CLJ Bulletin, Issue 2014, Vol 26 27 June 2014 Print this page |
[CIVIL APPEAL NO: W-02-2642-11-2012]
5 MAY 2014
CONTRACT: Assignment - Formation - Written documents - Whether giving rise to any legal assignment - Passing of assignor's interest in chose in action - Whether must be entire and absolute - Failure to pass entire interest absolutely - Whether fatal - Whether creating no assignment in law - Required notice for assignment - Privity of contract
[SAMAN SIVIL NO: 1-53-863-2009]
28 MAC 2011
TORT: Kecuaian - Tanggungjawab berjaga-jaga - Pemilik restoran - Kaki lipas dikesan dalam makanan yang dihidang oleh defendan - Plaintif mengalami keracunan makanan - Sama ada defendan mempunyai tanggungjawab berhati-hati untuk memastikan makanan yang dihidang adalah bersih - Sama ada defendan tidak menghiraukan kebersihan restorannya - Sama ada plaintif diberikan ganti rugi am dan teladan
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[1] Issue: On the duty of a Magistrate in dealing with applications for search warrants and in issuing a search warrant pursuant to s. 56 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
“What I want to emphasise is this. The role of a Magistrate when faced with an application for search warrants is an onerous one. He has to delicately balance the rights of a person to his privacy and the exclusive enjoyment of his property with the need of the police to gather evidence for the prosecution of offences by the State against an individual. In order for that decision to be made justly and given that the person whose rights would be infringed will not be represented at the application for the search warrant, the Magistrate concerned must ensure that the information laid before him is one which possessed credibility and “reason to believe” means good and cogent reasons which supports the belief that incriminating evidence of an offence would be found in the premises stated in the warrant.”
“In my view, there is no compromise that there must be credible information before a Magistrate issues the warrant or in the absence of such information, the “reason to believe” that incriminating evidence connected to an offence is to be found in the place stipulated in the warrant.” – per Rodzariah Bujang JC in Chong Chieng Jen v. Mohd Irwan Hafiz Md Radzi & Anor [2010] 1 CLJ 355.
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Legal Network Series
[2011] 1 LNS 1620 MASRI AHMAD & ANOR v. NEOH TONG HOCK & ANOR & ANOTHER CASES CIVIL PROCEDURE: Limitation of action - Whether Civil Suit No. 22-135-2006 statute barred under the Limitation Act 1953 read with s. 340(2) of the National Land Code (NLC) – Whether Limitation Act 1953 applicable to bar Civil Suit No. 22-135-2006 and 22-567-2007 – Whether s. 9(1) of the Limitation Act 1953 applicable to an action which involves the setting aside of title or interest of person for the time being registered as proprietor of said land or confined to recovery of possession of land - Absence of knowledge by plaintiff of the earlier Sijil Faraid - Whether plaintiff's cause of action, for the purpose of calculation of limitation, should begin with the date of Sijil Pembahagian Faraid - Whether it was barred by limitation
STATUTORY INTERPRETATION: Construction of statute - Whether as s. 340 of the NLC had not specifically provided for the limitation period, s. 9(1) of the Limitation Act 1953 did not apply - Whether if the NLC had intended s. 9(1) of the Limitation Act to not be applicable, it would have so expressed pursuant to s. 9(2) - Whether proper and correct interpretation would be that the Limitation Act 1953 was intended by the NLC to be applicable to s. 340 of the NLC - Whethers. 9(1) of the Limitation Act was applicable to ss. 340(2) and 340(3) of the NLC
CIVIL PROCEDURE: Res judicata - Issue estoppel - Administratrix of the estate of Deceased, Hamidah, involved in 3 separate earlier legal proceedings relating to land and advancing same allegation of fraud - No appeal filed by Hamidah against dismissal order - Whether such order a final order and binding - Whether res judicata applied to estop further cause of action based on same issue and facts as 3rd defendant's claim - Whether 3rd defendant's Civil Suit No. 22-135-2006 barred by res judicata - Whether to attempt to revive an action that accrued 25 years ago was laches
LAND LAW: Ownership - Beneficial ownership in dispute - Whether plaintiff's claim premised on the estate of the Deceased or on their own right to the shares of land - Whether plaintiff's right affected by outcome of determination of Civil Suit No. 22-135-2006 - Whether plaintiff had jurisdiction to recover monies or property of the Baitulmal in their own name - Whether plaintiff had independent right to sue to recover their property in the Civil Court as it no longer involved Muslim affairs - Whether plaintiff would be affected by the outcome of the case in Suit No. 22-135-2006 - Whether alleged transfer of land by an imposter as the land owner had long died occasioned fraud resulting in the instrument of transfer being void - Whether indefeasibility of title operated to protect title of 1st and 2nd defendant - Whether plaintiff able to assert their right to claim[2011] 1 LNS 1621 SITI SALMA YUSOFF v. CIMB BANK BERHAD; TUMPUAN AUTO SDN BHD (THIRD-PARTY) TORT: Defamation - Slander - Whether plaintiff complied with O. 78 of the Rules of the High Court 1980, with reference to her claim for damages for defamation - Whether incumbent on plaintiff to provide full particulars of claim and comply with O. 78 - Whether plaintiff's claim based purely on conduct or a combination of verbal statements made by alleged agents of defendant and their conduct
HIRE PURCHASE: Hire purchase agreement - Declaration sought that hire purchase agreement was null and void because of defendant's failure to pass a good title to vehicle - Error in recording of correct chassis number - Whether defendant able to pass a good title - Whether there had rather been a total failure in consideration - Whether plaintiff's claim for a full refund of installments paid supported in law - Whether only fair and equitable for balance installment sum to be paid into a stakeholder's account pending resolution of the matter with JPJ
HIRE PURCHASE: Vehicle registration - Error in recording of correct chassis number in registration card - Whether JPJ's insistence that the two vehicles be brought to the JPJ for inspection was manifestly unreasonable - Whether onerous and unjust to immediate parties – Whether s. 12(4) of the Road Transport Act 1987 conferred sufficient powers on JPJ as the registering authority to effect the necessary correction to registration card of plaintiff's vehicle - JPJ not a party in proceedings - Whether parties should institute a separate action naming JPJ as a party for an order to compel JPJ to act in accordance with law[2011] 1 LNS 1625 DATO' BADARUDIN ABD KHALID & ORS v. MBF PROPERTY SERVICES SDN BHD & ORS CONTRACT: Misrepresentation - Fraudulent misrepresentation - Whether First and Second defendants made fraudulent representation to plaintiffs with intention to induce and or entice plaintiffs to purchase condominium units - Only four out of thirty four plaintiffs testified - Whether four plaintiffs who took the stand could speak on behalf of other plaintiffs - Whether they were in position to know state of minds of other plaintiffs when decisions to sign up for sale and purchase agreement and loan agreements were made - Whether plaintiffs discharged burden imposed on them by law
CONTRACT: Illegality - Contravention of law - Public policy - Whether arrangement between developer and First defendant for the development of the Project illegal and or contrary to public policy - Whether plaintiff had shown how arrangement was "injurious of public welfare" - Whether plaintiff proved illegality and or infringement of the law
TORT: Conspiracy to injure - Intention - Whether First and Second defendants acted in conspiracy with intention to injure plaintiffs - Whether fact that developer was not able to complete the Project pursuant to the sale and purchase agreements entered into between parties, and that developer was wound up, established conspiracy theory pleaded by plaintiffs - Whether fact that First and Second defendants were part of the MBf Group of Companies proved that they were in collusion with intention to injure plaintiffs
CIVIL PROCEDURE: Limitation of action - Contract - Information and knowledge pertaining to the unsatisfactory works known since 1998 - Whether plaintiffs' cause of action would have arisen in 1998 - Whether plaintiffs should have commenced their action against First and Second defendants latest by 31.12.2004 - Whether present action was time barred by the Limitation Act 1953, s. 6[2013] 1 LNS 429 SATHIA VADIVALOO lwn. MEGENDRAN VELLASAMY UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Penceraian - Tingkah laku - Keganasan fizikal - Sama ada keganasan fisikal oleh responden suami terhadap pempetisyen merupakan punca utama keruntuhan perkahwinan - Sama ada munasabah untuk pempetisyen hidup bersama semula dengan responden
UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Penceraian - Tinggal berasingan - Sama ada alasan tinggal secara berasingan untuk jangka masa lebih daripada dua tahun cukup untuk membubarkan perkahwinan
UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Nafkah - Isteri - Bayaran nafkah diri dan sewaan rumah - Prinsip 'tujuan dan keperluan pihak-pihak' - Sama ada responden mampu memberi nafkah bagi diri pempetisyen - Sama ada pempetisyen wajar dan layak dibayar nafkah diri sewaan rumah - Taksiran - Sama ada faktor penyumbang keruntuhan perkahwinan diambil kira dalam penaksiran nafkah
UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Nafkah - Isteri - Pembayaran nafkah interim - Sama ada pempetisyen mempunyai asas untuk menuntut sebarang bayaran nafkah ketika pempetisyen tinggal berasingan - Sama ada terdapat sebarang perjanjian pembayaran nafkah interim ketika pempetisyen tinggal berasingan - Sama ada pempetisyen pernah mengemukakan sebarang permohonan untuk mendapatkan perintah nafkah interim
UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Aset perkahwinan - Pembahagian - Sumbangan - Sama ada pempetisyen dapat mengemukakan sebarang keterangan untuk membuktikan sumbangan keatas asset perkahwinan bagi tujuan pembahagian
UNDANG-UNDANG KELUARGA: Ganti rugi - Ganti rugi khas dan teladan - Keganasan rumah tangga - Sama ada terdapat sebarang asas undang-undang bagi mahkamah membenarkan tuntutan pempetisyen untuk bayaran ganti rugi khas dan teladan ke atas kecederaan akibat keganasan rumah tangga[2013] 1 LNS 434 ISKANDAR SHAH ABDULLAH lwn. ABDUL JALIL HASHIM & SATU LAGI KONTRAK: Pembatalan - Salah representasi - Alasan pembatalan skim insuran - Sama ada kekurangan pulangan yang lumayan merupakan alasan yang munasabah untuk membatalkan skim insuran
KONTRAK: Salah representasi - Niat untuk mengelirukan - Sama ada terdapat representasi salah - Sama ada terdapat niat untuk mengelirukan pengambil insuran - Sama ada penanggung insuran mempunyai niat untuk menipu pengambil insuran
KONTRAK: Salah representasi - Pengaruh dan dorongan - Sama ada representasi penanggung insuran telah mempengaruhi pengambil insuran - Sama ada pengambil insuran sedar, memahami dan mempunyai pengetahuan berkenaan risiko pembelian skim insuran - Sama ada pengambil insuran telah mempunyai ruang untuk mendapatkan kefahaman terperinci - Sama ada pengambil insuran telah mempunyai kepercayaan terhadap skim insuran yang ditawarkan
KONTRAK: Salah representasi - Ganti rugi - Sama ada pengambil insuran mengalami kerugian atas representasi yang salah - Sama ada pembelian polisi insuran telah membawa sebarang kerugian kepada pengambil insuran
PROSEDUR SIVIL: Pengenepian - Penghakiman ingkar - Sama ada penghakiman ingkar wajar diketepikan kerana defendan telah hadir memberikan keterangan ketika bicara kes plaintif - Sama ada jawapan yang diberi oleh defendan kepada tuntutan plaintif ketika bicara merupakan juga pembelaan defendan terhadap pernyataan tuntutan plaintifCLJ 2014 Volume 5 (Part 4)
Liang Weng Heng v. PP
Azahar Mohamed, Mohtarudin Baki, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JJCA
(Criminal Law; Evidence - Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Section 39B(1)(a) - Trafficking - Admissibility of confession statement - Scope of s. 27 Evidence Act 1950) [2014] 5 CLJ 401 [CA]Pembinaan Eastern Aluminium Sdn Bhd v. Narita Shipping & Transport Sdn Bhd
Mohamad Ariff Yusof, Tengku Maimun, Varghese George JJCA
(Contract; Land Law - Lease - Breach - Termination) [2014] 5 CLJ 431 [CA]RHB Bank Berhad v. Moon Trading Sdn Bhd
Abdul Malik Ishak, Alizatul Khair Osman, Aziah Ali JJCA
(Tort; Bank - Defamation - Defamatory statements - Bank draft dishonoured on allegation of counterfeit) [2014] 5 CLJ 443 [CA]Teoh Ah Mooi v. Causeway Bay Plantations Sdn Bhd
Ramly Ali, Zaharah Ibrahim, Anantham Kasinather JJCA
(Bankruptcy; Civil Procedure - Capacity of bankrupt - Sale of land by undischarged bankrupt) [2014] 5 CLJ 466 [CA]YT Marketing Sdn Bhd v. Tan Whye Kion & Anor
Clement Skinner, Lim Yee Lan, Rohana Yusuf JJCA
(Landlord And Tenant; Civil Procedure - Double rent - Claim for - Holding over after determination of tenancy) [2014] 5 CLJ 477 [CA]HIGH COURT
Asia Suria Plantation Sdn Bhd v. Telisai Co-operative Land Development Society
Douglas Cristo Primus Sikayun JC
(Unincorporated Associations; Civil Procedure - Societies - Co-operative society - Non-compliance of s. 41 Co-operative Societies Act 1993) [2014] 5 CLJ 492 [HC]Giga Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v. Yip Chee Seng & Sons Sdn Bhd & Ors
Su Geok Yiam J
(Civil Procedure - Bill of costs - Taxation - Getting up fees) [2014] 5 CLJ 512 [HC]SUBJECT INDEX
Banker and customer - Bank draft - Bank draft dishonoured on allegation of counterfeit - E-mail sent with copy of bank draft attached to notify customer that bank draft was dishonoured - Bank draft labelled with word 'counterfeit' - Whether appellant could be held liable for defamation - Vicarious liability - Whether proved
RHB Bank Berhad v. Moon Trading Sdn Bhd
(Abdul Malik Ishak, Alizatul Khair Osman) [2014] 5 CLJ 443 [CA]BANKRUPTCY
Capacity of bankrupt - Sale of land by undischarged bankrupt - Claim for specific performance of sale and purchase agreement - Whether appellant has the capacity to deal with undivided shares - Official assignee not made a party - Official assignee not served with cause papers - Whether default judgment illegal and a nullity
Teoh Ah Mooi v. Causeway Bay Plantations Sdn Bhd
(Ramly Ali, Zaharah Ibrahim, Anantham Kasinather JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 466 [CA]CIVIL PROCEDURE
Bill of costs - Taxation - Getting up fees - Whether getting up fees awarded by senior assistant registrar ('SAR') sufficient - Whether award ought to be increased - Whether SAR erred in decision of granting award - Whether correct principles applied in awarding getting up fee - Rules of Court 2012, O. 92 r. 4
Giga Engineering & Construction Sdn Bhd v. Yip Chee Seng & Sons Sdn Bhd & Ors
(Su Geok Yiam J) [2014] 5 CLJ 512 [HC]Default judgment - Setting aside - Whether default judgment a nullity - Whether application to set aside barred by limitation - Limitation Act 1953, s. 6(3)
Teoh Ah Mooi v. Causeway Bay Plantations Sdn Bhd
(Ramly Ali, Zaharah Ibrahim, Anantham Kasinather JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 466 [CA]Judgments and orders - Judgment in default of defence - Case involving landed properties - Claim for specific performance - Whether leave ought to have been obtained - Whether default judgment contravened Rules of the High Court 1980 - Whether void ab initio
Asia Suria Plantation Sdn Bhd v. Telisai Co-operative Land Development Society
(Douglas Cristo Primus Sikayun JC) [2014] 5 CLJ 492 [HC]Res judicata - Matters which could reasonably have been raised in earlier proceedings - Claim for double rental - Interlocutory applications - Orders granted for vacant possession and interim payment of monthly rental pending disposal of action - Whether application for double rental should have been made during application for vacant possession - Whether appellant waived its rights to claim for double rental by accepting sums payable under interim orders - Whether order for possession a final judgment - Whether appellant prevented from re-litigating matter - Whether interim orders granted had anything to do with claim for double rental - Whether claim for double rental allowed
YT Marketing Sdn Bhd v. Tan Whye Kion & Anor
(Clement Skinner, Lim Yee Lan, Rohana Yusuf JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 477 [CA]CONTRACT
Construction - Lease agreement - Whether lease void for non-registration - Whether parties chose to proceed with lease agreement notwithstanding non-registration of lease - Whether agreement to grant lease valid and enforceable - Whether plaintiff estopped from asserting that agreement for lease was void - Whether plaintiff entitled to refund for deposit paid
Pembinaan Eastern Aluminium Sdn Bhd v. Narita Shipping & Transport Sdn Bhd
(Mohamad Ariff Yusof, Tengku Maimun, Varghese George JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 431 [CA]Lease - Breach - Termination - Termination of agreement on ground of financial difficulty - Whether agreement could subsequently be terminated for nullity
Pembinaan Eastern Aluminium Sdn Bhd v. Narita Shipping & Transport Sdn Bhd
(Mohamad Ariff Yusof, Tengku Maimun, Varghese George JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 431 [CA]CRIMINAL LAW
Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Section 39B(1)(a) - Trafficking - Prima facie case - Whether established - Admissibility of confession statement - Evidence Act 1950, s. 27 - Scope of - Whether information must be tested for voluntariness to result in conviction- Whether s. 27 Evidence Act 1950 can be used to justify police turning an ordinary 'recovery' to 'discovery' - Whether voire dire must be conducted - Evidence Act 1950, s. 17(2) - Whether there was breach of safeguard provided under s. 37A Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Whether prosecution exceeded scope of s. 27 Evidence Act 1950 - Whether custody and control of drugs established - Whether there was nexus shown to link appellant to drugs
Liang Weng Heng v. PP
(Azahar Mohamed, Mohtarudin Baki, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 401 [CA]EVIDENCE
Information leading to fact discovered - Admissibility of confession statement - Evidence Act 1950, s. 27 - Scope of - Whether information must be tested for voluntariness to result in conviction - Whether s. 27 Evidence Act 1950 can be used to justify police turning an ordinary 'recovery' to 'discovery' - Applicability of s. 17(2) Evidence Act 1950 - Whether statements of appellant should go through process of voire dire - Whether court should have excluded evidence as highly prejudicial - Whether there was breach of safeguard provided under s. 37A Dangerous Drugs Act 1952 - Whether there was nexus shown to link appellant to drugs
Liang Weng Heng v. PP
(Azahar Mohamed, Mohtarudin Baki, Hamid Sultan Abu Backer JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 401 [CA]LAND LAW
Lease - Agreement for lease - Whether lease could be created without title to land - Whether issuance of issue document title contemplated - Whether lease legally effective under the National Land Code - Whether agreement to grant lease valid and enforceable - Whether parties chose to proceed with lease agreement notwithstanding non-registration of lease - Whether plaintiff estopped from asserting that agreement for lease was void - Whether plaintiff entitled for refund to deposit paid
Pembinaan Eastern Aluminium Sdn Bhd v. Narita Shipping & Transport Sdn Bhd
(Mohamad Ariff Yusof, Tengku Maimun, Varghese George JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 431 [CA]LANDLORD AND TENANT
Determination - Double rent - Claim for - Holding over after determination of tenancy - Interim orders - Application for vacant possession and interim payment of monthly rental pending disposal of action - Whether doctrine of res judicata applied during trial for claim of double rental - Whether order for possession a final judgment - Whether appellant prevented from re-litigating matter - Whether appellant waived its rights to claim for double rental - Whether interim orders granted had anything to do with claim for double rental - Whether claim for double rental allowed - Civil Law Act 1956, s. 28(4)(a)
YT Marketing Sdn Bhd v. Tan Whye Kion & Anor
(Clement Skinner, Lim Yee Lan, Rohana Yusuf JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 477 [CA]TORT
Defamation - Defamatory statements - Banking - Bank draft dishonoured on allegation of counterfeit - E-mail sent with copy of bank draft attached to notify customer that bank draft was dishonoured - Bank draft labelled with word 'counterfeit' - Whether appellant had published statement that bank draft was counterfeit - Relationship of master and servant - Whether existed between parties - Whether appellant could be held liable for defamation - Vicarious liability - Whether proved
RHB Bank Berhad v. Moon Trading Sdn Bhd
(Abdul Malik Ishak, Alizatul Khair Osman) [2014] 5 CLJ 443 [CA]UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATIONS
Societies - Co-operative society - Extraordinary general meeting (EGM) for disposal of land - Notice - Non-compliance with s. 41 Co-operative Societies Act 1993 and by-law of society - Whether notice bad in law - Whether breach of by-law - Whether breach rendered mandate given by members in EGM valid - Whether non-objection to notice legitimised breach
Asia Suria Plantation Sdn Bhd v. Telisai Co-operative Land Development Society
(Douglas Cristo Primus Sikayun JC) [2014] 5 CLJ 492 [HC]
CLJ 2014 Volume 5 (Part 5)
Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd v. Dynaforce Corporation Sdn Bhd
Abdul Malik Ishak, Aziah Ali, Mohtarudin Baki JJCA
(Contract - Assignment - Formation - Written documents - Privity of contract) [2014] 5 CLJ 533 [CA]Persatuan Pegawai-pegawai Bank, Semenanjung Malaysia (ABOM) v. Ketua Pengarah Kesatuan Sekerja, Malaysia & Ors
Abu Samah Nordin, Alizatul Khair Osman, Aziah Ali JJCA
(Administrative Law; Labour Law - Judicial review - Certiorari - Trade union - Registration) [2014] 5 CLJ 562 [CA]Sukhvinder Singh Naldip Singh v. PP
Abdul Malik Ishak, Azahar Mohamed, Balia Yusof Wahi JJCA
(Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; Evidence - Penal Code - Murder - Kidnapping - Circumstantial evidence) [2014] 5 CLJ 574 [CA]HIGH COURT
Bintang Garment Supplier Sdn Bhd v. Hytex Intergrated Bhd & Another Case
Kamaludin Md Said JC
(Civil Procedure; Words And Phrases - Pleadings - Admission of fault by defendant - Doctrine of res ipsa loquitur - Whether 'berlaku' carried meaning of 'broke out') [2014] 5 CLJ 605 [HC]Marc Jonathan Daniel v. Imej Parking Sdn Bhd
Lau Bee Lan J
(Tort - Negligence - Damages) [2014] 5 CLJ 629 [HC]RDS Bina Sdn Bhd v. Ong Chin Hoe & Anor
Mary Lim J
(Company Law; Civil Procedure - Lifting of corporate veil - Doctrine of separate legal responsibility) [2014] 5 CLJ 639 [HC]SUBJECT INDEX
Judicial review - Certiorari - Application to quash decision of Director General of Trade Unions allowing registration of in-house trade union - Whether proper recourse - Whether appellant should have appealed to Minister - Whether special circumstances justified non-compliance with s. 71A of Trade Unions Act 1959 - Rules of the High Court 1980, O. 53
Persatuan Pegawai-pegawai Bank, Semenanjung Malaysia (ABOM) v. Ketua Pengarah Kesatuan Sekerja, Malaysia & Ors
(Abu Samah Nordin, Alizatul Khair Osman, Aziah Ali JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 562 [CA]CIVIL PROCEDURE
Parties - Company - Lifting of corporate veil - Failure to settle plaintiff's debts - Whether company directors assumed company's liability - Whether directors right parties to action - Doctrine of separate legal responsibility - Whether veil of incorporation ought to be lifted
RDS Bina Sdn Bhd v. Ong Chin Hoe & Anor
(Mary Lim J) [2014] 5 CLJ 639 [HC]Pleadings - Admission of facts in defence - Admission in statement of defence that fire 'berlaku' - Whether 'berlaku' carried meaning of 'broke out' - Whether meaning of Bahasa Malaysia version of statement of claim prevails over translated version - Whether defendant bound by admission - Rules of Court 2012, O. 33 r. 2
Bintang Garment Supplier Sdn Bhd v. Hytex Intergrated Bhd & Another Case
(Kamaludin Md Said JC) [2014] 5 CLJ 605 [HC]Pleadings - Defence - Admission of fault by defendant - Doctrine of res ipsa loquitur - Whether applicable - Whether requirements for application of doctrine of res ipsa loquitur satisfied - Whether defendant rebutted inference of negligence - Rules of Court 2012, O. 33 r. 2
Bintang Garment Supplier Sdn Bhd v. Hytex Intergrated Bhd & Another Case
(Kamaludin Md Said JC) [2014] 5 CLJ 605 [HC]Pleadings - Failure to plead - Lifting of corporate veil - Specific plea - Whether defendant prejudiced - Whether statement of claim detailed and comprehensive - Whether specific language required
RDS Bina Sdn Bhd v. Ong Chin Hoe & Anor
(Mary Lim J) [2014] 5 CLJ 639 [HC]CONTRACT
Assignment - Formation - Written documents - Whether giving rise to any legal assignment - Passing of assignor's interest in chose in action - Whether must be entire and absolute - Failure to pass entire interest absolutely - Whether fatal - Whether creating no assignment in law - Required notice for assignment - Privity of contract
Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd v. Dynaforce Corporation Sdn Bhd
(Abdul Malik Ishak, Aziah Ali, Mohtarudin Baki JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 533 [CA]COMPANY LAW
Lifting of corporate veil - Mala fide actions - Company dissolved based on directors' statutory declaration - Whether directors assumed company's liability - Whether contents in statutory declaration mala fide - Whether there was specific plea in statement of claim for lifting of corporate veil - Whether special circumstances existed to warrant piercing of corporate veil - Doctrine of separate legal responsibility - Whether directors liable
RDS Bina Sdn Bhd v. Ong Chin Hoe & Anor
(Mary Lim J) [2014] 5 CLJ 639 [HC]CRIMINAL LAW
Penal Code - Section 302 - Murder - Circumstantial evidence - Whether victim kidnapped and murdered - Whether totality of evidence irresistibly pointing to guilt of first appellant - Whether appeal dismissed
Sukhvinder Singh Naldip Singh v. PP
(Abdul Malik Ishak, Azahar Mohamed, Balia Yusof Wahi JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 574 [CA]CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
Kidnapping - Kidnapping Act 1961, s. 3 - Conviction and sentence - Appeal against - Victim kidnapped and murdered - Whether kidnapping staged by victim himself - Whether victim under confinement or restraint - Whether conviction safe - Whether appeal allowed
Sukhvinder Singh Naldip Singh v. PP
(Abdul Malik Ishak, Azahar Mohamed, Balia Yusof Wahi JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 574 [CA]EVIDENCE
Adverse inference - Murder - Failure to call witness - Whether presumption arose against prosecution - Whether prosecution's discretion in calling of witnesses - Whether presumption arose only for failure to call material witness - Evidence Act 1950, s. 114(g)
Sukhvinder Singh Naldip Singh v. PP
(Abdul Malik Ishak, Azahar Mohamed, Balia Yusof Wahi JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 574 [CA]LABOUR LAW
Trade union - Registration - Director General of Trade Unions (DGTU) allowing registration of in-house trade union - Whether trade union representing workmen already existed - Whether DGTU could refuse registration under s. 12(2) of Trade Unions Act 1959 - Whether registration resulted in multiplicity of union - Whether DGTU considered all relevant matters before registering trade union - Whether decision tainted with Wednesbury unreasonableness
Persatuan Pegawai-pegawai Bank, Semenanjung Malaysia (ABOM) v. Ketua Pengarah Kesatuan Sekerja, Malaysia & Ors
(Abu Samah Nordin, Alizatul Khair Osman, Aziah Ali JJCA) [2014] 5 CLJ 562 [CA]TORT
Negligence - Damages - Damage to plaintiff's car - Valet parking services provided by defendant - Damage caused by negligent act of defendant - Water seeped into car causing damage to intricate electronic system - Evidence by plaintiff's mechanic - Whether reliable - Whether damage caused by water seepage - Whether proved - Failure to produce specialist report - Whether there was necessity to call specialist in automative field - Whether damages awarded to plaintiff
Marc Jonathan Daniel v. Imej Parking Sdn Bhd
(Lau Bee Lan J) [2014] 5 CLJ 629 [HC]WORDS AND PHRASES
'broke out' - Admission in statement of defence that fire 'berlaku' - Whether 'berlaku' carried meaning of 'broke out' - Whether meaning of Bahasa Malaysia version of statement of claim prevails over translated version
Bintang Garment Supplier Sdn Bhd v. Hytex Intergrated Bhd & Another Case
(Kamaludin Md Said JC) [2014] 5 CLJ 605 [HC]ARTICLELegal Network Series Article(s)
1st APRIL 2015: A DATE WITH THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE?* [Read excerpt]
Number Title Date coming into force Repealing ACT 762 Goods And Services Tax Act 2014 Not Yet In Force -Nil- ACT 761 Finance Act 2014 See s 3 for the Income Tax Act; s 33 for the Stamp Act; s 36 for the Petroleum (Income Tax) Act; s 44 for the Real Property Gains Tax Act and s 50 for the Labuan Business Activity Tax Act -Nil- ACT 760 Fees (Department Of Museums Malaysia) (Validation) Act 2014 1 January 1991 to 11 June 2012 -Nil- ACT 759 Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 30 June 2013 [PU(B) 277/2013] - except para(s) 1 to 10 of Schedule 9 and para(s) 13 to 19 of Schedule 9 -Nil- ACT 758 Financial Services Act 2013 30 June 2013 [PU(B) 276/2013] - except s 129 and Schedule 9 -Nil- Amending Acts
Number Title Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No ACT A1462 Judges' Remuneration (Amendment) Act 2014 1 January 2014 - sections 2, 4, 5 and 6; 1 July 2013 - section 3 ACT 45 ACT A1461 Supplementary Supply (2013) Act 2014 13 June 2014 -Nil- ACT A1460 Prison (Amendment) Act 2014 3 April 2014 ACT 537 ACT A1459 Prevention Of Crime (Amendment And Extension) Act 2014 2 April 2014 ACT 297 ACT A1457 Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 2014 15 February 2014 ACT 234 PU(A)
Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No PU(A) 165/2014 Excise (Control Of Toddy And Toddy Shops) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 20 June 2014 1 July 2014 PU(A) 157/1977 PU(A) 164/2014 Excise (Amendment) Regulations 2014 20 June 2014 1 July 2014 PU(A) 161/1977 PU(A) 163/2014 Excise (Licensing Boards) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 20 June 2014 1 July 2014 PU(A) 155/1977 PU(A) 162/2014 Excise (Bottling And Movement Of Intoxicating Liquors) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 20 June 2014 1 July 2014 PU(A) 158/1977 PU(A) 161/2014 Excise (Sale By Retail Of Intoxicating Liquor By Chemists) (Amendment) Order 2014 20 June 2014 1 July 2014 PU(A) 154/1977 PU(B)
Number Title Date of Publication Date coming into force Principal/Amending Act No PU(B) 260/2014 Notification Of Values Of Palm Kernel Under Section 12 30 May 2014 1 June 2014 to 30 June 2014 ACT 235; PU(A) 275/2012 PU(B) 259/2014 Notification Of Values Of Crude Palm Oil Under Section 12 30 May 2014 1 June 2014 to 30 June 2014 ACT 235; PU(A) 275/2012 PU(B) 258/2014 Notice To Third Parties 29 May 2014 30 May 2014 ACT 613 PU(B) 257/2014 Notice To Third Parties 29 May 2014 30 May 2014 ACT 613 PU(B) 256/2014 Notice To Third Parties 29 May 2014 30 May 2014 ACT 613 To view previous issues of the CLJ Bulletin, Click here
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