls, The Law Society (29 May 2012). Published with kind permission of the Judicial Communications Office, Judiciary of England and Wales (

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