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    CLJ Bulletin, Issue 2015, Vol 16
17 April 2015

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[CIVIL APPEAL NO: N-02-801-05-2014]
17 DECEMBER 2014

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Courts – Jurisdiction – Conflict of jurisdiction between civil and Syariah Court – Petition for dissolution of marriage and order for custody of children – Syariah Court dissolved marriage and granted order for custody of children – Whether Syariah Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine matters arising from marriage registered and solemnised under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 – Federal Constitution, art. 121(1A)

CIVIL PROCEDURE: Jurisdiction – High Court – Parties married under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 – Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children to Syariah Court – Whether Syariah Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine matters relating to non-Muslim marriages – Whether civil court has jurisdiction when one party in marriage converted to Islam – Federal Constitution, art. 3

FAMILY LAW: Divorce – Jurisdiction of court to hear petition – Dissolution of marriage and custody of children – Parties married under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 – Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children at Syariah Court – Syariah Court dissolved marriage and granted custody to husband – Whether orders granted by Syariah Court valid

FAMILY LAW: Custody – Jurisdiction – Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children at Syariah Court – Syariah Court dissolved marriage and granted custody to husband – Whether civil court could set aside orders granted by Syariah Court – Whether civil court has jurisdiction when one party in marriage converted to Islam – Whether civil court could grant custody order of children by relying on s. 51(2) of Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 – Whether civil court deprived by Guardianship of Infants Act 1961 to hear matter when parties are Muslims

[GUAMAN SIVIL NO: 52-1107-2011]

PROSEDUR SIVIL: Penghakiman - Penghakiman ingkar - Pengenepian - Permohonan untuk - Kemudahan pinjaman sewa beli - Kegagalan menjelaskan ansuran bulanan - Sama ada permohonan defendan kedua mematuhi A. 42 k. 13 Kaedah-Kaedah Mahkamah 2012 - Sama ada penghakiman ingkar teratur - Sama ada defendan kedua memahami kandungan surat jaminan - Sama ada plaintif mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk memaklumkan defendan kedua mengenai hutang yang tidak dijelaskan - Sama ada terdapat kekeliruan dalam pengiraan jumlah tuntutan - Sama ada pembelaan bermerit berjaya dibangkitkan

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Legal Network Series

[2011] 1 LNS 807


INSURANCE: Contract of Insurance - Features of - Distinguishing character from ordinary contracts of guarantee - Whether contract was one of insurance and the principle of insurance law applied in construing the policy

INSURANCE: Goods policy - Construction of policy - Payment of claims - Policy to guarantee payment of goods sold by way of export in the event customers of plaintiff fail to honour the payment - Late payment of premium - Delay of 29 days in submitting statement of overdue account - Whether a breach of a condition precedent which entitled defendant to avoid liability - Whether clause gave room for defendant to honour the claim notwithstanding claim was not made within time - Whether nature of guarantee made it obligatory for defendant to make payment on the happening of events covered by the policy - Whether clauses relied on by defendant to deny liability could stand as condition precedent considering the parties' intention as stated in the policy - Whether defendant entitled to reject plaintiff's claim

[2013] 1 LNS 755


LALULINTAS JALAN: Kecuaian - Kemalangan jalan raya - Liabiliti - Pertembungan motorsikal - Sama ada plaintif dilanggar ketika defendan keluar dari simpang kiri dan memasuki laluan plaintif - Sama ada punca kemalangan adalah ekoran tindakan defendan yang menunggang motorsikal melebihi had laju yang telah ditetapkan - Sama ada defendan harus dipertanggungjawab sepenuhnya keatas kemalangan yang telah berlaku

LALULINTAS JALAN: Kecuaian - Kemalangan jalan raya - Kenderaan keluar dari simpang - Sama ada seseorang pengguna jalan raya boleh dikatakan telah cuai apabila tidak memberikan perhatian kepada kenderaan yang keluar dari simpang secara mengejut - Sama ada seseorang pengguna jalan raya harus memberi perhatian kepada kenderaan yang keluar dari simpang

KETERANGAN: Inferen bertentangan - Kegagalan memanggil pegawai penyiasat - Kemalangan jalan raya - Sama ada kegagalan memanggil pegawai penyiasat telah mencacatkan kes plaintif - Sama ada terdapat penyekatan keterangan - Akta Keterangan 1950, s. 114(g)

KETERANGAN: Perjalanan bicara - Pematahan keterangan - Keterangan prima facie plaintif - Ketidak hadiran defendan ketika bicara - Sama ada ketidak hadiran defendan ketika bicara telah menjadikan keterangan plaintif gagal disangkal

TORT: Kecuaian - Kecuaian sumbangan - Kemalangan jalan raya - Menunggang motorsikal dengan lesen yang mati - Sama ada menunggang motorsikal dengan lesen yang telah mati boleh menyumbang kepada kecuaian - Sama ada lesen motorsikal yang telah mati boleh menunjukkan cara penunggangan motorsikal secara cuai

GANTI RUGI: Taksiran - Rayuan - Kuantum ganti rugi - Sama ada kuantum ganti rugi yang telah diberikan adalah terlalu tinggi - Sama ada terdapat sebarang pertindihan untuk melayakkan pemotongan 10% daripada keseluruhan jumlah awad ganti rugi - Sama ada terdapat pertindihan kecederaan yang dialami akibat kemalangan

[2013] 1 LNS 784


UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Kanak-kanak - Pengangkatan - Proses pendaftaran pengangkatan kanak-kanak - Sama ada proses yang sesuai telah digunakan dalam pengangkatan kanak-kanak - Sama ada proses pendaftaran pengangkatan kanak-kanak di bawah Akta Pengangkatan Anak 1952 sama dengan Akta Pendaftaran Pengangkatan 1952 - Sama ada permohonan Akta Pengangkatan Anak 1952 terpakai dalam proses pengangkatan kanak-kanak secara pendaftaran di Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara

UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Kanak-kanak - Pengangkatan - Kesahihan pendaftaran - Pengangkatan kanak-kanak di bawah Akta Pendaftaran Pengangkatan 1952 - Sama ada kriteria-kriteria di bawah s. 6 Akta Pendaftaran Pengangkatan 1952 telah dipenuhi

UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Kanak-kanak - Pengangkatan - Permohonan pembatalan pengangkatan kanak-kanak - Permohonan pembatalan pengangkatan oleh ibu kandung kanak-kanak - Faktor kebajikan kanak-kanak - Sama ada permohonan pembatalan pengangkatan kanak-kanak oleh ibu kandung atas alasan kebajikan kanak-kanak boleh dengan sendirinya membatalkan sesuatu pengangkatan yang telah didaftarkan secara sempurna

UNDANG-UNDANG PENTADBIRAN: Perjalanan kuasa-kuasa pentadbiran - Keputusan - Keputusan pendaftar anakangkat - Sama ada pendaftar anakangkat telah melakukan kekhilafan dalam proses membuat keputusan untuk membenarkan pendaftaran pengangkatan - Sama ada mahkamah mempunyai sebab untuk mengganggu keputusan pendaftar anakangkat

[2014] 1 LNS 236


COMPANY LAW: Directors - Breach of director's duties - Whether the First to Third defendants breached their fiduciary duties as directors by undertaking the Second and Third Divestments - Whether First to Third defendants exercised their powers for a proper purpose when they decided to undertake the Second and Third Divestments - Whether the dominant purpose was a genuine cash flow problem or whether it was merely contrived and a sham - Test for Directors' duty to exercise powers for a proper purpose - Whether First to Third defendants as directors acted bona fide in the best interests of the plaintiff in compliance with s. 132(1) of the Companies Act 1965 - Even if these directors were guilty of a breach of duty or a breach of trust, whether this was a fit and appropriate case for application of s. 354 of the Companies Act 1965

COMPANY LAW: Directors - Duties - Business Judgment rule - s. 132(1B) of the Companies Act 1965 - Alleged failure by 1st defendant to secure a better price for shares sold under the Second Divestment - Whether decision to sell fell within meaning of s. 132(1B) of the Companies Act 1965 - Whether decision to undertake the Second Divestment was a business judgment made by the First to Third defendants - Whether they were entitled to rely on representations made by plaintiff's primary financial officer - Whether in effecting the Third Divestment, First defendant made a business judgment and was entitled to rely on the advice of professionals such as Affin Investment Bank and TA Securities Holdings Bhd

TORT: Negligence - Duty of care - Alternatively, whether First to Third defendants were negligent and breached the duty of care owed to plaintiff in relation to the Second and Third Divestments - Appointment of Fiduciary Limited by 1st defendant - Not a licensed person under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 - Whether 1st defendant's failure to check or ascertain status of Fiduciary Limited was a negligent breach of the duty of care he owed to plaintiff - Whether 1st defendant should compensate plaintiff for pecuniary loss suffered by paying plaintiff the costs of Fiduciary Limited's bill

TORT: Conspiracy - Elements of - Whether First to Third defendants conspired with other persons, including the Fourth defendant, to injure plaintiff by divesting of its shares in its subsidiary - Whether they had undertaken their statutory, common law and fiduciary duties as directors for a proper purpose and in the interest of the company - Whether key elements of intention and damage had been established - Whether they conspired to cause injury to plaintiff

[2014] 1 LNS 367


SALE OF GOODS: Merchantable quality - Fitness for purpose - Whether vehicle was not fit for the purpose it was intended - Whether vehicle suffered from serious defects that rendered it unroadworthy or unmerchantable in quality - Whether plaintiff entitled to rescind the Hire Purchase Agreement and claim for consequential loss suffered by her

CLJ 2015 Volume 3 (Part 4)



Ravindran Ramasamy v. PP
(Criminal Procedure - Charge - Duplicity of - Defective charge) [2015] 3 CLJ 421 [FC]


Deepanraj Subramanian v. PP
(Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure - Penal Code - Section 304(a) - Culpable homicide) [2015] 3 CLJ 439 [CA]

Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan & Ors v. Berjaya Books Sdn Bhd & Ors
(Administrative Law; Constitutional Law - Federal and state law - Conflict - Matters of Islamic law) [2015] 3 CLJ 461 [CA]

Leisure Farm Corporation Sdn Bhd v. Kabushiki Kaisha Ngu & Ors
(Civil Procedure - Appeal - Cross appeal - Rules of the Court of Appeal 1994 rr. 5, 8, Form 2) [2015] 3 CLJ 489 [CA]

PP v. Subir Gole
(Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure - Murder - Defence - Cumulative provocation) [2015] 3 CLJ 505 [CA]

Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam
(Constitutional Law; Civil Procedure; Family Law - Custody - Jurisdiction - Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children at Syariah Court) [2015] 3 CLJ 525 [CA]

Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam; Peguam Negara Malaysia & Anor (Intervener)
(Constitutional Law; Family Law; Islamic Law - Jurisdiction - Syariah Court - Parties married under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976) [2015] 3 CLJ 537 [CA]


Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr M Mahadevan A Mahalingam lwn. Kerajaan Malaysia
(Angkatan Tentera; Tort; Had Masa - Kecuaian - Kerosakan - Tanah plaintif digunakan sebagai zon penampan) [2015] 3 CLJ 547 [HC]



Judicial review - Jurisdiction - Third respondent charged under s. 13 Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997 - Offence of disseminating and distributing books deemed contrary to Islamic law - Seizure of books during raid - Respondents' application for judicial review and certiorari orders to quash decision and actions of appellants allowed - Appeal against - Whether High Court had jurisdiction to hear and determine judicial review - Whether impugned actions of first appellant dealt with Syariah law and came within jurisdiction of Syariah courts - Whether appellants' actions tainted with mala fides - Whether actions of first appellant breached fundamental and constitutional rights of respondents - Whether pith and substance approach was proper approach in adjudicating matter - Wednesbury principle - Whether court obliged to provide relief when fundamental guarantee provisions breached - Whether High Court constitutionally duty bound and seized with jurisdiction - Federal Constitution, art. 7
Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan & Ors v. Berjaya Books Sdn Bhd & Ors
(Mah Weng Kwai, Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Umi Kalthum Abdul Majid JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 461 [CA]


Appeal - Cross appeal - Whether cross-appeal must relate directly to appeal - Appellant appealing against part of decision refusing to grant specific performance - Respondent cross appealing against finding of valid contract - Whether cross appeal must be limited to the issue of specific performance - Whether respondent ought to have filed separate notice of appeal - Rules of the Court of Appeal 1994, rr. 5, 8, Form 2
Leisure Farm Corporation Sdn Bhd v. Kabushiki Kaisha Ngu & Ors
(David Wong Dak Wah, Varghese George, Badariah Sahamid JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 489 [CA]

Jurisdiction - High Court - Parties married under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 - Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children to Syariah Court - Whether Syariah Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine matters relating to non-Muslim marriages - Whether civil court has jurisdiction when one party in marriage converted to Islam - Federal Constitution, art. 3
Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam
(Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, Ahmadi Asnawi JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 525 [CA]


Courts - Jurisdiction - Conflict of jurisdiction between civil and Syariah Court - Petition for dissolution of marriage and order for custody of children - Syariah Court dissolved marriage and granted order for custody of children - Whether Syariah Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine matters arising from marriage registered and solemnised under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 - Federal Constitution, art. 121(1A)
Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam
(Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, Ahmadi Asnawi JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 525 [CA]

Courts - Jurisdiction - Conflict of jurisdiction between civil and Syariah Court - Petition for dissolution of marriage and order for custody of children - Syariah Court dissolved marriage and granted order for custody of children - Whether Syariah Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine matters arising from marriage registered and solemnised under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 - Whether civil court has jurisdiction when one party in marriage converted to Islam - Whether High Court has power to set aside Syariah Court orders - Federal Constitution, art. 121(1A)
Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam; Peguam Negara Malaysia & Anor (Intervener)
(Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, Ahmadi Asnawi JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 537 [CA]

Federal and state law - Conflict - Matters of Islamic law - Third respondent charged under s. 13 Syariah Criminal Offences (Federal Territories) Act 1997 - Offence of disseminating and distributing books deemed contrary to Islamic Law - Whether offence against precepts of Islam which specifically covers Muslims only a criminal law envisaged under the Constitution - Whether any law applied wrongfully by Federal or any State Government or its agencies must be corrected through judicial review process - Whether court obliged to provide relief when fundamental guarantee provisions breached
Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan & Ors v. Berjaya Books Sdn Bhd & Ors
(Mah Weng Kwai, Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Umi Kalthum Abdul Majid JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 461 [CA]


Murder - Defence - Cumulative provocation - Relevant consideration - Whether there were a series of provocation accumulated amounting to grave and sudden provocation - Whether respondent deprived of power of self control - Whether reasonable man placed in similar situation would lose self control - Whether defence ought to be rejected - Penal Code, s. 300 Exception 1
PP v. Subir Gole
(Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Varghese George, Prasad Sandosham Abraham JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 505 [CA]

Penal Code - Section 302 - Murder - Reduction of charge _Trial judge reduced charge to one under s. 304(b) of Penal Code - Defence of cumulative provocation - Whether there were a series of provocation accumulated amounting to grave and sudden provocation - Whether trial judge erred in accepting defence - Whether appellate intervention warranted
PP v. Subir Gole
(Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Varghese George, Prasad Sandosham Abraham JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 505 [CA]

Penal Code - Section 304(a) - Culpable homicide - Stabbing deceased with knife causing death - Conviction and sentence - Appeal against - Burden of proof - Deliberations on s. 182A Criminal Procedure Code - Whether trial judge considered evidence tendered by defence - Whether there were discrepancies in evidence given by prosecution witnesses - Interested witnesses - Credibility of - Whether trial judge committed error in amending charge - Whether there was compliance of s. 162 Criminal Procedure Code - Whether judgment handed down by trial judge met requirements of s. 308 Criminal Procedure Code - Whether sentence imposed manifestly excessive or inadequate
Deepanraj Subramanian v. PP
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Rohana Yusuf, Zakaria Sam JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 439 [CA]


Appeal - Conviction and sentence - Culpable homicide - Stabbing deceased with knife causing death - Conviction and sentence - Appeal against - Burden of proof - Deliberations on s. 182A Criminal Procedure Code - Whether trial judge considered evidence tendered by defence - Whether there were discrepancies in evidence given by prosecution witnesses - Interested witnesses - Credibility of - Whether trial judge committed error in amending charge - Whether there was compliance of s. 162 Criminal Procedure Code - Whether judgment handed down by trial judge met requirements of s. 308 Criminal Procedure Code - Whether sentence imposed manifestly excessive or inadequate - Penal Code, s. 304(a)
Deepanraj Subramanian v. PP
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Rohana Yusuf, Zakaria Sam JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 439 [CA]

Charge - Defective charge - Charge read that offence committed under s. 3A Firearms (Increased Penalties) Act 1971 - Duplicity of charge - Whether particulars of offence pointed to both offences under ss. 3 and 3A - Whether ran foul of s. 163 Criminal Procedure Code - Whether there was error or omission to state ingredients of offence - Whether accused misled - Whether there was a failure of justice - Whether defect in charge could be cured - Criminal Procedure Code, ss. 156 & 422 - Whether conviction a nullity
Ravindran Ramasamy v. PP
(Abdull Hamid Embong, Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Jeffrey Tan, Azahar Mohamed FCJJ) [2015] 3 CLJ 421 [FC]

Charge - Duplicity of - Charge read that offence committed under s. 3A Firearms (Increased Penalties) Act 1971 - Whether particulars of offence pointed to both offences under ss. 3 and 3A - Whether ran foul of s. 163 Criminal Procedure Code - Whether accused an accomplice or principal offender - Whether accused could be separately charged and tried under ss. 3 and 3A - Whether proper to state s. 34 Penal Code in charge - Whether there was error or omission to state ingredients of offence - Whether accused misled - Whether there was a failure of justice - Whether defect in charge could be cured - Criminal Procedure Code, ss. 156 & 422 - Whether conviction a nullity
Ravindran Ramasamy v. PP
(Abdull Hamid Embong, Suriyadi Halim Omar, Zainun Ali, Jeffrey Tan, Azahar Mohamed FCJJ) [2015] 3 CLJ 421 [FC]

Charge - Reduction of - Trial judge reduced charge to one under s. 304(b) of Penal Code - Intention to murder - Eye witness testimony - Whether there were a series of provocation accumulated amounting to grave and sudden provocation - Whether there was sufficient evidence to establish charge of murder - Whether trial judge erred in reducing charge
PP v. Subir Gole
(Mohd Zawawi Salleh, Varghese George, Prasad Sandosham Abraham JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 505 [CA]

Conviction - Amended charge - Original charge for murder reduced to culpable homicide not amounting to murder - Whether trial judge committed error in amending charge - Criminal Procedure Code, s. 162 - Whether complied with
Deepanraj Subramanian v. PP
(Balia Yusof Wahi, Rohana Yusuf, Zakaria Sam JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 439 [CA]


Custody - Jurisdiction - Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children at Syariah Court - Syariah Court dissolved marriage and granted custody to husband - Whether civil court could set aside orders granted by Syariah Court - Whether civil court has jurisdiction when one party in marriage converted to Islam - Whether civil court could grant custody order of children by relying on s. 51(2) of Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 - Whether civil court deprived by Guardianship of Infants Act 1961 to hear matter when parties are Muslims
Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam
(Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, Ahmadi Asnawi JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 525 [CA]

Custody - Jurisdiction - Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children at Syariah Court - Syariah Court dissolved marriage and granted custody to husband - Whether civil court has jurisdiction when one party in marriage converted to Islam - Whether High Court has power to set aside Syariah Court order - Whether husband met threshold under s. 53, Child Act 2001
Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam; Peguam Negara Malaysia & Anor (Intervener)
(Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, Ahmadi Asnawi JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 537 [CA]

Divorce - Jurisdiction of court to hear petition - Dissolution of marriage and custody of children - Parties married under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 - Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children at Syariah Court - Syariah Court dissolved marriage and granted custody to husband - Whether orders granted by Syariah Court valid
Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam
(Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, Ahmadi Asnawi JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 525 [CA]

Divorce - Jurisdiction of court to hear petition - Dissolution of marriage and custody of children - Parties married under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 - Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children at Syariah Court - Syariah Court dissolved marriage and granted custody to husband - Whether orders granted by Syariah Court valid - Whether civil court could set aside orders of Syariah Court
Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam; Peguam Negara Malaysia & Anor (Intervener)
(Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, Ahmadi Asnawi JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 537 [CA]


Jurisdiction - Syariah Court - Parties married under Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 - Husband converted to Islam and applied for dissolution of marriage and custody of children to Syariah Court - Whether Syariah Court has jurisdiction to hear and determine matters relating to non-Muslim marriages
Viran Nagapan v. Deepa Subramaniam; Peguam Negara Malaysia & Anor (Intervener)
(Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim, Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat, Ahmadi Asnawi JJCA) [2015] 3 CLJ 537 [CA]



Kecuaian - Kerosakan - Tanah plaintif digunakan sebagai zon penampan - Aktiviti menembak di tanah bersebelahan - Sama ada Kerajaan Malaysia boleh dinamakan secara sendirian dalam tindakan - Sama ada plaintif seharusnya menamakan pegawai-pegawai yang bertanggungjawab atas perlakuan tort berkenaan - Sama ada pihak tentera masih mengadakan latihan menembak selepas tanah plaintif dipulang balik - Sama ada tanah plaintif digunakan untuk manuver tentera - Sama ada plaintif mengalami kerugian dan kerosakan - Sama ada tuntutan dibuktikan - Akta Manuver Tentera 1983, s. 7(3)
Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr M Mahadevan A Mahalingam lwn. Kerajaan Malaysia
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 3 CLJ 547 [HC]


Akta Perlindungan Pihak Berkuasa Awam 1948 - Sama ada tindakan dihalang oleh had masa - Sama ada plaintif perlu memfailkan tindakan dalam tempoh 36 bulan daripada kausa tindakan bermula - Sama ada defendan telah melakukan tindakan yang menyalahi undang-undang - Sama ada s. 2(a) terpakai
Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr M Mahadevan A Mahalingam lwn. Kerajaan Malaysia
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 3 CLJ 547 [HC]


"manuver tentera" - Makna - Akta Manuver Tentera 1983 , s. 2 - Sama ada latihan menembak boleh ditafsirkan sebagai aktiviti manuver tentera
Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr M Mahadevan A Mahalingam lwn. Kerajaan Malaysia
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 3 CLJ 547 [HC]


Pihak-pihak - Kerajaan, tindakan terhadap - Tindakan berasaskan tort - Sama ada plaintif menamakan Kerajaan Malaysia secara sendirian - Sama ada Kerajaan boleh dikaitkan sebagai pelaku tort utama - Sama ada tindakan melibatkan pelaksanaan kuasa pentadbiran - Sama ada plaintif seharusnya menamakan pegawai-pegawai yang bertanggungjawab atas perlakuan tort berkenaan - Akta Prosiding Kerajaan 1956, ss. 4, 5 & 6 - Sama ada dipatuhi - Sama ada kegagalan menamakan agen atau pelaku tort membawa padah kepada tuntutan plaintif
Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr M Mahadevan A Mahalingam lwn. Kerajaan Malaysia
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 3 CLJ 547 [HC]


Kacau ganggu - Tanah plaintif digunakan sebagai zon penampan - Aktiviti menembak di tanah bersebelahan - Sama ada pihak tentera masih mengadakan latihan menembak selepas tanah plaintif dipulang balik - Sama ada tanah plaintif digunakan untuk manuver tentera - Sama ada langkah-langkah keselamatan diambil untuk menghalang peluru-peluru memasuki tanah plaintif - Sama ada depot simpanan peluru menyebabkan kacau ganggu atas tanah plaintif - Sama ada plaintif mengalami kerugian
Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr M Mahadevan A Mahalingam lwn. Kerajaan Malaysia
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 3 CLJ 547 [HC]

Kecuaian - Kerosakan - Tanah plaintif digunakan sebagai zon penampan - Aktiviti menembak di tanah bersebelahan - Sama ada aktiviti-aktiviti defendan menyebabkan kerugian dan kerosakan kepada plaintif - Sama ada dibuktikan
Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr M Mahadevan A Mahalingam lwn. Kerajaan Malaysia
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 3 CLJ 547 [HC]

Kemungkiran kewajipan statutori - Tanggungjawab untuk memperbaiki dan memulihkan tanah - Tanah plaintif digunakan sebagai zon penampan - Aktiviti menembak di tanah bersebelahan - Sama ada defendan mempunyai tugas statutori di bawah s. 7(3) Akta Manuver Tentera 1983 untuk membaiki dan memulihkan sehampir yang mungkin tanah plaintif - Sama ada s. 7(3) hanya terpakai untuk kawasan manuver dan bukannya untuk kawasan menembak
Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr M Mahadevan A Mahalingam lwn. Kerajaan Malaysia
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 3 CLJ 547 [HC]

Pencerobohan atas tanah - Tanah plaintif digunakan sebagai zon penampan - Aktiviti menembak di tanah bersebelahan - Sama ada terdapat bukti bahawa pengkhidmat defendan telah memasuki dan mencerobohi tanah plaintif - Sama ada defendan bertanggungjawab di bawah Akta Manuver Tentera 1983 untuk mengeluarkan sijil penyelesaian pembersihan lapang sasar kepada plaintif - Terra Damansara Sdn Bhd v. Nandex Development
Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr M Mahadevan A Mahalingam lwn. Kerajaan Malaysia
(Abu Bakar Katar PK) [2015] 3 CLJ 547 [HC]


Principal Acts

Number Title Date coming into force Repealing
AKTA 766 Akta Penghasilan Bersih Perjanjian Kewangan 2015 30 Mac 2015 [PU(B) 131/2015] -Nil-
ACT 766 Netting Of Financial Agreements Act 2015 30 March 2015 [PU(B) 131/2015] -Nil-
AKTA 765 Akta Malaysian Airline System Berhad (Pentadbiran) 2015 20 February 2015 [PU(B) 37/2015] -Nil-
ACT 765 Malaysian Airline System Berhad (Administration) Act 2015 20 February 2015 [PU(B) 37/2015] -Nil-
ACT 764 Finance (No. 2) Act 2014 The Income Tax Act 1967 [Act 53] see s 3; The Petroleum (Income Tax) Act 1967 [Act 543] see s 24; The Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976 [Act 169] see s 27 -Nil-

Amending Acts

Number Title Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No
ACT A1481 Quantity Surveyors (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 487
ACT A1480 Architects (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force except for paragraphs 3(d) and (p) and section 23 come into operation on 1 June 2015 ACT 117
ACT A1479 Registration Of Engineers (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 138
ACT A1478 Companies Commission Of Malaysia (Amendment) Act 2015 20 February 2015 [PU(B) 45/2015] except sections 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15 ACT 614
ACT A1477 Limited Liability Partnership (Amendment) Act 2015 Not Yet In Force ACT 743


Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No
PU(A) 78/2015 Postal Services (Licensing) Regulations 2015 14 April 2015 15 April 2015 ACT 741
PU(A) 77/2015 Postal Services (Universal Service) Regulations 2015 14 April 2015 15 April 2015 ACT 741
PU(A) 76/2015 Water Services Industry (Water Reticulation And Plumbing) (Amendment) Rules 2015 14 April 2015 15 April 2015 except subparagraph 2(a)(ii) and subsubparagraph 2(b)(i)(B) come into operation on 14 April 2017 PU(A) 36/2014
PU(A) 75/2015 Printing Presses And Publications (Control Of Undesirable Publications) (No. 10) Order 2015 10 April 2015 11 April 2015 ACT 301
PU(A) 74/2015 Printing Presses And Publications (Control Of Undesirable Publications) (No. 9) Order 2015 10 April 2015 11 April 2015 ACT 301


Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No
PU(B) 163/2015 Appointment Of Member Of Pardons Board 13 April 2015 23 February 2015 until 22 February 2018 ACT 000
PU(B) 162/2015 Notice Regarding The Supplementary Electoral Roll For The Fourth Quarter Of The Year 2014 That Has Been Certified 13 April 2015 10 April 2015 PU(A) 293/2002
PU(B) 161/2015 Determination Of Electoral Roll For The By-Election Of P. 091 Rompin 10 April 2015 11 April 2015 PU(A) 293/2002
PU(B) 160/2015 Notice To Hold A By-Election Of A Member Of The Dewan Rakyat Of The State Of Pahang For The Constituency Of P. 091 Rompin 10 April 2015 30 April 2015 - advance polling day; 5 May 2015 - polling day PU(A) 386/1981
PU(B) 159/2015 Notification Under Subregulation 3(3) 10 April 2015 10 April 2015 PU(A) 185/2003
[2015] 1 LNS(A) xxxi MALAYSIA





The concepts of authorised share capital and par value of shares

The Companies Bill 2013 ("Bill") sets out a legal framework that will replace the current Companies Act 1965 ("CA"). The Bill covers, among other things, the abolishment of the concept of authorised share capital[1] and the introduction of a mandatory no-par value regime where shares of a company shall have no par or nominal value.[2]

The CA requires a company limited by shares to state its authorised share capital in its memorandum and articles of association,[3] which is the maximum amount of capital the company is authorised to raise by issuing shares. Par value (which is also known as "nominal value" in the CA) refers to the minimum amount of money that must be received by the company before the company can allot its shares as fully paid up shares. Where shares are issued above the par value, the amount in excess of the par value is called the "share premium", and the premium received whether in the form of money or monies worth must be transferred to a "share premium account.[4]

The inclusion of the concepts of authorised share capital and par value of shares in the CA are for the protection of shareholders and creditors' interests. Authorised share capital and the par value of shares are thought to protect the interest of shareholders due to the following reasons:

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* Published with kind permission of M/s Shearn Delamore & Co.

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[2015] 1 LNS(A) xxxii MALAYSIA





The significance of human wellbeing through the sustainable amelioration of social, economic and ecological features is the top priority issue that Islam encompasses. Islam does not limit its focus on the relationship between God and His creatures, especially men; rather it expands its coverage to include some aspects of human concerns such as decent living, healthcare, and economic stability. This indicates the universal feature of Islamic jurisprudence to supervise the welfares of mankind in this world and the Hereafter. Humankind is under the duty to strive, revive, protect and develop this universe in a sustainable manner. This article seeks to vividly justify the philosophical thoughts of sovereignty in relation with the intrinsic value of obedience and authority in the universal rulings. Moreover, the article highlights the Islamic viewpoints on the protection and conservation of the ecological structure. In addition to that, the researcher further discusses the important roles of trade in Islam and its long existing benefits. Therefore, the necessity of reducing any miscomprehension between trade proponents and their opponents from the Islamic viewpoint could be very essential.

Keywords: Islamic Jurisprudence, Sovereignty, vicegerent (Khalifa), Trade (economic), Environment (ecology), development, maqasid shari'ah (public interest)

I. Introduction

The Islamic jurisprudence is a significant part of law which is due to its dominant traditional and transnational interactions.[1] It designs a lucid trend that mankind is required to follow and adhere to. The fact that the Islamic Jurisprudence is primarily concerned with spreading the message of uniqueness of Allah [subuhanaho.wa.ta'alah] (s.w.t.), does not deter its engagement in the daily issues of mankind. Islam aims at ensuring the decent human wellbeing by setting standards that would improve the societal and individual interfaces and ease of difficulties to be encountered. Among these objectivities are the preservation of the ecological system and ensuring economic and social development. The current wave of environmental depletion and the inability to effectively regulate it may be attributed to failure of contemporary legal approaches in achieving the spiritual and material aspects of human existence.[2] Understanding the interaction between trade and environment through the Islamic lens is highly recommendable as it brings about the social and economic wellbeing of humans through the concept of sustainability. It is fully cognizant that God, who is the Creator [subuhanaho.wa.ta'alah] (s.w.t.),[3] has created mankind to obey Him and to take all necessary trends that would substantially ameliorate their lives in this world. Allah (s.w.t.) said in the Holy Quran: " And seek by means of what Allah has given you the future abode, and do not neglect the portion of this world, and do good as Allah has done good, and do not make mischief in the land.."[4] An interpretation of this verse implies that men should not abandon their portion of luck or the fortunes that were destined to them by their Creator (s.w.t.) with which they must solicit good deeds in this finite world and for the Hereafter.[5] In the Prophetic Hadith, it was narrated that the Prophet, peace be upon him (pbuh) said: "if Allah bestows his fortune unto you, then you should bestow it unto yourselves; Verily, Allah admires to see the sign of His favour on His servant."[6]

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* (PhD) Scholar, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyah of Law, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

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[2015] 1 CLJ(A) i MALAYSIA





First and foremost may I take this opportunity to thank the Dean and the academic staffs of Pusat Pengajian Undang-Undang, Kolej Undang-Undang, Kerajaan dan Pengajian Antarabangsa, Universiti Utara Malaysia and the Law Students Society, Universiti Utara Malaysia for inviting me to deliver a lecture on the occasion of this Asian Law Students Association (ALSA) National Conference 2014.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to put on record here that the invitation to deliver a lecture at this conference was first extended to the Right Honourable Chief Justice, Tun Arifin bin Zakaria. However, due to his busy schedule in the discharge of his official duties he could not make it to this conference. The Right Honourable Chief Justice has requested me to replace him and in this regard he had asked me to convey his utmost apology for not being here and he wishes all of us a successful conference.

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* Chief Judge Of Malaya.
Delivered at the Pusat Pengajian Undang-Undang, Kolej Undang-Undang, Kerajaan dan Pengajian Antarabangsa, Universiti Utara Malaysia on 31 October 2014 on the occasion of the Asian Law Students Association (ALSA) National Conference 2014

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