CLJ Bulletin, Issue 2015, Vol 06 6 February 2015 Print this page |
[CIVIL APPEALS NO: 02(F)-58-09-2013 (A), 02(F)-59-09-2013 (A), 02(F)-60-09-2013 (A) & 02(F)-61-09-2013 (A)]
27 NOVEMBER 2014
LEGAL PROFESSION: Liability as fiduciary - Breach of fiduciary duty - Circumstances in which fiduciary relationships arise - Whether fiduciary duty arose in solicitor-client relationship - Solicitor purchasing for himself property meant to be purchased on behalf of clients - Whether amounting to breach of fiduciary duty - Whether land to be held in trust for clients - Whether fiduciary accountable for profits made in breach of fiduciary duty - Whether fiduciary entitled to restitution of expenditure incurred
LEGAL PROFESSION: Solicitor-client relationship - Whether relationship between first and second appellants and respondents was that of solicitor and client - Elements for determining the existence of and scope of duties in solicitor-client relationship - Express and implied solicitor-client relationship
COMPANY LAW: Separate legal entity - Lifting of corporate veil - Situations where corporate veil may be lifted - Solicitor incorporating company as mere façade to evade fiduciary obligations to clients - Whether lifting of corporate veil justified
CIVIL PROCEDURE: Pleadings - Parties bound by - Court to decide on matter not pleaded - Opposite party not to be caught by surprise - Whether corporate veil of company may be lifted despite it not being pleaded - Evidence adduced during hearing without opponent's objection - Whether could overcome defects in pleadings
[GUAMAN SIVIL NO: A52NCC-165-09-2013]
27 OGOS 2014
PROSEDUR SIVIL: Penghakiman - Penghakiman ingkar - Kegagalan memfailkan perakuan kehadiran - Mengenepikan penghakiman ingkar - Permohonan untuk - Perjanjian sewa beli - Kegagalan membayar ansuran bulanan - Sama ada penyampaian saman dan pernyataan tuntutan teratur - Sama ada peruntukan s. 43(c) Akta Sewa Beli 1967 dilanggar - Sama ada defendan mempunyai pembelaan bermerit - Sama ada penghakiman ingkar teratur - Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012, A. 10 k. 3(1)(b)
SEWA BELI: Perjanjian sewa beli - Kegagalan membayar ansuran bulanan - Sama ada terbukti - Permohonan untuk mengenepikan penghakiman ingkar - Penyampaian saman dan pernyataan tuntutan - Sama ada peruntukan s. 43(c) Akta Sewa Beli 1967 dilanggar - Kesahan pengambilan semula kereta - Sama ada kereta masih berdaftar atas nama defendan - Sama ada defendan mempunyai pembelaan bermerit - Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012, A. 10 k. 3(1)(b)
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Legal Network Series
ELECTION: Petition - Appointment of advocate - Failure by the Petitioner's advocates to comply with r. 9 and in particular r. 34 of the Election Petition Rules 1954 - Delay in filing the notice of acceptance of the appointment by advocate by the Petitioner - Whether delays were inconsistent with the word "immediately" in r. 34 - Whether a clear non-compliance of r. 34 - Petitioner did not authorise Cik Raihanah Ashriqin to be his advocate, though the notice of acceptance of the appointment purportedly made under Rule 34 was filed in court - Whether she had authority to act for the Petitioner under r. 9 - Whether rules 9 and 34 of the Election Petition Rules 1954 were mandatory - Whether their non-observance was fatal to petitioner's petition
ELECTION: Petition - Service - Notice of the presentation of a petition, accompanied by a copy of the petition - Failure to state "the day of the week" the documents were served, "where they were served" and "how they were served" - Whether these were mandatory requirements of r. 15(4) of the Election Petition Rules 1954 - Whether Affidavits of service defective for non compliance - Whether there was proper service of the petition
ELECTION: Petition - Filing of - Capacity of petitioner to file the petition based on s. 34(b) read together with s. 35(d) of the Election Offences Act 1954 - Whether a relief of scrutiny under s. 35(d) should be prayed - Whether petitioner, being an unsuccessful candidate had an option, to claim "all or any" of the reliefs listed in s. 35 - Whether petitioner had violated Rule 4(1)(b) and Rule 4(4) of the Election Petition Rules 1954
ELECTION: Petition - Allegation of corrupt practice - Allegation of undue influence and bribery under s. 9(1), s. 10(a) and s. 32(c) of the Election Offences Act 1954 - Failure to plead s. 11(1)(b) to constitute a complete cause of action on the grounds of corrupt practice - Whether election petition fundamentally defective
CIVIL PROCEDURE: Res judicata - Issues, similarity of - Whether four issues canvassed by 1st respondent were res judicata - Whether issues raised in current objection had been specifically raised, adjudicated and decided in the earlier preliminary objection - Petitioners argument that 1st respondent should not raise the present objection but proceed by way of an appeal - Whether previous order a complete disposal of election petition or merely an interlocutory order - Whether any impediments preventing 1st respondent from bringing or reopening the issues
CONTRACT: Damages - Breach - Building contract - Defective workmanship - Claim against defendant for defective works carried out in relation to two villas - Normal measure of damages for a defective building - Whether equivalent to cost of reinstatement or effecting such repairs to meet contractual specifications when defects were discovered - Whether consequential losses would include damages for loss of use of the building during time taken for the repairs - Whether normal measure of damages for a defective building is liquidated and ascertained damages for delay in completion - Whether plaintiffs entitled to damages equivalent to the cost of repair as well as loss of use of the buildings for a reasonable period of time
CIVIL PROCEDURE: Appeal - Appeal against decision of sessions court - Appeal to High Court - Whether Sessions Court judge erred in allowing plaintiffs' claim for liquidated damages for period of 5 odd years - Whether a greatly exaggerated claim which did not achieve purpose of compensating plaintiffs for their loss - Whether flouted principle that plaintiff should not profit or take advantage by claiming for damages well in excess of the wrong suffered
COMPANY LAW: Winding-Up - Petition - Statutory notice of demand properly issued and served on respondent - Failure to comply - Whether respondent company commercially insolvent and unable to pay its debts - Whether respondent company should be wound-up
CIVIL PROCEDURE: Estoppel - Representation, by - Purported agreement or understanding reached by the parties' solicitors through their correspondence - Whether constituted a stay of execution of a judgment that was valid and enforceable - Whether presentation of a winding-up petition against judgment debtor company for default in settling judgment debt considered an execution proceeding under rules of civil procedure - Whether any clear and unequivocal agreement reached that all legal proceedings, including winding-up petitions, would be stayed pending final disposal of all appeals in the related matters - Whether respondent's reliance on estoppel misplaced and untenable
PROSEDUR SIVIL: Locus standi - Tindakan oleh pemegang gadaian - Hak untuk membawa tindakan terhadap penggadai - Sama ada kewujudan perintah perletakhakan telah memberikan hak kepada pemegang gadaian membawa tindakan terhadap penggadai
UNDANG-UNDANG TANAH: Gadaian - Perintah Jualan - Permohonan perintah jualan - Sebab-sebab yang bertentangan - Sama ada terdapat sebarang sebab-sebab yang bertentangan - Sama ada pengenaan riba keatas perjanjian Al Bai Bithaman Ajil merupakan sebab-sebab yang bertentangan - Sama ada tindakan yang dimulakan oleh pemegang gadaian yang telah melebihi had masa yang ditetapkan merupakan satu sebab-sebab yang bertentangan - Sama ada pengeluaran beberapa notis tuntutan keatas jumlah yang dituntut terjumlah kepada sebab-sebab yang bertentangan
UNDANG-UNDANG TANAH: Gadaian - Notis penamatan - Sama ada kehendak statutori sebelum permulaan prosiding halang tebus telah dipatuhi - Sama ada notis penamatan yang telah dihantar oleh pemegang gadaian kepada penggadai adalah sah
UNDANG-UNDANG TANAH: Gadaian - Perintah Jualan - Pengeluaran sijil keberhutangan - Sama ada pemegang gadaian mempunyai hak untuk mengeluarkan sijil keberhutangan - Sama ada sijil keberhutangan yang telah dikeluarkan adalah muktamad dan terikat
PROSEDUR SIVIL: Tindakan - Tempoh had masa - Had masa tindakan untuk mendapatkan kembali wang yang dicagarkan oleh gadaian - Sama ada tindakan pemegang gadaian menepati tempoh had masa yang telah ditetapkan - Akta Had Masa 1953, s. 21(2)
TORT: Fitnah - Libel - Pengeluaran notis oleh badan pengurusan bangunan kepada pemilik-pemilik bangunan berkenaan bekas pengurus bangunan - Sama ada notis yang dikeluarkan mempunyai unsur-unsur fitnah - Sama ada notis yang dikeluarkan oleh defendan telah disebarkan kepada pihak ketiga
TORT: Fitnah - Pembelaan - Komen berpatutan - Kepentingan awam - Sama ada pengedaran notis oleh defendan sebagai badan pengurusan bangunan adalah demi kepentingan awam pemilik-pemilik bangunan - Sama ada terdapat kebenaran substantial terhadap perkara-perkara yang dinyatakan dalam notis - Sama ada notis yang diedarkan oleh defendan mempunyai unsur niat jahat terhadap plaintif
TORT: Fitnah - Pembelaan - Perlindungan bersyarat - Sama ada edaran notis dibuat kepada orang-orang yang mempunyai kepentingan untuk menerima notis tersebut
PROSEDUR SIVIL: Pihak-pihak - Salah penamaan - Pelaku tort - Ketiadaan pernyataan dan penamaan berkenaan pelaku tort di mukasurat pertama writ saman - Sama ada penamaan pelaku tort perlu dinyatakan secara jelas dalam kes dakwaan fitnah
CLJ 2015 Volume 1 (Part 6)
Gurbachan Singh Bagawan Singh & Ors v. Vellasamy Pennusamy & Ors
(Legal Profession; Company Law; Civil Procedure - Liability as fiduciary - Breach of fiduciary duty - Solicitor-client relationship) [2015] 1 CLJ 719 [FC]COURT OF APPEAL
Chieng Chung Ting v. PP
(Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Trafficking and possession - Conviction and sentence) [2015] 1 CLJ 765 [CA]YB Dato' Hj Husam Hj Musa v. Mohd Faisal Rohban Ahmad
(Evidence; Tort - Defamation - Libel) [2015] 1 CLJ 787 [CA]HIGH COURT
Fau En Ji v. Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara
(Civil Procedure - Declaration - Gender declaration - Application for) [2015] 1 CLJ 803 [HC]Hasran Mohmed Yusof lwn. Tian Siang Orchard Sdn Bhd
(Kontrak; Undang-undang Tanah - Jual beli tanah - Perjanjian - Sama ada sah) [2015] 1 CLJ 810 [HC]Moden Hartawan Sdn Bhd v. Pentadbir Tanah Johor Bahru
(Land Law - Caveat - Registrar's caveat - Application to remove or cancel) [2015] 1 CLJ 822 [HC]Nurul Husna Muhammad Hafiz & Anor v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
(Civil Procedure; Tort - Negligence - Medical negligence) [2015] 1 CLJ 825 [HC]Pekat Teknologi Sdn Bhd v. Novaris Pty Ltd & Anor
(Contract; Evidence - Breach - Sale of goods) [2015] 1 CLJ 865 [HC]SUBJECT INDEX
Declaration - Gender declaration - Application for - Change of name and gender on identity card - Factors considered - Medical reports failed to give evidence pertaining to chromosomal and genital factors - Whether psychological and gonodal factors sufficient to assess applicant's sexual condition - Whether sex reassignment surgery changes a person's gender to warrant change of gender description in identity card - Whether applicant complied with test stipulated in Kristie Chan v. Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara - Whether National Registration Department acted with procedural impropriety and mala fide when rejecting application
Fau En Ji v. Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara
(Zaleha Yusof J) [2015] 1 CLJ 803 [HC]Discovery - Inspection of documents - Rights of patient to obtain copies of medical records - Whether physician or hospital may refuse to disclose medical records to patient - Whether patient must first obtain court order to get access to medical records
Nurul Husna Muhammad Hafiz & Anor v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
(Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera JC) [2015] 1 CLJ 825 [HC]Pleadings - Parties bound by - Court to decide on matter not pleaded - Opposite party not to be caught by surprise - Whether corporate veil of company may be lifted despite it not being pleaded - Evidence adduced during hearing without opponent's objection - Whether could overcome defects in pleadings
Gurbachan Singh Bagawan Singh & Ors v. Vellasamy Pennusamy & Other Appeals
(Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Ahmad Maarop, Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Ramly Ali FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 719 [FC]COMPANY LAW
Separate legal entity - Lifting of corporate veil - Situations where corporate veil may be lifted - Solicitor incorporating company as mere façade to evade fiduciary obligations to clients - Whether lifting of corporate veil justified
Gurbachan Singh Bagawan Singh & Ors v. Vellasamy Pennusamy & Other Appeals
(Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Ahmad Maarop, Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Ramly Ali FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 719 [FC]CONTRACT
Breach - Damages - Burden to prove loss - Whether crucial documents produced - Whether damages proven
Pekat Teknologi Sdn Bhd v. Novaris Pty Ltd & Anor
(SM Komathy Suppiah JC) [2015] 1 CLJ 865 [HC]Breach - Sale of goods - Manufacturer delivered goods which were defective and of unmerchantable quality - Whether defects proved - Whether distributor relied on skill and judgment of manufacturer - Whether distributor suffered losses - Whether transaction based on implied warranty of fitness - Whether distributor could be reimbursed - Sales of Goods Act 1957, s. 16(1)(a)
Pekat Teknologi Sdn Bhd v. Novaris Pty Ltd & Anor
(SM Komathy Suppiah JC) [2015] 1 CLJ 865 [HC]CRIMINAL LAW
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Section 12(2) & 39B(1)(a) - Trafficking and possession - Conviction and sentence - Appeal against - Amendment of charge - Whether s. 158 of Criminal Procedure Code complied with - Reliance upon presumption of possession under s. 37(d) in opening statement of case - Whether precluded presenting evidence of actual possession - Whether occasioned unfairness and injustice upon appellant - Surveillance done by police team from a hotel room - Evidence showing movements of appellant before discovery of drugs unchallenged - Whether appellant had exclusive control and use of unnumbered room where drugs were found - Whether appellant was found holding box containing drugs - Whether High Court considered its duty under s. 182A Criminal Procedure Code - Whether High Court erred in convicting appellant
Chieng Chung Ting v. PP
(Abdul Wahab Patail, Balia Yusof Wahi, Tengku Maimun JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 765 [CA]CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Appeal - Conviction and sentence - Trafficking and possession of drugs - Amendment of charge - Whether s. 158 of Criminal Procedure Code complied with - Reliance upon presumption of possession under s. 37(d) in opening statement of case - Whether precluded presenting evidence of actual possession - Whether occasioned unfairness and injustice upon appellant - Surveillance done by police team from a hotel room - Evidence showing movements of appellant before discovery of drugs unchallenged - Whether appellant had exclusive control and use of unnumbered room where drugs were found - Whether appellant was found holding box containing drugs - Whether High Court considered its duty under s. 182A Criminal Procedure Code - Whether High Court erred in convicting appellant - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952, ss. 12(2) & 39B(1)(a)
Chieng Chung Ting v. PP
(Abdul Wahab Patail, Balia Yusof Wahi, Tengku Maimun JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 765 [CA]EVIDENCE
Exhibits - Admissibility of - Evidence accepted as relevant by court - Marked as exhibit without objection by defendant - Whether court could subsequently exclude exhibit - Evidence Act 1950, ss. 114, 167 - Courts of Judicature Act 1964, s. 69
Dato' Hj Husam Hj Musa v. Mohd Faisal Rohban Ahmad
(Azahar Mohamed, Mohamad Ariff Yusof, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 787 [CA]Presumptions - Adverse inference - Claim for breach of contract - Whether crucial documents produced - Whether damages proven - Whether presumption under s. 114(g) of Evidence Act 1950 arose for failure to produce documents
Pekat Teknologi Sdn Bhd v. Novaris Pty Ltd & Anor
(SM Komathy Suppiah JC) [2015] 1 CLJ 865 [HC]LAND LAW
Caveat - Registrar's caveat - Application to remove or cancel - National Land Code, s. 418 - Plaintiff purchased land from vendor with indefeasible registered title to land - Whether plaintiff a bona fide purchaser and became sole equitable and beneficial owner - Conclusiveness of register document of title under s. 89 of NLC - Registrar issued certification of title showing ownership of land in name of vendor - Whether registrar estopped from denying certification to detriment of plaintiff - Whether plaintiff an aggrieved party by existence of caveat - Whether registrar wrongly entered caveat under s. 320 NLC - Whether there was contravention of s. 304(2)(a) and s. 305(2) NLC
Moden Hartawan Sdn Bhd v. Pentadbir Tanah Johor Bahru
(Gunalan Muniandy JC) [2015] 1 CLJ 822 [HC]LEGAL PROFESSION
Liability as fiduciary - Breach of fiduciary duty - Circumstances in which fiduciary relationships arise - Whether fiduciary duty arose in solicitor-client relationship - Solicitor purchasing for himself property meant to be purchased on behalf of clients - Whether amounting to breach of fiduciary duty - Whether land to be held in trust for clients - Whether fiduciary accountable for profits made in breach of fiduciary duty - Whether fiduciary entitled to restitution of expenditure incurred
Gurbachan Singh Bagawan Singh & Ors v. Vellasamy Pennusamy & Other Appeals
(Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Ahmad Maarop, Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Ramly Ali FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 719 [FC]Solicitor-client relationship - Whether relationship between first and second appellants and respondents was that of solicitor and client - Elements for determining the existence of and scope of duties in solicitor-client relationship - Express and implied solicitor-client relationship
Gurbachan Singh Bagawan Singh & Ors v. Vellasamy Pennusamy & Other Appeals
(Richard Malanjum CJ (Sabah & Sarawak), Ahmad Maarop, Hasan Lah, Zaleha Zahari, Ramly Ali FCJJ) [2015] 1 CLJ 719 [FC]TORT
Defamation - Libel - Evidence - Whether liability attached once defamation established by evidence - Whether defence of mere denial acceptable - Offences relating to cyber crime - Whether s. 114A Evidence Act 1950 applicable
Dato' Hj Husam Hj Musa v. Mohd Faisal Rohban Ahmad
(Azahar Mohamed, Mohamad Ariff Yusof, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JJCA) [2015] 1 CLJ 787 [CA]Negligence - Damages - Whether court can only award damages in monetary terms - Whether quantum of damages can be reduced based on tortfeasor's promise to provide free medical treatment for victim - Whether quantum of damages can be reduced where victim is entitled to free medical care
Nurul Husna Muhammad Hafiz & Anor v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
(Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera JC) [2015] 1 CLJ 825 [HC]Negligence - Medical negligence - Plaintiff suffering irreversible brain damage at birth due to negligence of medical staff - Damages - Whether plaintiff must produce complete set of bills and receipts to claim special damages - Claim for special food and nutritional supplements - Claim for diapers - Claim for traditional massage therapy - Claim for gratuitous care by family members - Determining multiplier and multiplicand for future cost of care - Claim for maid, multi-purpose vehicle and disabled-friendly home
Nurul Husna Muhammad Hafiz & Anor v. Kerajaan Malaysia & Ors
(Vazeer Alam Mydin Meera JC) [2015] 1 CLJ 825 [HC]INDEKS PERKARA
Jual beli tanah - Perjanjian - Perjanjian awal belum dimuktamadkan - Pembeli memasuki perjanjian jual beli dengan pihak ketiga - Penjual bukan pihak kepada perjanjian antara pembeli dan pihak ketiga - Sama ada pembeli telah memaklumkan kepada penjual mengenai perjanjian dengan pihak ketiga - Sama ada pihak ketiga mendapat hak dan kepentingan atas tanah - Sama ada mempunyai lokus bagi tuntutan terhadap penjual
Hasran Mohmed Yusof lwn. Tian Siang Orchard Sdn Bhd
(Che Mohd Ruzima Ghazali PK) [2015] 1 CLJ 810 [HC]Jual beli tanah - Perjanjian - Sama ada sah - Sama ada telah dimuktamadkan - Sama ada pembeli berhak memasuki dan mengusahakan tanah - Sama ada penjual berjaya membuktikan pencerobohan
Hasran Mohmed Yusof lwn. Tian Siang Orchard Sdn Bhd
(Che Mohd Ruzima Ghazali PK) [2015] 1 CLJ 810 [HC]UNDANG-UNDANG TANAH
Jualan tanah - Sekatan dalam kepentingan - Sama ada tanah termasuk dalam Tanah Simpanan Melayu - Sama ada tanah terikat dengan sekatan
Hasran Mohmed Yusof lwn. Tian Siang Orchard Sdn Bhd
(Che Mohd Ruzima Ghazali PK) [2015] 1 CLJ 810 [HC]ARTICLELegal Network Series Article(s)
oleh: ABDUL HALIM BIN ZULKIFLI [2015] 1 LNS(A) xivCLJ 2015 Volume 1 (Part 6) Article
Number Title Date coming into force Repealing ACT 765 Malaysian Airline System Berhad (Administration) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force -Nil- ACT 764 Finance (No. 2) Act 2014 The Income Tax Act 1967 [Act 53] see s 3; The Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967 [Act 543] see s 24; The Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976 [Act 169] see s 27 -Nil- ACT 763 Yayasan Guru Tun Hussein Onn Act 2014 Not Yet In Force -Nil- ACT 762 Goods And Services Tax Act 2014 1 July 2014 - Parts I, II, IV, VI and XVI, ss 10, 11, 17, 18, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 44, 50, 56, 59, 61, 64, 65, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 160, 163, 183, 184 and 197, the First Schedule and Second Schedule to the Act; 1 April 2015 - Parts IX, XIII, XVII and XVIII, ss 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 57, 58, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 70, 84, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 98, 106, 108, 109, 110, 122, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195 and 196, the Third Schedule and Fourth Schedule to the Act [PU(B) 319/2014] -Nil- ACT 761 Finance Act 2014 See s 3 for the Income Tax Act; s 33 for the Stamp Act; s 36 for the Petroleum (Income Tax) Act; s 44 for the Real Property Gains Tax Act and s 50 for the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act -Nil- Amending Acts
Number Title Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No ACT A1478 Companies Commission Of Malaysia (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 614 ACT A1477 Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 743 ACT A1476 Registration Of Businesses (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 197 ACT A1475 Inland Revenue Board Of Malaysia (Amendment) Act 2015 6 January 2015 ACT 533 ACT A1474 Prison (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 537 PU(A)
Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No PU(A) 15/2015 National Speed Limit (Amendment) Order 2015 30 January 2015 1 February 2015 PU(A) 18/1989 PU(A) 14/2015 Optical (Amendment Of Second Schedule) Order 2015 30 January 2015 31 January 2015 ACT 469 PU(A) 13/2015 Federal Roads (East Coast Expressway-phase 2) Order 2015 29 January 2015 29 January 2015 ACT 376 PU(A) 12/2015 Customs (Prohibition Of Imports) (Amendment) (No. 3) Order 2015 26 January 2015 2 February 2015 PU(A) 490/2012 PU(A) 11/2015 Customs (Prohibition Of Imports) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2015 26 January 2015 1 March 2015 PU(A) 490/2012 PU(B)
Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No PU(B) 30/2015 Notification Of Values Of Palm Kernel Under Section 12 30 January 2015 1 February 2015 to 28 February 2015 ACT 235 PU(B) 29/2015 Notice Of Negative Preliminary Determination Of An Anti-Dumping Duty Investigation With Regard To The Imports Of Steel Concrete Reinforcing Bar In Straight Length Form Originating In Or Exported From The People's Republic Of China And Republic Of Korea 29 January 2015 30 January 2015 ACT 504; PU(A) 233/1994 PU(B) 28/2015 Appointment And Revocation Of Appointment Of Members Of The National Wages Consultative Council 29 January 2015 Appointment - 1 February 2015 to 27 September 2015; Revocation of appointment - 1 January 2015 ACT 732 PU(B) 27/2015 Appointment And Revocation Of Appointment Of Registrar Of Credit Reporting Agencies 28 January 2015 4 August 2014 ACT 710 PU(B) 26/2015 Notice To Third Parties 28 January 2015 9 February 2015 ACT 613 To view previous issues of the CLJ Bulletin, Click here
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