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  CLJ Bulletin, Issue 2015, Vol 03
16 January 2015

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a) Legal Network Series

b) CLJ 2015 Volume 1 (Part 3)

3. Articles

a) Legal Network Series Article(s)

4. Legislation Highlights

a) Principal Acts

b) Amending Acts

c) PU(A)

d) PU(B)


[CIVIL APPEALS NO: B-01-199-2011 & B-01-363-2011]

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Legislature - State Assembly - Absence of assemblyman from State Legislative Assembly sittings - Speaker of State Legislative Assembly announced vacancy of assemblyman's seat in press conference and mass media - Announcement not made during proceedings of State Legislative Assembly - Whether Speaker's act in declaring vacancy of seat immune from legal action - Selangor State Constitution 1959, arts. 69, 70(1)

CIVIL PROCEDURE: Default judgment - Setting aside - Speaker of State Legislative Assembly announced vacancy of assemblyman's seat in press conference and mass media - Announcement not made during proceedings of State Legislative Assembly - High Court held that assemblyman was still State Legislative Assemblyman for his constituency and that there was no vacancy of said seat - Appeal against decision of High Court - Request for adjournment not granted - Whether judge correct in not allowing adjournment requested


Legal Network Series

[2012] 1 LNS 1372 MURLI NARAINDAS v. SAJNI BAI BULCHAND FAMILY LAW: Children - Custody - Paramount consideration to the welfare of the children and wishes of parents and children - Whether best interest of the children served if sole guardianship and custody was granted to respondent
FAMILY LAW: Divorce - Maintenance - For respondent wife and children - Consideration of means and needs of the parties and their standard of living prior to the breakdown of the marriage - Respective conducts which contributed to the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage - Whether fair for petitioner to bear the educational expenses of the children until they completed their tertiary education notwithstanding they may have attained age of 18
FAMILY LAW: Matrimonial property - Division of assets - Respondent contributed to running of the home and caring of the two children - Whether respondent entitled to 1/2 share of matrimonial home - Whether respondent entitled to 1/4 of amount in petitioner's EPF
[2013] 1 LNS 1188 PP v. DWI SUPRIYATNO MEI & ORS CRIMINAL LAW: Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - S. 39B - Trafficking in dangerous drugs - All 4 accused were present in the house with the drugs, drug making substances and its equipment conspicuously exposed - Whether 4 accused were in custody or control of the impugned exhibits recovered from the house - Whether they had knowledge and thus possession of the drugs in the premises - Whether 4 accused persons were involved in trafficking of drugs by way of "manufacturing", "keeping" and "storing" within definition of s. 2 of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Trial - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Prosecution's case - Prima facie case - Whether prosecution succeeded in establishing a prima facie case against 4 accused persons in respect of both the first and second charge in furtherance of their common intention under s. 34 of the Penal Code - Whether 4 accused persons should be called upon to enter their defence on both charges
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Trial - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Defence - Whether all 4 accused persons' defence were fanciful and mere bare denials - Whether accused persons failed to raise any reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case - Whether prosecution proved its case beyond reasonable doubt
EVIDENCE: Statement - Unsworn statement from dock - Whether statements from the dock of OKT2 and OKT3 amounted to evidence - Evidential value of an unsworn written statement from the dock - Whether subject to cross examination - Whether weight attached the same as evidence given on oath
[2013] 1 LNS 1189 PP v. SOH CHEW TONG & ANOR CRIMINAL LAW: Penal Code - SS. 302, 34 - Murder - Common intention - Whether OKT1 and OKT2 had a common intention under s. 34 of the Penal Code to cause the death of the deceased maid who was under their care - Whether OKT1 and OKT2 being husband and wife with mutual duties, had caused the death of deceased - Even without the existence of the employment agreement, whether OKT1 and OKT2 were under a duty as employers to look after the welfare of their maid, the deceased
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Trial - Prosecution's case - Prima facie case - Whether the prosecution succeeded in establishing a prima facie case of murder under s. 302 of the Penal Code - Alternatively, whether the prosecution had succeeded in establishing a prima facie case of culpable homicide not amounting to murder - Whether deceased's death was the likely result from OKT1 and OKT2's prolonged or repeated omission as opposed to the probable result of her death - Whether both OKT1 and OKT2 should be called upon to enter their defence on the reduced charge
CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: Trial - Defence - Whether defence's case, in particular the defence of OKT2 was inconsistent, an afterthought or a recent invention - Whether defence raised any doubt on the prosecution's case - Whether the prosecution had proved its case beyond reasonable doubt of culpable homicide not amounting to murder under s. 304(a) of the Penal Code
[2014] 1 LNS 29 BHAVANI DEVI BALAKRISHNAN lwn. MAHENDRAN PERIMALOO UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Anak - Penjagaan - Hak penjagaan tunggal - Kepentingan dan kebajikan kanak-kanak adalah faktor terpenting - Hasrat yang telah dizahirkan oleh kanak-kanak semasa sesi temubual oleh hakim - Sama ada kanak-kanak masih terlalu kecil untuk berupaya memberikan pendirian dan fikiran secara bebas dan menyakinkan
UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Anak - Penjagaan - Perintah interim bagi penjagaan, pemeliharaan dan kawalan - Perubahan perintah interim - Sama ada terdapat keperluan atau keadaan yang material wujud untuk mengubah perintah interim bagi penjagaan, pemeliharaan dan kawalan - Sama ada perubahan hak penjagaan dan tempat tinggal kondusif keatas kebajikan kanak-kanak
UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Anak - Akses - Kewujudan dakwaan perlakuan pencabulan seksual - Sama ada kewujudan dakwaan perlakuan pencabulan seksual boleh menafilan hak akses diberi kepada defendan - Sama ada defendan telah hilang kelayakan untuk diberikan hak akses keatas anak-anak
KETERANGAN: Beban pembuktian - Dakwaan kewujudan sesuatu fakta - Pencabulan seksual - Sama ada dakwaan pencabulan seksual telah dibuktikan - Sama ada terdapat sebarang pertuduhan berkaitan pengaduan pencabulan seksual oleh pihak polis telah dikemukakan untuk menyokong dakwaan pencabulan seksual
[2014] 1 LNS 73 ISMAIL MOHAMED lwn. PP UNDANG-UNDANG JENAYAH: Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 - Seksyen 6 & 39A(2) - Pengedaran dadah jenis cannabis seberat 131.23g - Sama ada elemen-elemen kesalahan dibawah s. 6 & 39A(2) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 telah dibuktikan
KETERANGAN: Anggapan - Pemilikan, kawalan dan pengetahuan keatas dadah - Dadah disimpan di dalam plastik berwarna hitam yang dijumpai di dalam beg sandang yang dicampur-baur dengan barang persendirian tertuduh - Sama ada terdapat anggapan bahawa tertuduh mempunyai milikan serta pengetahuan berkenaan dadah - Sama ada tertuduh mempunyai kawalan keatas dadah - Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952, s. 37(d)

CLJ 2015 Volume 1 (Part 3)



Malaysia Airline System Bhd v. Wan Sa'adi Wan Mustafa
(Civil Procedure - Judicial review - Dismissal - Industrial Court, award of) [2015] 1 CLJ 295 [FC]

RHB Bank Bhd v. Travelsight (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors And Another Appeal
(Contract; Trusts - Rescission - Sale and purchase agreement) [2015] 1 CLJ 309 [FC]


Durable Portfolio Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Pang Kee Hwi Realty Sdn Bhd & Ors And Another Appeal
(Company Law - Shares - Transfer of shares) [2015] 1 CLJ 335 [CA]

Kenneth Chung Kuo Ting & Anor v. John Tsang Shing Chi & Anor
(Civil Procedure - Judgments and orders - Judgment upon admission of fact) [2015] 1 CLJ 346 [CA]

Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya v. Laguna De Bay Sdn Bhd
(Administrative Law; Land Law; Local Government - Town planning - Temporary occupation licence) [2015] 1 CLJ 357 [CA]

Morteza Naserranjbar v. PP
(Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure - Appeal - Conviction and sentence - Trafficking in drugs) [2015] 1 CLJ 382 [CA]

Owners Of The Ship Or Vessel "Sasacom I" v. Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Bhd
(Civil Procedure - Appeal - Record of appeal - Preliminary objections raised) [2015] 1 CLJ 392 [CA]

Tenaga Nasional Bhd v. AWP Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd
(Public Utilities; Evidence - Electricity - Consumption and usage) [2015] 1 CLJ 400 [CA]

Teng Chang Khim v. Badrul Hisham Abdullah & Anor And Another Appeal
(Constitutional Law; Civil Procedure - Legislature - State Assembly) [2015] 1 CLJ 416 [CA]


Tetuan Kang & Kang v. Kirana Studio Sdn Bhd
(Legal Profession - Bill of costs - Legal fees) [2015] 1 CLJ 431 [HC]



Exercise of administrative powers - Local authority - Function as body corporate - Renting out temporary occupation license to billboard operators - Whether local authority could enter into commercial contracts - Whether amenable to judicial review
Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya v. Laguna De Bay Sdn Bhd
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, Abang Iskandar JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 357 [CA]


Admission - Judgment on admission, application for - Whether clear and unequivocal admission - Whether facts and rebuttals show admission - Whether judgment could be entered before arbitrator's determination of issues - Whether application allowed - Rules of the High Court 1980, O. 27 r. 3
Kenneth Chung Kuo Ting & Anor v. John Tsang Shing Chi & Anor
(Ramly Ali, Anantham Kasinather, Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 346 [CA]

Appeal - Record of appeal - Preliminary objections raised - Undated memorandum of appeal - Whether document has to be both signed and dated to be clothed with full legal existence - Whether there was breach of fundamental rule - Whether r. 18 Rules of the Court of Appeal 1994 complied with - Whether record of appeal defective - Failure to include amended judgment in record of appeal - Whether judgment could be produced on day of hearing itself - Whether preliminary objections allowed
Owners Of The Ship Or Vessel "Sasacom I" v. Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Bhd
(Abdul Wahab Patail, Zaharah Ibrahim, Mohamad Ariff Yusof JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 392 [CA]

Default judgment - Setting aside - Speaker of State Legislative Assembly announced vacancy of assemblyman's seat in press conference and mass media - Announcement not made during proceedings of State Legislative Assembly - High Court held that assemblyman was still State Legislative Assemblyman for his constituency and that there was no vacancy of said seat - Appeal against decision of High Court - Request for adjournment not granted - Whether judge correct in not allowing adjournment requested
Teng Chang Khim v. Badrul Hisham Abdullah & Anor And Another Appeal
(Abdul Wahab Patail, David Wong Dak Wah, Varghese George JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 416 [CA]

Judgments and orders - Judgment upon admission of fact - Pending and effective stay order granted earlier - Whether judgment could be entered until stay order set aside - Whether there was clear and unequivocal admission of facts - Rules of the High Court 1980, O. 27 r. 3
Kenneth Chung Kuo Ting & Anor v. John Tsang Shing Chi & Anor
(Ramly Ali, Anantham Kasinather, Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 346 [CA]

Judicial review - Dismissal - Industrial Court, award of - Whether vitiated by procedural impropriety - Recording of evidence - Cross-examination of witness - Complainant cross-examined by respondent's counsel in absence of respondent - Whether respondent accorded procedural fairness - Whether Industrial Court fell into material or fatal error - Order of certiorari - Whether order of certiorari wrongly issued by High Court
Malaysia Airline System Bhd v. Wan Sa'adi Wan Mustafa
(Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Abdull Hamid Embong, Ahmad Maarop, Mohamed Apandi Ali, Abu Samah Nordin FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 295 [FC]

Preliminary objection - Whether court should rule on preliminary issues - Matter originated from High Court in Sabah and Sarawak - Whether Court of Appeal competent to hear and determine appeal - Whether proper forum and procedure - Whether complied with - Federal Constitution, art. 4(4)
Kenneth Chung Kuo Ting & Anor v. John Tsang Shing Chi & Anor
(Ramly Ali, Anantham Kasinather, Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 346 [CA]


Shares - Transfer of shares - Transfer by way of gift to existing member - Whether prima facie right for shareholder to freely transfer shares - Whether wrongful and ineffective pursuant to memorandum and articles of association - Whether there was general compulsion to make general offer to all existing members - Whether transfer of shares null and void
Durable Portfolio Sdn Bhd & Anor v. Pang Kee Hwi Realty Sdn Bhd & Ors And Another Appeal
(Abdul Wahab Patail, Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Umi Kalthum JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 335 [CA]


Legislature - State Assembly - Absence of assemblyman from State Legislative Assembly sittings - Speaker of State Legislative Assembly announced vacancy of assemblyman's seat in press conference and mass media - Announcement not made during proceedings of State Legislative Assembly - Whether Speaker's act in declaring vacancy of seat immune from legal action - Selangor State Constitution 1959, arts. 69, 70(1)
Teng Chang Khim v. Badrul Hisham Abdullah & Anor And Another Appeal
(Abdul Wahab Patail, David Wong Dak Wah, Varghese George JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 416 [CA]


Assignment - Assignment of rights, title and benefit of sale and purchase agreement - Assignment by borrower to bank - Borrower fully satisfied loan facility - Effect upon rescission of sale and purchase agreement - Whether security will be lost - Whether assignment will be affected - Whether bank to reassign property or rights, title and benefit of sale and purchase agreement to borrower
RHB Bank Bhd v. Travelsight (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors And Another Appeal
(Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Jeffrey Tan, Ramli Ali, Ahmad Maarop FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 309 [FC]

Rescission - Sale and purchase agreement - Purchaser paid full purchase price - Effect of - Restitutio ad integrum - Whether there was mutual restitution - Whether purchaser entitled to refund - Whether property would vest with vendor
RHB Bank Bhd v. Travelsight (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors And Another Appeal
(Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Jeffrey Tan, Ramli Ali, Ahmad Maarop FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 309 [FC]


Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Section 39B(2) - Trafficking - Prima facie case - Whether established - Drugs found in sling bag passed from appellant to another - Whether appellant had knowledge that there were drugs in bag - Whether appellant's defence consistent with crown witness - Whether trial judge misdirected himself and failed to administer Radhi's direction - Whether there was fair and just assessment of defence - Whether prosecution practised selective prosecution when withdrawing charge against accused person and turning him into crown witness - Federal Constitution, art. 145(3) - Whether conviction of appellant safe - Whether appellant acquitted and discharged
Morteza Naserranjbar v. PP
(Aziah Ali, Tengku Maimun, Abdul Rahman Sebli JCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 382 [CA]


Appeal - Conviction and sentence - Trafficking in drugs - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, s. 39B(2) - Prima facie case - Whether established - Whether trial judge failed to undertake maximum evaluation of defence case - Whether trial judge misdirected himself - Radhi's direction - Whether there was fair and just assessment of defence - Whether trial judge's conclusion on defence fatally flawed - Whether conviction of appellant unsafe - Whether appellant acquitted and discharged
Morteza Naserranjbar v. PP
(Aziah Ali, Tengku Maimun, Abdul Rahman Sebli JCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 382 [CA]


Documentary evidence - Computer printout - Admissibility - Failure of calling maker of document as witness - Whether adverse inference should be drawn - Evidence Act 1950, s. 90A
Tenaga Nasional Bhd v. AWP Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd
(Abdul Wahab Patail, Balia Yusof Wahi, Tengku Maimun JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 400 [CA]


Temporary occupation licence - Rights under licence, nature of - Sub-licence agreement between local authority and billboard operators - Whether TOL under sub-licence agreement same as TOL under s. 68 of National Land Code - Whether challenge on s. 68 could be taken against local authority in view of s. 9 of Local Government Act 1976 - National Land Code, ss. 5 & 65
Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya v. Laguna De Bay Sdn Bhd
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, Abang Iskandar JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 357 [CA]


Bill of costs - Legal fees - Failure to settle - Recovery of - Whether there was legal relationship between parties - Whether proven - Whether solicitor's bill challenged - Taxation of bill - Whether sought by client - Whether request made for a detailed bill - Whether bill challenged within stipulated time - Whether amount claimed became final and payable - Whether respondent lost its rights to challenge amount claimed - Legal Profession Act 1976, ss. 121, 124, 126 & 128
Tetuan Kang & Kang v. Kirana Studio Sdn Bhd
(SM Komathy Suppiah JC) [2015] 1 CLJ 431 [HC]


Town planning - Temporary occupation licence - Sub-licence agreement between local authority and billboard operators - Whether legitimised by policy and guidelines circular - Whether TOL under sub-licence agreement same as TOL under s. 68 of National Land Code - Whether challenge on s. 68 could be taken against local authority in view of s. 9 of Local Government Act 1976
Majlis Perbandaran Subang Jaya v. Laguna De Bay Sdn Bhd
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer, Abang Iskandar JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 357 [CA]


Electricity - Consumption and usage - Under recording of comsumption - Tampering of meter - Allegation of - Claim for loss of revenue - Whether tampering established - Whether conviction under s. 37 of Electricity Supply Act 1990 a necessary precondition to claim under s. 38(4) of Act - Licensee Supply Regulations 1990, reg. 11(2)
Tenaga Nasional Bhd v. AWP Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd
(Abdul Wahab Patail, Balia Yusof Wahi, Tengku Maimun JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 400 [CA]


Constructive trust - Resulting trust - Failure of mutual restitution upon rescission of sale and purchase agreement - Purchaser paid full purchase price - Whether unconscionable for owner of legal title to assert beneficial interest - Whether gave rise to constructive trust
RHB Bank Bhd v. Travelsight (M) Sdn Bhd & Ors And Another Appeal
(Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Jeffrey Tan, Ramli Ali, Ahmad Maarop FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 309 [FC]


Legal Network Series Article(s)

[Read excerpt]
    by: NICHOLAS MOSS JP* [2015] 1 LNS(A) iv

[Read excerpt]


Principal Acts

Number Title Date coming into force Repealing
ACT 765 Malaysian Airline System Berhad (Administration) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force -Nil-
ACT 764 Finance (No. 2) Act 2014 The Income Tax Act 1967 [Act 53] see s 3; The Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967 [Act 543] see s 24; The Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976 [Act 169] see s 27 -Nil-
ACT 763 Yayasan Guru Tun Hussein Onn Act 2014 Not Yet In Force -Nil-
ACT 762 Goods And Services Tax Act 2014 1 July 2014 - Parts I, II, IV, VI and XVI, ss 10, 11, 17, 18, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 44, 50, 56, 59, 61, 64, 65, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 160, 163, 183, 184 and 197, the First Schedule and Second Schedule to the Act; 1 April 2015 - Parts IX, XIII, XVII and XVIII, ss 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 70, 84, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 98, 106, 108, 109, 110, 122, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195 and 196, the Third Schedule and Fourth Schedule to the Act [PU(B) 319/2014] -Nil-
ACT 761 Finance Act 2014 See s 3 for the Income Tax Act; s 33 for the Stamp Act; s 36 for the Petroleum (Income Tax) Act; s 44 for the Real Property Gains Tax Act and s 50 for the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act -Nil-

Amending Acts

Number Title Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No
ACT A1478 Companies Commission Of Malaysia (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 614
ACT A1477 Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 743
ACT A1476 Registration Of Businesses (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 197
ACT A1475 Inland Revenue Board Of Malaysia (Amendment) Act 2015 6 January 2015 ACT 533
ACT A1474 Prison (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 537


Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No
PU(A) 364/2014 Fees (Medical) (Amendment) Order 2014 31 December 2014 31 December 2014 PU(A) 359/1982
PU(A) 363/2014 Fees (Medical) (Cost Of Services) Order 2014 31 December 2014 31 December 2014 - foreign persons only ACT 209
PU(A) 362/2014 Income Tax (Deduction From Remuneration) (Amendment) (No. 2) Rules 2014 31 December 2014 1 January 2015 PU(A) 507/1994
PU(A) 361/2014 Stamp Duty (Remission) (No. 2) Order 2014 31 December 2014 1 January 2015 ACT 378
PU(A) 360/2014 Stamp Duty (Remission) Order 2014 31 December 2014 1 January 2015 ACT 378


Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No
PU(B) 007/2015 Appointment Of Date Of Coming Into Operation 8 January 2015 9 January 2015 ACT A1473
PU(B) 006/2015 Notification Of Values Of Crude Petroleum Oil Under Section 12 8 January 2015 8 January 2015 to 21 January 2015 ACT 235
PU(B) 005/2015 Returns And Statements Of Election Expenses - Sarawak 7 January 2015 Specified in column (4) of the Schedule ACT 5
PU(B) 004/2015 Appointment Of Assistant Directors Of Industrial Relations 7 January 2015 Specified in column (2) of the Schedule ACT 177
PU(B) 003/2015 Appointment Of Date Of Coming Into Operation 6 January 2015 7 January 2015 ACT A1470




All change... and no change

Being invited to look again at criminal justice commissioning through a sentencer's eyes is a bit like going back to one's old school after a long gap. The last time I was invited to offer some thoughts about commissioning was back in 2006[1] when I was a probation board chair. And in this sector, that is a very long time ago: the equivalent of moving from primary school to your first job!

Since 2006 most criminal justice agencies have been through more reorganisations than you can shake several sticks at. For example, the National Offender Management Service (NOMS), the National Probation Service, Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service and the Crown Prosecution Service have all had their makeovers one way or another. The Sentencing Guidelines Council has been succeeded by the Sentencing Council. Later this year we shall have the new Police and Crime Commissioners. No doubt many of you here this evening were involved in some of those changes.

Continuing the school analogy, I guess that the passage of time means we have different classrooms and different teachers. But we still have the same subjects; and it is the contrast between then and now, alongside today's challenges, that provides the focus for my comments.

Here, I should add the usual health warning: the opinions that I am about to express are entirely mine and are from a magistrate's perspective. Having said that, magistrates are part of the judicial family, so the changes and challenges that we face should be seen in that wider context also.

. . .

* Speech To Academy For Justice Commissioning, Ministry Of Justice (London, 24 April 2012). Published with kind permission of the Judicial Communications Office, Judiciary of England and Wales (

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[2015] 1 LNS(A) vi NIGERIA





Maxims of Islamic law (Al-Qawã'id Al-Fiqhiyyah) started as discreet expressions or propositions embodying general implications of the law and not as a separate genre of the Islamic Fiqh. Over the years, it came to be appreciated as a separate genre worthy of being singled out for sustained study. This paper attempts to trace out the process of its evolution from a period when fiqh was not recorded up to its golden period. Prior to the recordation of fiqh, abstract texts of Qur'an and Hadĩth have laid down the methods employed by later jurists in deriving maxims. Some of these authorities were later used as maxims in many works. It is also during this time that maxim-like phrases attributed to the companions of the Prophet and their successors were noticed. The second period which started with recordation of fiqh is known as the period of emergence and it started around the second century of the hijri calendar. Emergence and recordation of legal maxims started during the fourth century hijri. Usũl Al-Karkhĩ was recognised as the first ever recorded collection of maxims. From that moment onward, the literature of maxims has grown exponentially. Contemporary styles that have emerged include theoretical study of maxims as well as encyclopaedia of maxims from various angles.


Legal maxims were the result of curiosity and attention of jurists drawn to similarities of some injunctions as they are seen in detailed injunctions of Islamic law. This led them to investigate these similarities further. It is therefore normal that branches (furũ') of fiqh existed prior to legal maxims. What has been said of statements of the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, employed as maxims will not said to be the beginning of this field. This does not however mean that these abstract provisions of Qur'an or statements of the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah be upon him are not rules, they are in fact basic rules of Sharia.

Legal maxims (Al-Qawã'id Al-Fiqhiyyah) are imperative as they encapsulate perceptions and precepts that can abet to figure out the factual essence of the Islamic Law in details. Reflective of a consolidated reading of fiqh by great jurists, it is a handy tool for researchers who need to expand their grasp and understanding of content and objective of the law. More importantly, they assist to arrive at the appropriate ruling where no direct text is available a particular matter.

. . .

+Lecturer, Mohammed Goni College of Legal and Islamic Studies (An Affiliate of the University of Maiduguri, Nigeria), Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

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